Libs flip out after someone writes ‘Jesus Saves’ in chalk on Santa Fe ‘Pride’ flag

The far-left was radio silent during the Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots that resulted in the destruction of property, attacks on businesses, and the desecration of historical monuments. They were equally silent when extremist anti-Hispanic hate groups attacked and toppled the Soldiers Monument that formerly sat in downtown Santa Fe for over 150 years.

However, now they suddenly care about vandalism after an LGBT “Progress Pride” flag installed on the pavement in Santa Fe’s plaza by the City was repeatedly defaced. The flag claims to support not only the gay community but includes transgender and “people of color” in its design as supposed marginalized communities. 

Someone wrote “Jesus Saves” across the flag in white chalk. 

Santa Fe City Manager John Blair complained about the taxpayer-funded painted flag being defaced, telling KOB 4, “Intentionally placing ‘Jesus saves’ over a version of a pride flag is not intended to be loving or welcoming. It’s meant to be discriminatory and hateful.”

Apparently, Blair believes Jesus is “hateful.”

According to KOB 4, “This display will only be up until the end of the month, but the city is planning on installing a permanent rainbow flag over by the Rail Yard Markets.”

In Albuquerque, a taxpayer-funded $30,000 rainbow crosswalk that was installed by far-left Mayor Tim Keller has been repeatedly vandalized. 

It is unclear why these cities that purport to be proud of their flag would put it in a place where it can be written on, much less walked or driven on. 

Is writing "Jesus Saves" in chalk over the "Progress Pride" flag offensive?

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51 thoughts on “Libs flip out after someone writes ‘Jesus Saves’ in chalk on Santa Fe ‘Pride’ flag”

    1. Jesus didn’t need a flag
      to bring different groups
      of people together.
      But, ohhh brother, when he returns
      His flag will sit head and shoulders
      above the rest, for He is King of Kings and
      Lord of Lords; and when He cancel you
      it is for real!

        1. Yes. He’s coming in “anger mood,” taking vengeance on those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel.

    2. JESUS THE CHRIST is ALL about love and forgiveness of sin. City Manager, John Blair, apparently has not heard the gospel.

    3. …and only people who want to be represented by that flag are represented and it does not represent me – a Christian man of color.

  1. For one its chalk, wash it off after they wash out their festering wound between their legs. Second freedom of speech covers both messages whether they like it or not. 1A prevails. Dont let these commies push this.

  2. “ What is Truth”? It, the Truth, asks for nothing but to be known in order to teach what it is, Jesus is truth and love, but you cannot bless sin.

    1. The truth shall set you free. The gays can repent, and that means to turn away from the sin of homosexuality. His grace is sufficient for thee.

    1. Automatic transmission fluid.
      Make the surface permanently unable to bond to paint.
      They wont be able to repaint without removing pavement, lol.

      1. Careful there. The old English crime Malicious Mischief is petty Misdemeanor per NM statute Criminal Damage to Property Under $1000.

        Cost of washing off chalk near zero and cops know this. Repair or replacement over $1000 make it a Felony.

  3. These alleged people, who claim to be “open, inclusive and morally superior” are so offended by any opinion or idea that is not in lockstep with the libtard hive mind are beyond belief.
    I’ve always been a “live and let live” type person – until recently. No more. Not one step around, not one step back. These azzwipes will never stop whining, wanting, demanding or filing lawsuits to get their way. It’s time to instill discipline in these entitled brats, it’s time they learn limits, boundaries and respect for others ideas.
    As Mike Tyson said “Lots of folks think THEY know how I should live MY life – until I punch them in the face.”

    1. Bingo. I kinda think I should up my practices at the batting cages to 3x a week now. That flag they plan on putting up…could be a problem. 30k for the sidewalk….but we have people on every corner, median and parking lot begging for $. Keller cares….like hell he does.

    2. There is a word that perfectly sums up what ypu described. The left uses it often, not even realizing the irony of it. The word is… Bigot – One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

    3. There is a word that perfectly sums up what you described. The left uses it often, not even realizing the irony of it. The word is… Bigot – One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

    4. ….should have started punching them in the face quite some time ago – decades ago. Deviancy is deviancy.

  4. No one’s mentioned that TAXPAYER DOLLARS PAID for this flag! We want our money back, ‘representatives’!

  5. Have they called it a HATE CRIME yet? The ‘promise of Salvation’ offends them…or puts the fear of God in them…either way, they deserve our sympathy and hope for redemption.

  6. Tax-payer funded!!! This is a testament to the unjust by Dumbocrats who are the majority in office and spend whatever they want with no recourse. I hope they deface the permanent one or are they going to use tax-payers money for a security guard.

  7. I don’t remember saying that you can use my tax dollars for this . And since when can you put what you want with out asking the citizens their opinion.

  8. Let’s declare JULY American Freedom Month. FLAGS everywhere, get information on Convention of States and how an amendment can be added with 38 state approval of an amendment that has term limits, fiscal responsibility and limited federal gov’t. The Convention would be held to work out the language for the amendment.

  9. Thankfully, Pride month is over and we can stop being bombarded with non stop propaganda and child grooming. I suspect the genetic dead ends will not stop telling us about their deviate predilections, however.

  10. The Bible calls it an ABOMINATION, for a man to wear women’s clothes or a woman to wear men’s clothes.

    Yet, they think it’s okay to dress up a body PHYSICALLY like the other sex? That’s probably as close to the bottom of that son as you can get.

    Society doesn’t think it’s okay for a person to wear black face. I feel the same about the body.

    1. It’s much much worse in Seattle, WA.

      Police have an APB to find the driver and vehicle that left skid marks on a gay pride crosswalks.

      summit .news/2023/06/30/seattle-police-hunt-for-perpetrator-of-skid-marks-on-pride-crosswalk/

  11. I Love a Dickens Cider

    When this Gay Madness has run it’s course, the LGBT’s will suffer greatly from the radical evil the ‘T’s transgressed upon them. Billions of people around the world will no longer see the Gay community in a positive or even a neutral light. They will be forever seen for what they are, child snatching, brainwashing, evil, and dangerously mentally unstable. This ‘Pride’ movement will have an effect opposite of what was originally intended. The truth is hate, to those who hate the truth.

  12. While you cringe whether “Jesus saves” or the “Rainbow flag shines”….

    Somebody pocketed 30k of taxpayer money for a $30 job …

    Keep watching the flying circus. No wonder why this nation is fatally bankrupt

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