Leger Fernandez blames staffer, ‘service blackout’ for cringe ‘Navajo taco’ post

New Mexico’s Third Congressional District Representative, Democrat Teresa Leger Fernández, has found herself at the center of a social media storm after an unfortunate mix-up involving a photo she posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. The incident has drawn comparisons to a similar gaffe made earlier this year by Democrat U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich and has become fodder for critics questioning the authenticity and awareness of New Mexico’s elected officials.

On Thursday, Rep. Leger Fernández posted a photo with the caption, “Enjoying some Navajo tacos!” However, the image showed what appeared to be a plate of grilled lamb ribs with fry bread and blue corn mush on the side—definitely not the traditional Navajo taco she claimed to be enjoying. The post was quickly deleted but not before being captured in a screenshot by a user with the handle @AngryMomUSA, who pointed out the mistake and likened it to Heinrich’s previous blunder, where he mistakenly referred to a bighorn sheep as an elk.

The screenshot quickly gained traction on social media, with users criticizing the congresswoman for being out of touch with the very culture she represents. One user remarked, “I live in Texas, and I know that’s nowhere near a Navajo taco,” while another called her a “total fraud who has no idea what a Navajo Taco looks like,” expressing concern over her representation of Navajo residents in New Mexico.

In response to the backlash, Julian Duque, a spokesperson for Leger Fernández, explained that the mistake was due to a “miscommunication” caused by a service blackout in Gallup, where the team was visiting. According to Duque, photos and captions got mixed up, leading to the erroneous post. He clarified that the team had indeed dined at Cheii’s Restaurant in Fire Rock Casino outside Gallup, where they ordered both lamb ribs and Navajo tacos. To support the claim, Duque provided a meal receipt showing that a Navajo taco was among the items purchased.

State Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo) responded to Lujan Grisham throwing her staffer under the bus, the exact same excuse Heinrich had, with “So, @TeresaForNM claims she either: Ate a plate of ribs AND a Navajo taco in one sitting OR She was going to pose with a staffer’s Navajo Taco and claim she was the one wolfing it down,” adding, “Also, I was in Gallup last week. And I had service ALL OVER GALLUP, including at Fire Rock Casino. Why do they lie?”

The timing of this misstep is particularly sensitive as Leger Fernández gears up for her re-election campaign, where she will face Sharon Clahchischilliage, a Navajo Republican candidate. Critics of Leger Fernández, including those who have seized on this latest incident, argue that the mistake underscores a disconnect between the congresswoman and the cultural traditions of the Navajo people, a key constituency in her district.

The comparison to Heinrich’s earlier social media gaffe only amplifies the perception that some of New Mexico’s leaders are out of touch with the state’s cultural and natural heritage. Heinrich had attributed his error to a mix-up in photos sent by his staff, a defense that drew mixed reactions from the public.


12 thoughts on “Leger Fernandez blames staffer, ‘service blackout’ for cringe ‘Navajo taco’ post”

  1. I don’t understand why Navajo Nation votes for
    these Democrats? They pushed the vax and kept them confined, no water or internet, closed jobs in their areas. Stop voting for these fake Navajo tacos, give Sharon C a chance!

  2. At least she shows up in Gallup. I live near Dexter, south of Roswell and she is my Representative. I have only heard of one visit she made to this part of her district. The “progressives in Santa Fe have but Chaves County in three Congressional Districts and limited our voices. Next they will require New Mexicans from the southeast part of the State to have a passport to go north of I-40.

  3. She has not come where I live (between Hope and Artesia). and I doubt she could find it either! Darn Gerrymandering, how the heck can she “represent us” when she will not even be available to answer or discuss issues. What a joke.

  4. Democrats always blame the other person but it’s them that makes this State as bad as it is they like lying and cannot tell the truth

  5. When caught in a stupid mistake, always blame it on a staff member.

    Not to be outdone by a mere member of the House, Senator Heinrich, who claims to be an avid hunter, mixed up an Elk with a Bighorn Sheep, that he shot. Perhaps Game and Fish should be looking at this issue for possible prosecution.

  6. Shame, shame everyone knows your name Teresa! Blaming your staffer is low class, and I hope your staffer opens their eyes to acknowledge what a creepy thing you did to him/her.

  7. I have asked the NM Republican Party to have Sharon contact me. This was over a month ago, I wanted to let her know that we here in Las Vegas (birthplace of T.L. Fernandez) Are not all in favor of TLF as the only thing she has done for our area was to come by when the fires were going two years ago. During the last election we never heard from the lady who ran for this position representing the Republican Party.. I was trying to talk to Sharon to see what she was going to do or come by to Las Vegas. They wanted me to talk to some aid or whatever, I refused and demanded she contact me. I wanted to explain what the District 3 needs are and it being so large what plans did she have for us to vote her in and she could explain to alot of the democrats that are leaning against TLF. I was even going to donate paying for her gas and lodging if she came this way. But the problem might not be the candidate rather the State Party.

    1. Alex,
      Please let us know if/when Sharon visits the Las Vegas/Mora area. Hope she does come to this area several times, visits radio stations, requests newspaper interviews, townhall, visits restaurants etc.
      To any Republican party officials please encourage Sharon to repeatly visit area, yes, I know geographically this disctrict is large and she has alot of area to cover. People in northern NM are sick of Leger-Fernandez Leftist committment, her pandering to Hispanics and her Pachuca impersonations when she does so.

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