Taxpayers footing $11M bill for Chinese solar shell company’s move to NM

Ebon Solar, along with state officials, announced plans on Wednesday for an enormous 834,000-square-foot solar cell manufacturing facility at Mesa del Sol in Bernalillo County. Maxeon Solar Technologies intends to build its own massive manufacturing site at this location, which is already home to Netflix’s West Coast production hub.

Despite being marketed by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office as having ties to Delaware, Ebon Solar’s parent company, Ebang International Holdings, is based in Hangzhou, communist China. The company, which recently registered the trademark “Ebon Solar” on July 12, claims it plans to invest $942 million into the new facility.

Judy Cai, CEO of Ebon Solar, stated, “Our choice of Albuquerque for our investment aligns with our commitment to sustainable innovation, and New Mexico offers abundant solar resources, favorable renewable energy policies, and a dedicated, skilled workforce.” She emphasized that these factors would enhance Ebon Solar’s capital investment and production capabilities, making Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, and the state of New Mexico ideal partners as they integrate into the so-called clean energy market.

The planned expansion at Mesa del Sol follows a similar announcement from Maxeon Solar Technologies last year. The Singapore-based company plans to build a 1.9 million-square-foot plant in the same community, expected to create 1,800 jobs at full capacity.

Ebon Solar’s proposed facility at Mesa del Sol signifies a significant victory for New Mexico, which has been actively promoting advanced solar expansions under the Lujan Grisham regime. In addition to Ebon and Maxeon, Albuquerque-based Array Technologies Inc. committed more than $50 million to a new campus.

However, the expansion of Ebon Solar to New Mexico comes with significant financial implications for taxpayers. The state, city, and county are expected to provide substantial investments and tax breaks to the company. Mark Roper, interim secretary for the New Mexico Economic Development Department, mentioned that the state is proposing $10 million in Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) funds, while the city of Albuquerque plans to contribute another $1 million. Therefore, taxpayers will be directly funding at least $11 million to communist China.

“I would expect to see some activity on that in August,” Roper said.

Marcos Gonzales, economic development director for Bernalillo County, indicated that the county’s role would involve managing Ebon’s industrial revenue bond (IRB) application, which typically provides tax breaks for expanding companies. He explained that the IRB application would be introduced at a Bernalillo County Commission meeting next week.

“The fundamental piece is they convey the property to the county, and then we lease it back to them for the term of the IRB,” Gonzales said. “So in this case, like 30 years, and then at the end of it, we give it back to the property owner, and then they start paying property taxes. So, it’s the leaseback structure that creates the savings for the company.”

The announcement of Ebon Solar’s expansion was the result of a concerted effort by private and public officials, including the New Mexico Partnership and the Albuquerque Regional Economic Alliance, which served as a project management partner during Ebon’s market evaluation process.

Governor Lujan Grisham, currently on a 10-day trip to India focusing on economic development and education, praised the expansion in a statement, saying, “We have succeeded in making New Mexico a global center for advanced energy manufacturing. Ebon Solar joins other leading companies in embracing New Mexico’s commitment to renewable energy, its talented, dedicated workforce, and the opportunities we provide for job training and tuition-free college. All this works together to diversify the economy and create high-paying jobs for New Mexico’s families.”

Lujan Grisham traveled to communist China during her time in Congress and during her gubernatorial administration and met with communist Chinese Consul General Zhang Ping, being a very close ally to the regime, as evidenced by these deals enriching the oppressive enemy of the United States. 


17 thoughts on “Taxpayers footing $11M bill for Chinese solar shell company’s move to NM”

  1. MLG will be long out of office before the kickback check is in the bank… so will the Pinon Post investigate this further in about 1.5 years to check the wealth increase index for MLG or her body shop hubby? In the meantime, the solar companies will import workers from outside of NM because New Mexican workers are not prepared, trained or willing to work due to the handouts and low education rates of the past decade (at the least a decade).

    Once again NM, a democrat politician is misusing your tax dollars to become very, very rich. Rich, while you struggle more at the pump, the grocery store and more…

    New Mexico, DO BETTER!

    Rev. Rico

    1. you nailed it…. And so praying for people to wake up and realize we are being sold down the river. We already know that MLG has sold her soul to evil and will do whatever to line her pockets. But that will do her no good come judgement day!

