New Mexico’s Democrat elected officials may soon find themselves in legal jeopardy for obstructing federal law enforcement efforts to protect the nation’s borders. An internal memo from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) indicates that state and local officials who interfere with immigration enforcement could face criminal prosecution.
The document makes it clear that federal prosecutors are being instructed to identify and potentially charge those who “threaten to impede” federal immigration actions. This could mean serious legal consequences for public officials in sanctuary cities like Santa Fe and Albuquerque, where local authorities have actively refused to cooperate with immigration enforcement.
“It’s hard on people when there is an atmosphere of fear and unknown action,” said Alan Webber, the mayor of Santa Fe. However, his city’s policies of shielding illegal immigrants from federal enforcement may now carry serious legal risks.
Mayor Webber admitted, “I don’t know any mayor is in a position, including me, to say that we are going to refuse to comply with the law. But I don’t know if we are required to assist with things that go beyond our legal responsibilities.”
The DOJ’s directive raises serious questions about whether officials like Webber and Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller could be subject to arrest warrants for their defiance of federal law. Keller, in a statement, seemed to double down on resistance:
“As your Mayor, I was elected to lead our city, not work for Donald Trump… APD officers will continue to arrest violent and repeat offenders, regardless of immigration status.”
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham also weighed in, appearing to reject the DOJ’s position, stating, “I expect New Mexico’s public officials to uphold the Constitution and their duties under law, and not be swayed or intimidated by politically motivated threats.”
New Mexico’s Attorney General, Raúl Torrez, dismissed the DOJ’s warning, calling it a distortion of the law and an attack on state and local officials. His position raises further concerns about whether he and other high-ranking state officials could be complicit in efforts to obstruct federal immigration enforcement.
Sam Bregman, the district attorney for Bernalillo County, took an even more defiant stance, outright refusing to cooperate with federal immigration efforts:
“In my roles as District Attorney as well as the Chairman of the OCC, I will continue to vigorously work with all agencies to go after criminals in our state. However, I will in no way assist with the recent executive orders involving immigration.”
These statements, combined with the DOJ’s new directive, highlight the increasing legal risks facing New Mexico’s Democrat officials. If they continue to shield illegal immigrants and block federal law enforcement from carrying out its duty, they could very well find themselves facing warrants for their arrests. The coming weeks may determine whether New Mexico’s leadership chooses to comply with federal law or risk legal action for their defiance.
In a recent development, the American Federation of Teachers New Mexico (AFT NM) has openly criticized Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for her remarks concerning educators serving in the state legislature.
The governor reportedly described it as “unethical and a huge conflict of interest” for current and former educators to vote on education-related matters, suggesting that such individuals have hindered educational reforms. She was quoted saying, “You’ve got a lot of former educators and superintendents who aren’t interested in changing anything.”
In response, AFT NM expressed profound disappointment, emphasizing the value of educators’ firsthand experience in legislative processes. The union stated, “Lawmaking and policy work take teamwork and trust, not criticism.”
This incident is not the first instance of tension between the governor and educators. Previously, the National Education Association of New Mexico (NEA-NM) opposed a state rule mandating a 180-day school year, which was set to take effect on July 1, 2024.
NEA-NM President Mary Parr-Sánchez voiced concerns that the rule would drive educators out of the profession and erode local control over school calendars. She remarked, “There is a great majority of people that believe that would not be in the best interest of children, because it’s going to drive educators out of the field.”
The rule faced significant opposition from educators and administrators, leading to legal challenges. In February 2025, a New Mexico district judge ruled that the Public Education Department’s mandate for a 180-day instructional calendar was unlawful and unenforceable. The court found that the department had exceeded its authority and that the rule conflicted with existing state laws, which emphasize local flexibility in meeting instructional hour requirements.
These events highlight ongoing debates in New Mexico regarding the balance between state mandates and local control in educational policy and the executive’s ability to keep her former supporters (such as teachers’ unions) in her camp as her tenure as governor wanes.
A legislative update from Piñon Post founder and editor and state Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo). John gives a weekly update during the legislative session. If you don’t already get the update, you can get it here or by subscribing on the website
This week has been another wild one at the Roundhouse. Here’s what happened:
To watch my summary of what happened this week, please click here or on the thumbnail below, and you can follow along in the video with the below information:
On Monday, in the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee (HGEIAC), I voted against an extremist resolution (H.J.R. 3), also known as the “Gren Amendment. ” The bill would make cities and counties liable and open to lawsuits if anyone perceives air or water as not being “clean. ” According to the bill’s fiscal impact report, the state and localities could be exposed to up to $1.6 billion in frivolous litigation.
