Rachael Hein made the decision to move her family from New Mexico to Missouri, prompted by her concerns over policies at her daughter’s school, Las Cruces Centennial High School, particularly a facility known as “the transgender closet,” according to Fox News.
Hein told the outlet about her decision, mentioning how a Facebook post led her to investigate the gender-inclusive closet initiative at the high school. “I had to verify it because I don’t immediately take everything on Facebook at face value,” she said. Upon confirmation, Hein felt compelled to act, citing discomfort with the environment her daughter was being exposed to and the potential for her children to be influenced by messages she didn’t agree with.
The controversy stemmed from a grant awarded to the high school by the It Gets Better organization in 2022, aimed at supporting trans and gender non-conforming students by providing a gender-inclusive space stocked with affirming supplies and clothing.

Hein’s dissatisfaction with the educational system wasn’t new. The pandemic had already made her more engaged with her children’s schooling, leading her to experiment with homeschooling and online education. The decision to add 10 extra days to the school calendar for the 2022-2023 year, described by Hein as “party days,” added to her frustration, feeling they lacked educational value.
Hein was particularly disillusioned with the response from school boards and education officials, feeling her concerns were acknowledged but not genuinely considered. “It seemed like they were on a predetermined course, regardless of community feedback,” she expressed.

The move to Missouri represented a significant shift for Hein and her family, who found the new environment more receptive to parental involvement and community engagement. “It’s a different vibe here; more communal and safer for my kids to just be kids,” Hein noted.
Despite her departure from Las Cruces, Hein encouraged those remaining to stay active and involved in the educational conversation. “Change only happens when people speak up and participate, rather than staying silent on the sidelines,” she advised.
Fox News Digital sought a comment from Las Cruces Centennial High School, which has not yet provided a response.
This whole transgender crap is nothing but pure evil for our children and if the schools here continue with this crap we need to find alternatives to save our kids. The alternatives are to move, or send your kids to schools like Legacy Schools here in Albuquerque, where this insane stuff is not permitted. There are alternatives people. We need to start finding them, and implementing them. The left, our governor and the left leaning republicans are destroying what this nation was. They are setting up a new distopia that will not be good for Citizens of this great nation. Wake the hell up people.
People need to remove their children from public schools. Similarly, girls in sports need to quit their teams if “males” are allowed to compete. I know these are very difficult decisions. Athletes train hard and are dedicated and it is not easy to not participate. Same with homeschooling. It is not easy. Conservative groups should help with money and organizational assistance. If 30%TO 40% leave the school system it will bankrupt it. A very good thing. Also work to remove property taxes. Why should only property owners pay for schools? I am also moving to the first State that secedes. It will not be easy. I love where I live but that is what a revolution will demand.
You are SO RIGHT 100%!
This whole transgender crap is nothing but pure evil for our children and if the schools here continue with this crap we need to find alternatives to save our kids. The alternatives are to move, or send your kids to schools like Legacy Schools here in Albuquerque, where this insane stuff is not permitted. There are alternatives people. We need to start finding them, and implementing them. The left, our governor and the left leaning republicans are destroying what this nation was. They are setting up a new distopia that will not be good for Citizens of this great nation. Wake the hell up people.
What is the tuition at Legacy Schools?
Perhaps the surgeons preforming the surgery can be held financially and criminally negligent, longer than the statue of limitations allows for children. Although I think the statue of limitations begins at age 18, maybe boost it to 21 years. If they wish to retire or move out of state, require a big bond.
We got your bigotry the first time robert.
No need to show your ignorance twice.
This trend of “everyone has to participate and celebrate” Trans bullshit needs to end!! AND the grooming of children BETTER END NOW!!
Exit, stage left.
Grooming tom? Really? You do realize the vast majority of pedophiles are older white men who groom and prey on young girls? If not, check out the statistics. I know it will come as a surprise to your pea brain but facts are facts and there are no alternative facts either Tom. Just sayin’.
