Happy Thanksgiving from the Piñon Post

New Mexicans face an uphill battle in our state right now, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic and the liberal state government’s disastrous response. These failed policies by those at the top have forced our people to stand outside in the cold for hours to purchase groceries and caused many to live in fear of the state government’s wrath if we dare defy the countless orders given from on high.

However, I know New Mexico. I know our people are tough and don’t take kindly to being pushed around and diminished. We work hard to put food on our tables and keep roofs over our heads, and our very existence in this state is at stake right now.

But if I know anything about New Mexico, it’s that we never give up. We keep on fighting for a brighter future for our state, and every time we get pushed down, we get right back up, dust ourselves off, and stay in the fight.

Despite a governor who has disrespected us and attempted to rip away our Constitutional rights, a Legislature plagued with radical leftists and many weak Republican defectors who side with Democrats on key issues, elections riddled with massive fraud, and well-funded far-left extremists who try and scare us into compliance with their radical agenda, we keep on fighting. Despite how bad it may get, we know we have God on our side, and we are indeed on the right side of history.

We keep on moving forward and getting back on our feet. Now is the time to assess the work we must do to preserve our freedoms and protect our state from radicalism, as everything hangs in the balance. We must educate, organize, and launch our resistance to tyranny, and we can do it — if we work together.

We want our children, elders, law enforcers, teachers, first responders, truckers, ranchers, farmers, oil workers, and everyone in-between to have a future that is as bright as our state. We are blessed with the most spectacular treasures, from White Sands, the Organ Mountains, Carlsbad Caverns, the Gila, and the Sacramento Mountains in southern New Mexico, to Shiprock, the Carson National Forest, Ghost Ranch, the Rio Grande Gorge, and so many other things of beauty. We are blessed to live here and to experience all that God has blessed us with.

This Thanksgiving, let us reflect on these gifts, and most importantly, thank God for the gift of family. Even though we may not all be able to gather around the same table this Thanksgiving, each and every one of you are members of the family, and we wish you all a wonderful holiday. 

We want the best possible opportunities for our loved ones, and as we look toward the future, we must always put the wellbeing of those we love at the forefront of what we do. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day rhetoric of the battle for our state, but today, let us give thanks for what we still have and all the dreams and goals we wish to achieve. We can do anything if we work together, and I am proud to be in the fight alongside each and every one of you to help save our state.

On behalf of me, all the contributors, and the readers of the Piñon Post, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving as we continue to work to deliver the truth to New Mexicans and inform our state about the issues that impact us every day. Thank you for the opportunity to continue working for you, and our movement is growing stronger each day. God bless you all as you gather in fellowship with your friends and family today. And may God bless the Great State of New Mexico.


1 thought on “Happy Thanksgiving from the Piñon Post”

  1. Many blessings to all of you and thanks to God. May we have the faith, courage and strength to do God’s work and listen for the inspiration given to fulfill our part of the grand plan….
    We are all important and all have a role to play. So, get out there and be bold, do not wait, we may not be here a year or even a day from now. Regret is a terrible burden. Do your best and God will bless you and provide.

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