GOP bill seeks to require health and safety protocols at abortion facilities during pandemic

One bill that has not gotten much attention in the media is H.B. 160, a commonsense measure aimed at protecting New Mexico women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposal, sponsored by state Reps. Rebecca Dow (R-Grant, Hidalgo & Sierra), Rod Montoya (R-San Juan), James Strickler (R-San Juan), and Rep. Luis Terrazas (R-Doña Ana, Grant & Sierra) would require the New Mexico Department of Health to “establish and require specific health and safety protocols to be used at facilities at which abortions are performed to prevent the spread” of COVID-19 by July 1, 2021. 

The bill states, “The requirements shall include requirements for the use of personal protective equipment, capacity restrictions, enhanced screening procedures and self-isolation and self-quarantine for persons traveling into New Mexico from high-risk areas and low-risk areas.” 

“The requirements shall remain in effect as long as any public health order is in effect pursuant to the Public Health Act for the purpose of controlling or abating the coronavirus disease 2019.” 

The bill appears to be an attempt to protect women while the COVID-19 pandemic continues. As leftist teachers unions and school districts have been complaining about going back to school over health concerns and Democrats have been vigorously working to ram through an abortion up-to-birth bill that would strip protections for multiple groups, this bill looks to set up protections for patients during the pandemic.

On Thursday, Rep. Dow shared her pro-life story on Twitter after another pro-life Representative, T. Ryan Lane (R-San Juan) shared his.

“I’m state Representative Rebecca Dow and choose life. I was nineteen years old–my sophomore year of college–when I learned that I was pregnant. I had about twenty dollars in the bank, and I was attending college on a scholarship. Choosing life was the most challenging and the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. It changed the trajectory of my life, made me learn a lot faster than I would have had to. Today. My daughter is 27 years old. She has a degree in social work, and her emphasis is working with families and babies who have been going through hard times. I’m so glad I chose life.”

H.B. 160 has been referred to the House Health and Human Services Committee and the Judiciary Committee.


2 thoughts on “GOP bill seeks to require health and safety protocols at abortion facilities during pandemic”

  1. Matthew 18:6
    “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    1. This hurts my heart, especially after losing a baby when I was 31/2 months pregnant. Praying hard for our state and country.

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