And while we’re at it, the “author ” of this farce is living with his boyfriend. Check out the names on the deed to their house. But ol’ John is a self hating queer who thinks he can convince his readers he’s not a self hating queer.
Just sayin’
God left us very few responsibilities. Take care of the earth and animals, and to raise our children up in the ways of God. Very basic, very easy.
However, some people believe it is ok to do evil in the “closet” and then expect all of the rest of the God fearing people to accept it when they bust out of the closet.
God, have mercy on us all…
Good for her and I understand why she did that. Crazy blue states should know that if they turn their communities and schools into hellscapes, good people and businesses will leave and take their tax base with them. Voters need to wake up and stop electing lunatics to public offices and school boards.
Sad, I also have wanted to move away from this corrupt marxist state. Many of the folks are brainwashed and even though they are conservative them vote in the marxists. I still have hope and work to help change this in our community. Figure I will give up once I cannot take care of our place due to age.
Boy, I can’t tell you how fortunate and thankful I am for finally leaving APS, at the end of May 2023. I’ve been teaching high school chem/bio/physics since 2000–here in NM and in FL. I now work as a chemist in private industry–but have plans on taking my career out of state. As the article reflects, some of us may have to make the decision to finally move out of this Blue state for reasons of safety, health, and protection of our Constitutional Rights. Hopefully, when that time comes, our family (and yours) will be ready to leave at a moments notice. God speed!
My Son did the same thing for in September. Moved to Tennessee. My Grandson is a High School Senior was told to write a paper his first week in school there. He got it back with red marks and a note asking where he learned to write a paper at. A policeman was killed and they let the schools out so they could all attend the funeral.
Another excellent option is “Home Schooling” which far surpasses public schooling by leaps and bounds.
I’m glad my children are grown but really worry about my grandchildren’s future. I have one daughter who homeschools all four of her children and they are thriving.
This is a high school, so at least we are talking ‘young adults’ who are hopefully more mature and self-aware, and able to withstand the propaganda. Imagine the same crap taking place in elementary-mid school. Even so, it is the responsibility of Parents to decide such things for children, not teachers and councilors, many of whom have their own agendas. But I have seen this subject discussed on Nextdoor and Facebook, and it becomes clear most parents have no idea this is going on. FakeNews doen’t report it, or when they do, they call us BOOK BANNERS, and HATERS and HOMOPHOBES.
Because you are!
Change Course New Mexico has been gathering signatures for the Referendum petitions since last June. Most people have no idea the legislature passed 4 bills related to abortion & Trans stuff. We need to get enough signatures by June to get them.on the ballot this fall. Go to Better Together New Mexico and find information.
I understand her reasons for relocation but her admonishment to get involved and fight back rings somewhat hollow as she shakes the dust of NM from her boots. No one ever won a fight who left the arena.
While I agree that you should fight if you can, your first choice should always be to protect your family. A six-year-old can’t usually tell the green-haired teacher with the pretty rainbow flag on her desk to leave him or her alone.
This is called the sesame street syndrome.the brainwashing started early, and continued with the simpsons.high schoolers are the lefts soldiers.
We, too, were from Las Cruces and moved to Texas about 4 years ago – for this and other reasons – rising crime rates and cartels moving more into the area, a blatantly dishonest and lying Mayor Miyagashima and his councilors who didn’t care if they or their buddies violated their own laws while making false allegations against those who spoke up and expecting others to adhere to the same laws, etc., etc., etc.! The list goes on and on!!! Las Cruces isn’t the same wonderful community it used to be!
We moved from Las Cruces to Texas about 4 years ago – for this and other reasons – rising crime rates and cartels moving more into the area, a blatantly dishonest and lying Mayor Miyagashima and his councilors who didn’t care if they or their buddies violated their own laws while making false allegations against those who spoke up and expecting others to adhere to the same laws, etc., etc., etc.! The list goes on and on!!! Las Cruces isn’t the same wonderful community it used to be!
Did you need to post this twice shelly?
We got your bigotry the first time
All in the effort to depopulate New Mexico.