      1. I knew it was a scam 5 yrs ago when solar Co offered me a 20 year loan. I’m 73 so payoff at 93 then said company went bankrupt. NM is famous for this kind of insanity

  2. How New Mexicans let this go without hammering the Governor on giving money to and promoting the CCP is mind blowing. Aiding and abetting the enemy!

  3. Mixed feelings about this one, as the previous commenter said, where are they getting said workforce from as there is already a shortage of workers in the state and to what benefit will those of us in the south state receive. It will also drive up housing prices in an already tight market. I guess the guv only needs the south state for our taxes.

    1. WE are not short on workers, but short on people who are willing to do an honest day of work. There are too many people who like the handouts and are too lazy to work. Look around the city, there are many signs of companies hiring.

  4. Just what we need, giving the Chinese closer access to Los Alamos National Labs, Sandia National Labs and Kirkland AFB. I hope the FBI, CIA and other alphabet soup agencies are keeping a VERY CLOSE EYE on this.

  5. From a practical viewpoint…these operations require unlimited water supplies ,will we end up rationing water to enrich our foreign masters .

  6. All of you are correct, our schools and our governor/government suck. They are like the big cities keeping people on the plantation to get votes. Yes southern NM has no voice, but over all the state continues to vote the same POSs into office. If your spouse beats you, you must leave and never look back, if your government abuses you, you must vote differently as voting for the same way only continues the abuse. Time for NM to wake up. Also lets fix our schools to they teach the 3 Rs and stop them from teaching race division and that our children were born in the wrong bodies. Come on pull your heads out of your butts. Last but not least, vote the communist out of office, you were better off when Trump was in office, Vote fore Trump in NOV it is imperative to keep the US alive. Other wise learn Mandarin which is what the CCP will force us to speak.

  7. WAKE UP QUIRKIES… and all New Mexican Citizens!

    This isn’t a SOLAR company…
    This is a Microchip FAB company…
    That makes solar cells too…

    Why Albuquerque?

    A $3,500,000,000.00 expansion
    A 3,100 person pool of TALENT

    Chinese Yuan from their destroyed but fake money valuation will be used to poach talent from INTEL…

    So our fool of a Governor, fool of a Mayor and others…

    We have 55 BILLION Dollars in our various Sovereign Funds right now.
    The fund managers are doing an amazing job… generating 6% to 8% annually on that principle amount… which folks, is $3.5B to $4B in interest alone…


    We should be using our WEALTH as the 3rd RICHEST State in America…

    Chinese will invest $1B to make this plant…
    Are you KIDDING ME… ????

    We could invest JUST 6 months of Sovereign Fund INTEREST alone…
    And build a TWO BILLION DOLLAR PLANT ourselves…

    American Solar Cells
    New Mexican Solar Cells…Sold to America and the WORLD…

    Employ TWICE as many AMERICANS…
    and have NO Foreign Interference, Spying, Poaching, Complications.

    Fist Pump this… this is STUPID BEYOND BELIEF… especially since we have more than enough high tech PhD’s here that should be guiding these NM efforts…

    Needs to be blocked… 100%

    Thorium is the actual eventual answer…
    Did you know that we have enough in STORAGE next door in Nevada
    To power all of America for free, for the next 200 years ????

    Robert K

  8. Why not? A $10M mega abortion facility and now an $11M communist “corporation” courtesy of taxpayers. NM is and always has been a cesspool of corruption.

  9. Let’s not forget a company owned by the Chinese Government is now a few short miles from Kirtland AFB and the National Labs. This sounds like treason to me.

  10. How can we legally just stop paying taxes? Give to the projects we approve of only? I hate that our hard earned money is being used for things so horrid. Our tax money even goes to pay her salary and she should be earning it, not squandering it.
    I would be ok paying school taxes or road taxes if I knew the money was being used here locally but being in southern NM, we pay all this money and don’t see any, ANY return for our investment. From our point of view, it all goes to Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

  11. As with Dominion Voting Systems…how much will be the KICKBACK to MLG? Are so naiive to believe this is a ‘clean deal’? Knowing DemocRats as we do, and from past experience…I don’t trust of believe any of it.

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