Hispanic group’s leader savages Santa Fe mayor over monument vandalism

This week, vandals attacked the Kit Carson monument that sits in front of the federal courthouse in Santa Fe, just years after other key monuments have been taken down or destroyed by extremist anti-Hispanic hate groups. 

The Soliders’ Monument that previously sat in the Santa Fe plaza was viciously attacked and destroyed by droves of domestic terrorists, many of whom were from out of state. The leftist Santa Fe District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies gave the attackers a slap on the wrist and no jail time. 

The statue of Don Diego de Vargas, which previously sat in Santa Fe’s Cathedral Park, was removed in the dead of night in 2020 with the help of Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

All of these monuments’ removal was advocated for by Santa Fe’s far-left Democrat Mayor Alan Webber.

In 2018, The Red Nation successfully convinced the leftist City of Santa Fe officials and the Fiesta Council to cancel the “Entrada” pageant, re-enacting the peaceful reconquest of Santa Fe by Don Diego de Vargas over 300 years ago.

Now, the Hispanic fraternal group La Union Protectiva’s president, Virgil Vigil, is speaking out after the latest violent attack on yet another monument.

He wrote in a Santa Fe New Mexican letter to the editor, “Just over two years ago, Mayor Alan Webber publicly promised he would remove the Don Diego de Vargas statue, the Soliders’ Monument, and the Kit Carson Monument. The mayor needs to be recognized and congratulated for accomplishing what he set out to do.”

The snarky response lays blame at Webber’s feet for the three iconic monuments’ displacement and/or destruction due to the leftist mayor being the chief supporter of their removal.


12 thoughts on “Hispanic group’s leader savages Santa Fe mayor over monument vandalism”

    1. It is not only native New Mexicans that vote for Democrats. NM is the blues state & attracts progressives from other states. Lack of a quality education in NM is also part of the problem. But keep voting for Democrats and this crap will continue 😖

  1. Did anyone read the article in todays Journal section C page 3. “ This traditional Catholic state is now the abortion capital.” Who’s the sacrificial Lamb? It’s Our precious babies who have no voice because that’s the way my family voted/votes.
    My Hispanic family voted for life and will continue to do so. God help the helpless. God protect us as we fight for life.

    1. We can continue to vote for LIFE and stand up for and speak out against the degradation of morality and values we the people hold dear. With the shenanigans that people like MLG and Weber pull on the people of Santa Fe and the state of NM we must hold fast to our beliefs and let our voices be heard. Although we are frustrated with the evil we see all around us, we can have faith that Christ is more powerful than all adversaries.

  2. One’s “Christian values” should be all one needs to realize that voting for Democrats, from dog catcher to Governor, is like voting for the Devil, himself!!!

  3. Odd how so many people say the don’t vote left. It’s almost like there is no Election Integrity in New Mexico and the elections are regularly rigged by corrupt politicians.

    Without Election Integrity, *No One* has a voice.

  4. Shame, shame, shame! History is just that and until you understand that we will not tolerate your actions! No more vandalism, no more voting in of Democrats just because it’s always been that way! No more blind eye, we call for justice! The devil made you do it!
    Speak to the Father and repent your sins. You too, MLG. Your time in the confessional has come.

  5. I agree that Mayor Webber should go back to where he came from. I also agree that some of the comments attacking the people education is coming from the far right Trumpets. Both sides of this equation are destroying this state. Native American people should not try to destroy history but work towards bettering their people’s future. To both sides I would say get over your stupid issues or move back to where you came from. Our state got along with each other just fine untill people from other places moved here

  6. Remember Richardson he’s in a place where it never gets cold Hispanics wake up communist democrats only want your vote we’re the minority that gets descriminated the most look at what they’re doing to our culture

  7. Alan Webber is erasing Hispanic history/culture in Santa Fe. How much longer will Hispanic’s support Santa Fe leftists politicians such as Webber?

  8. Over 5000 New Mexicans came to Honor Kit Carson ,back in 1853, on horseback,buggy,wagons and walking, His autobiography is a great read,

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