Torres Small triggered by proof of fraud in 2018 CD-2 race — claims it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’

On Thursday, Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, who is running again for the 2nd Congressional District, sent out a panicky-sounding fundraising email trying to disprove the blatant fraud uncovered in the 2018 race, which she “won” by the grace of absentee ballots showing up out of the blue in Doña Ana County.

The email, titled “NEW: Yvette’s latest conspiracy theory” appears to be in response to a video Herrell released three months ago regarding the massive signs of fraud found in the 2018 race. 

Torres Small’s email reads, “Yvette Herrell just released her 1 minute pitch to voters, and she’s taking her conspiracy theories to a new level, even going so far as to allege that there was ‘fraud’ in 2018.”

But despite Torres Small’s best attempts at masking the fraud that did, indeed happen in 2018, evidence proves that fraud was rampant.

On election night 2018,Republican Yvette Herrell was up in the vote count late in the evening. However, the Secretary of State’s office announced that ballots would cease to be counted until the next morning. From the time counting stopped to when it resumed in the morning, there would be ample time for the outcome to flip — be it organically or by the hands of those handling the votes.

That morning, ballots were found that pushed Democrat Xochitl Torres Small into a tight win, in counties where Small lost handily, such as in heavily-Republican Eddy County, only receiving 30% of the vote. But Torres Small’s absentee number was a much higher figure, 54.7%, close to double. 

According to the report conducted after the election, “These anomalies are not simply organic. Reviewing the historical returns in the CD2 district, over the last five election cycles, the same degrees of variation between absentee votes and EV/ED votes do not exist in CD2 in any cycle to the degree found in the 2018 race.” 

Other major anomalies occurred, but the most malevolent of them is the 25% of absentee voters who requested ballots in Doña Ana County and never returned them — a number that rarely reaches 5%. According to the report:

“it is probably the strongest purely statistical red flag present in this whole election  — of the possibility that someone was submitting absentee ballot applications for Democrats. There is also a significantly high number of duplicate applications — where one voter supposedly submitted more than one absentee ballot application or submitted an absentee application after the absentee ballot had been received, or the voter had voted in person. In many of these cases the signature on the duplicate applications do not match each other.”

Torres Small claims that election fraud did not happen and that her supposed “win in 2018 was real.” But the anomalies, as proven by the independent report prove that such anomalies cannot possibly be coincidental. Her email fundraising gimmick appears to be just another way for her campaign to solicit donations based on a conspiracy theory of her own.


3 thoughts on “Torres Small triggered by proof of fraud in 2018 CD-2 race — claims it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’”

  1. The Ad was very well done and convincing. Small keeps sending mail for donations and she calls wanting a teleconference. I thought Silicon Valley was donating money to her campaign? Maybe not, but I wouldn’t give her the time of day.

  2. Maria_Garcia_US

    It’s not as if NM isn’t well known for crazy elections. How many times have criminals won from jail?
    Dems can’t win with a good platform so of course they are against election integrity.

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