Lujan Grisham cries ‘Trump recession’ while NM has 34.5% higher unemployment rate than nation

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics published the August unemployment numbers. While the country’s rate has fallen significantly from 10.2% in July to 8.4% in August, New Mexico continues to remain stagnant at 11.3%, which is 25% higher than the national rate, and the sixth-highest in the nation.

While other states’ economies are opening back up, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham still is keeping a tight lockdown, with extremely gradual reopenings, such as at Thursday’s presser where she announced “limited” youth sports to start, ice hockey rinks to open, and pumpkin patches to resume. 

However, the Governor’s lockdown has forced thousands of businesses to close and New Mexico working families to suffer while she has spent away the Federal stimulus funds granted to the state for COVID-19 relief. Last week, she asked Congress for yet another bailout, which was met with fury from local business owners due to her irresponsible budgeting.  

Larry Behrens from Power the future said of the 11.3% New Mexico unemployment rate, “It’s no coincidence that at the same time New Mexico’s unemployment rate is among the highest in the country our energy workers are struggling. Radical environmentalists and their allies in Santa Fe may celebrate when an energy worker loses their job, but behind our abysmal unemployment rate are real families who are hurting.”

On Wednesday, Lujan Grisham attempted to brush off her state’s failed economy under her leadership by blaming what she called the “Trump recession” hurting Hispanic and Latino communities in a tweet. She claimed Trump’s “failed pandemic response” led to suffering in these communities, despite the President taking early action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic while Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden (who Lujan Grisham endorsed) blasted Trump as “xenophobic” for restricting travel from China, where the virus originated. 

Now, while the country is getting back on track to economic progress, Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico lacks behind as the 45th in unemployment, despite her claiming “We’re doing about the same economically as Arizona” in her Thursday press conference. Arizona, led by Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, has a much lower unemployment rate than New Mexico. All of New Mexico’s neighboring states have lower unemployment rates, with Arizona at 5.9%, Colorado at 6.7%, Texas at 6.8%, and Utah at 4.1%.

Later on Friday, Lujan Grisham sent out an email to supporters bashing President Trump’s leadership during COVID-19, writing “President Trump has single-handedly botched the coronavirus response, refused to take action while knowing how deadly and dangerous COVID-19 would be – and proclaimed he ‘take[s] no responsibility’ and that ‘nothing more could have been done.’”


12 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham cries ‘Trump recession’ while NM has 34.5% higher unemployment rate than nation”

  1. This is almost laughable. MLG has single handledly killed. NM. She has shut down restaurants and businesses and all the box stores remained open. She has shut down our schools on the Eastern side of the state because we did not vote for her. She is the very worst Governor NM has ever had. How many Corm Maize fields and ice skating rinks are in NM? Let our kids play football, basketball, baseball. The lack of things for our kids do has caused more suicides, along with increased drug use. We are the lowest on the scale for Education and highest for Suicides! What does that tell you. Can NM stand 2 more years?????

  2. This is totally unnecessary and she must be stopped. Pennsylvania just ruled lock down orders et al are unconstitutional and the Constitution can never be over ridden, especially in an “emergency”. This is a fake emergency, there never was one. Where are the repubs and their lawsuits? Why haven’t they done anything to protect the people’s God given rights?

    Why isn’t anyone covering this information? See Jon Rappaport for everything you need to know about this insurrection and tyranny. Masks do not work, and they cause illness. Stop complying to unconstitutional orders. See Marbury vs Madison.

  3. Once the election is over she will open the state. She doesn’t care that we all Struggle to make ends meet all she cares about is
    Looking good for Biden. She is In line for a position in his cabinet. God I hope he’s Losers that will burst her bubble

  4. Gruesome ain’t done yet. I heard dem governors are going to secede their states when they can’t cheat their way into a win come November. Is everyone ready to fight the cartels and the commie traitors she works for and defend themselves and their communities from enemies both foreign and domestic?

    Where is the lawsuit repubs? Lawyers? Where is the challenge to the red flag laws? Where is the challenge that Pennsylvania and Ohio won against their tyrannical governors? Talk is cheap. Show us you can walk your talk.

  5. The only way to beat Covid is to open up everything. The virus has to run it’s course. Lockdown after lockdown just extends the the pandemic. This is being done driven by Democrats to be able to twist the facts and try to pin the blame on Republicans so they can hopefully gain the WH and the Senate. They have no other platform to put forward. They the Dems only care about their power, wealth and to be able to “RULE” over you.

  6. The only reason why we have a 34.5% of unemployment is because she won’t open up the state like the other states that are open… if we were opened we could have less than what we do… she just messing up our state that was once good… plus covid has always been here since the earth is old… so there isn’t a reason why we should be closed or have to wear mask all the time… the masks are just making us sick… we were all fine before everyone flipped out when there wasn’t a reason to… it’s the dam governor’s fault that we have a lot of unemployed people.

  7. Pingback: Census Bureau Reported Median Household Income in 2019 Grew a Whopping 6.8%—the Largest Annual Increase on Record . . . – KRTN Enchanted Air Radio

  8. Hmmmm….. who is responsible for keeping New Mexico Closed Down? Particularly Restaurants? Weren’t we told 30 days to flatten the curve? Now almost 7 months later some businesses are still shuttered, restaurants can’t serve even at 70% Capacity! She opened them once to shutter them and send them into 110 degree heat in the parking lots or patios if the restaurant had a patio. Schools aren’t operational and we rate 48th to 50th in Education! Parents can’t work for trying to home school their kids!! Nope this is #MichelleLujanGrisham fault plain and simple!

  9. Typical Loserjan Gruesome blaming any and every one else for her lack of competence! The sooner she is dragged out of the roundhouse the better off New Mexico will be!

  10. Very inconsiderate of her to be flashing all that bling bling knowing that NM families are struggling due to her actions.

  11. Pingback: ABQ News Albuquerque - Fox Radio ABQ.FM - A STATE RICH IN WEALTH — AND OPPORTUNISM

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