Nella Domenici, the New Mexico GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate, has unveiled her first TV ad for the 2024 campaign, titled “Monroe.” The ad is named after the street in Albuquerque, where Nella and her seven siblings grew up, evoking a sense of nostalgia and highlighting the Domenici family’s longstanding legacy of service in New Mexico.
The ad pays homage to Nella’s parents, Pete and Nancy Domenici, both lifelong Albuquerque residents. Her father, Senator Pete Domenici, served New Mexico for thirty-six years in the U.S. Senate, significantly impacting communities throughout the state. Nella’s mother has been a prominent advocate for mental health. The Domenici family, including numerous siblings, aunts, cousins, nieces, and nephews, remains deeply rooted in the Albuquerque area.
Highlighting Nella’s professional achievements, the ad showcases her rise to the top in the finance industry while balancing the roles of wife and mother. Her philanthropic contributions in New Mexico have been so extensive that those familiar with her work often remark that “Nella had a second career in New Mexico philanthropy.”

In a statement accompanying the ad, Nella Domenici expressed her commitment to continuing her family’s legacy and encouraging New Mexicans to seek more from their representatives in November:
“I’m proud to continue the Domenici legacy of delivering more for New Mexico. I learned the value of leadership from my parents in Albuquerque. I began my career at the bottom of the career chain and worked my way up, so I know how to fight and win. Now, I want to fight and win for our home.”
The ad, part of an initial six-figure campaign investment, narrates the story of Nella’s upbringing in New Mexico and the enduring Domenici legacy of service and leadership. The voiceover in the video is a tribute to her father, using the same narrator from Senator Domenici’s campaign advertisements. This connection reinforces the deep-rooted dedication of the Domenici family to serving New Mexico.
As Nella Domenici challenges far-left Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich, she aims to resonate with voters across New Mexico by drawing on her family’s history and her own professional and philanthropic experience. The ad shows a stark contrast to Heinrich, who lives in Maryland.
Triggered by the ad buy and attempting to defend its Silver Spring, Maryland-dwelling Heinrich, the Democrat Party of New Mexico quipped on X, “Multimillionaire former hedge fund executive Nella Domenici is spending half a million dollars to cover up a career of bad judgment calls and questionable values that belong on Wall Street, not in New Mexico.” It is interesting they used this line of attack, blasting Domenici for being a successful businesswoman despite their own incumbent’s choice of dwelling outside of the state he purportedly represents.
Watch the ad here:
She has my vote and my wife’s too!
I like it. She accomplished outside of NM and is serving like her
father, why not give her a chance? Only two choices, why go back
to Heinrich..
Heinrich, one sorry sob
Contrast Domenici’s Monroe Street house with the super affluent Silver Spring, Maryland neighborhood Heinrich calls home.
You nailed it.
Domenici’s Dad never moved his family out of the neighborhood, district or state that elected him, she’ll do the same. Maryland Martin moved his entire family to Silver Spring, Maryland as soon as he was elected (installed), he comes back only to campaign and lie to the state
Exactly, well said
Silver Spring , Maryland is in Montgomery County, one of the wealthiest counties in the country.
Just can’t get past the “New Mexico Good Ole Boy” Club?”
Wash, Rinse, Repeat………… I’ve lived here for over 25 years and it never changes and this is a perfect example of why.
Its a good start, emphasis on being borne here, raised here and willing to work hard to improve all new mexicans who want to be independent
of more beaurocracy, more regulation, more inflation, and more taxation. Heinrich is none of this , and he supposedly came as the
number tree hugger in the world. New Mexico has seen a complete
destruction of every national forest in the state, millions of acres of
harvestable timber gone, billions of dollars of homes farms ranches
GONE, lives uprooted and impoverised as never before. Why does this so called savior of the sylvan treasure, messiah of the mesas,
prophet of climate doom continue to live in the lap of luxury while
all those he represents get to sift through ashes of mismanagement,tons of debt through higher taxes and inflation,and a lower standard of living.
I hope that conservatives in NM vote for her and not Heineylick. However, we don’t need more RINOs who get even more filthy rich on insider trading, and being that she was a hedge fund manager, that puts her up with Larry Fink and Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street who are majority shareholders in every major corporation and who lick the boots of Klaus Schwab and the WEF and their sovereignty killing 15 minute cities, ESG, digital currency tied to carbon usage and buying all farmable land so we have to eat ze bugs! Journalists of NM need to investigate what she did and who she benefitted as a hedge fund manager. Just having a familiar last name of a former great Senator means nothing in this separate wings, same bird government! Come correct, Nella, or we will recall you! Work for the common New Mexican! Not just the elite. And remember, you work for us, we don’t work for you, and also remember that every dollar you obligate came from the dwindling middle class. Abolish the Federal Reserve, and fire every Biden plant in the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, NSA and DOJ. Stop chemtrails! Stop poisoning our food with trans fats and chemicals that don’t belong in food. Don’t believe this climate crisis BS and ban all vaccines that use MRNA and DNA fragments, mercury, and aluminum. In fact, ban the COVID shot completely! Investigate lawfare and the DOJ. Investigate J6! Investigate the BLM riots! Tall order, but if you are going there to save this state and country, you better do what we, the people, ask! I’m trusting you until you destroy my trust. This is no longer your grandpa’s conservatives! We have been lied to enough and sold out enough to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and China while our homeless are left homeless and without food or hope! Close the border. If, within a week of you being elected, you don’t support President Trump in closing the border, we will know where your bread is buttered. And we will get rid of you. Otherwise you have my pre-conditioned vote. America first!
She’s got my vote. At least she’s a native New Mexican and knows the needs of New Mexicans.
First I know I will vote for her only because she is that not wit we have now. But she better not roll over like a RINO, I see no sign she is with a crap, she better prove herself worthy of the office. I am all about voting limits, they give POS elected officials term limits but NM continues to vote POS Congresmen and senators in over and over even that do nothing for NM. They vote the democrat party line with nothing for our state. Then when we get a republican they act like a RINO. I pray things change but we must be strong and vote them out if they do not do the right thing!
I think you all need to do some research on where Nella has spent the last few decades, and what she was doing, and who with…
She is the only choice, but if you think she will fight for NM with the diligence we need… think again. Washington has changed since her father was in office.
Nella is not Pete… I wish her well.