On Tuesday, in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC), the committee voted unanimously to pass H.B. 73, which removes statutes of limitations on child sexual abuse civil cases, and H.B. 83, which increases penalties for sex trafficking (and increases ages in the statutes from 16 to 18 to ensure kids up to 18 are protected). I voted against H.B. 89, which lets illegal immigrants get graduate-level scholarships at UNM. A bill sponsored by myself and Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) to institute Constitutional Carry was tabled on a 4-2 vote without discussion from the Democrats on the committee.
On Wednesday, Democrats passed through HGEIAC H.B. 98, which automatically expunges eviction records after five years (which will give landlords less information, especially if the eviction was due to violence, damage, or other grave circumstances), and H.B. 108, establishing “the Statewide Public Health and Climate Program within the Department of Health,” both of which I opposed.
On Thursday, Rep. Lord and I helped pass bills through HCPAC to give police officers equal rights as civilians (H.B. 103) and allow law enforcement to carry firearms at polling places (H.B. 101).
On Friday, in HGEIAC, H.B. 16, to implement “increased sentencing for individuals convicted of trafficking controlled substances under Section 30-31-20 NMSA 1978 when the offense involves fentanyl,” passed the committee despite three Democrats opposing the measure.
On Saturday, I bounced between my two committees (which were inconveniently meeting at the same time). Democrats killed bills in HCPAC to increase penalties for drug traffickers (H.B. 107), including resulting in death from trafficked drugs and adding “fentanyl to methamphetamine, where now knowing or intentional exposure to either of these two drugs [to children] would represent prima facie evidence of child abuse” (H.B. 136).
In HGEIAC on that day, Democrats passed H.J.R. 5, which changes the Children, Youth, and Families Department to a commission under the governor and legislative branches, but it does not equally distribute representation, so I voted against it. Another bill I voted against in that committee was H.B. 6, which forces a “prevailing wage” on projects done through industrial revenue bonds (IRBs), which would skyrocket the cost of these projects (which are funded by private dollars anyway).
The week ahead will be very eventful in my committees, with lots of bad bills scheduled for the upcoming week. And nightly floor sessions are also scheduled to begin hearing legislation on the floor, so please be on the alert for those as well.
Here are the legislative items that will come to the committees I am a member of:
To see all committee schedules for all committees and the House/Senate floors, click here.
Click here to see the latest committee calendar, which includes Zoom links to testify.
To access all of my proposed legislation and the status of each bill, please click here.
It is an honor to represent Alamogordo in the Legislature. I will fight to protect our constitutional rights with every fiber of my being. You can always count on me to support our shared conservative American values.
God bless you, John
Rep. John Block NM House District 51 Republican, Otero County
On Friday, New Mexico Democrat leaders in the state House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee voted against a measure sponsored by Rep. Charlotte Little (D-Albuquerque) to mandate “increased sentencing for individuals convicted of trafficking controlled substances under Section 30-31-20 NMSA 1978 when the offense involves fentanyl.”
The bill passed the committee on a 6-3 vote, although it would have died if Republicans didn’t save it with their votes. Reps. Janelle Anyanonu (D-Albuquerque), Tara Lujan (D-Albuquerque), and Reena Szczepanski (D-Santa Fe, Democrat Floor Leader) voted against the measure, some opposing it on the grounds that it could increase “incarceration.”
On Saturday, Democrats in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee tabled bills sponsored by Rep. Andrea Reeb (R-Clovis) that would increase penalties for drug traffickers (H.B. 107), including resulting in death from trafficked drugs and adding “fentanyl to methamphetamine, where now knowing or intentional exposure to either of these two drugs [to children] would represent prima facie evidence of child abuse” (H.B. 136).
The Democrats in the committee voted against the legislation, with Reps. Joann Ferrary (D-Las Cruces-Committee Chair), Angelica Rubio (D-Las Cruces-Committee Vice Chair), Liz Thomson (D-Albuquerque), and Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe) opposing the measures, although Romero was absent for the last bill’s vote. Both votes in the committee killed the bills, with Reps. John Block (R-Alamogordo) and Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) voting against tabling the life-saving legislation.
