Panicked NM Dems run cover for Biden after debate bloodbath

On Thursday night, Democrat Joe Biden suffered the greatest humiliation likely ever known to an incumbent White House occupant when taking the debate stage on CNN against 45th President Donald Trump, who came off strong against the feeble leftist, who struggled to form sentences and rambled incoherently on many topics. The network’s Dana Bash and Jake Tapper moderated the debate, following strict rules agreed upon by both candidates.

Following the bloodbath, New Mexico Democrats scrambled to attempt to salvage what they could of what Biden left them.

Far-left Democrat state Sen. Harold Pope tried to blame CNN for the fiasco, writing, “We should have had @KyleClark moderating this debate!”

The Democrat Party of New Mexico denied all reality, writing, “From highlighting historic infrastructure improvements to protecting fundamental abortion rights, President Joe Biden showed tonight that he continues to deliver landmark achievements that directly benefit New Mexican families and deserves another term.”

After Biden was annihilated on the stage over his abortion up-to-birth and after birth policies, Maryland-dwelling Sen. Martin Heinrich wrote, “Would take days to fact check them all but let me make clear that there is literally no such thing as an after-birth abortion.”

In New Mexico alone, abortion up-to-birth policies have left women maimed and even killed, while babies have been killed even after birth. Infanticide has happened inside and outside of abortion facilities, including children being born and left to die on delivery room tables (at UNM Hospital).

Heinrich’s communications director Caty Payette was also caught tweeting clips of the HBO show “Veep” during the debate, showing the show’s Vice President Selina Myers character saying, “What the f**k?”

Far-left Democrat Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico’s First District wrote, “Donald Trump. Bad for democracy and bad for America.”

While Trump trails Biden in New Mexico, polls indicate that he is within a single digit of the Democrat. With such a major freakout from Democrats after Thursday’s debate, it is clear the Land of Enchantment very well could be in play in November.


11 thoughts on “Panicked NM Dems run cover for Biden after debate bloodbath”

  1. A*hole stunt running Biden in the first place. Now MSM pretends they are surprised at his mental deterioration when they have covered for him all along?

  2. Not to worry ,democracy ( mob rule) will rue the day. the voting machines, not the voters, will select the winner of obamas 4th term, the “face” of the future.

  3. Only the most pathetic leftists are defending Brandon at this point. He was so embarrassing to watch last night, almost the entire Dem base and most of its media supporters are begging for his replacement. To defend him now is to embrace a form of cognitive dissonance only the most delusional can muster. And the most delusional of them, of course, reside in NM.

  4. I was quite surprised at the mostly balanced questioning approach taken by the two CNN debate moderators.

    Hey, I watched it simulcast on FOX News network as I really don’t want to boost CNN ratings! But if that network would actually lose the extreme progressive bias, they might actually find their viewership take a jump in a positive direction.

    Sadly, the leftist Dem politicians in New Mexico just do not get it. Would like to see a montage put together and shared here on Pinon Post of post-debate comments attempting to defend crazy Joe’s poor performance!

  5. You either ride the bucking horse for 8 seconds or your are bucked off. Old Joe got his ass bucked off and he hit the ground hard!!!

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