Ferrary claimed that since fentanyl, which is rarely prescribed, is technically a legal substance, it should not be included. Rubio claimed (wrongly) that since a drug addict who breastfeeds her baby could be charged under H.B. 136, she couldn’t support the legislation.
Despite Democrats being sponsors or co-sponsors of the legislation, Democrats still rejected the legislation, despite statistics showing that 65% of drug deaths in the state are due to fentanyl, per the New Mexico Department of Health, and New Mexico being the state with the eight-most drug-related deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Two milligrams of fentanyl is enough to kill someone, the Drug Enforcement Administration notes.
Two milligrams of fentanyl on pencil tip. A lethal dose for most people. US Drug Enforcement Administration: “2mg, the amount on the tip of this pencil, can be enough to kill an average American.” United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Rep. Little’s bill now goes to the House Judiciary Committee, while Reeb’s bills remain on the table in the Consumer and Public Affairs Committee.
Editor’s note: A previous version of this article incorrectly listed the party affiliations of certain legislators, but those changes have been updated.
Far-left Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is taking aim at lawmakers in her own party as her agenda on crime and education struggles to gain traction in the first quarter of the legislative session. Expressing frustration, she criticized legislators for failing to take decisive action on key issues and accused them of being too risk-averse to address the state’s problems.
Lujan Grisham singled out public safety as an area where she believes lawmakers have fallen short. She argued that violent crime is a statewide issue, not just an Albuquerque problem, pointing to rising crime rates in cities like Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Alamogordo, and Raton. The governor pushed for mandatory sentencing for certain crimes and blamed some judges for failing to keep criminals off the streets under discretionary sentencing. Despite calling a special session on crime last year, most of her proposals went nowhere, leaving her frustrated with the Legislature’s inaction. She insisted that lawmakers need to be more aggressive in tackling crime rather than remaining politically cautious.
Some legislators have pushed back against the idea that increasing penalties will reduce crime. Senator Joseph Cervantes, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, recently stated that enforcement and accountability, rather than new laws, are what’s missing. Pretrial detention has remained a controversial issue since New Mexico moved away from a money-based bail system in 2016. While the governor has pointed to repeat offenders being released and committing new crimes, studies from the University of New Mexico indicate that most individuals released pretrial do not reoffend. Still, Lujan Grisham defended her push for stricter measures, arguing that longer jail sentences prevent criminals from engaging in more wrongdoing.
In addition to crime policy, Lujan Grisham expressed frustration with how public education funding is handled. She claimed there is a lack of transparency in how more than $4 billion in state funds are spent and that her administration has little power over school districts.
She also took a direct swipe at the House and Senate education committees, which are both led by current or retired teachers, saying they have stalled meaningful reform efforts. “You’ve got a lot of former educators and superintendents who aren’t interested in changing anything,” she said.
She described it as “unethical and a huge conflict of interest” for educators to be making decisions on education policy and funding while serving in the Legislature.
Representative G. Andrés Romero, chairman of the House Education Committee, rejected the governor’s criticism, arguing that having teachers in the Legislature provides valuable firsthand experience. He defended his role, saying his time in the classroom informs his legislative decisions, and expressed disappointment that the governor views it as a conflict.
As the legislative session continues, tensions between Lujan Grisham and lawmakers appear to be escalating. She blamed progressive members for being too entrenched in their positions, arguing that New Mexico needs more moderate leadership.
“Maybe we need more pragmatic, moderate people (in elected office), because you can’t govern on the fringes or the extremes, which is how New Mexico got into a lot of these problems,” said Lujan Grisham.
Ironically, the governor worked overtime to primary challenge more moderate members of her party because they did not fall in lockstep with her radical agenda on banning guns, having abortions up to the date of birth, and reckless spending. She helped take out the moderate former Senate President Pro-Tem, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the chairman of the Legislative Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, and rank-and-file representatives and senators from across the state. In another turn of irony, these same moderate legislators would have helped pass her crime agenda, but now they are replaced by radical progressives.
Far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Public Education Department’s (PED) proposed “180-day rule” has been officially struck down. Fifth Judicial District Judge Dustin Hunter ruled on Monday that the department’s mandate for all public school districts and charter schools to implement a 180-day instructional calendar “does not align with the Legislature’s clear intention.”
“The PED lacks the authority to implement a rule mandating a minimum number of instructional days for public school districts and charter schools,” Hunter stated in his decision.
The ruling comes after over a year of opposition from school administrators, educators, and lawmakers who challenged the agency’s authority to impose such a requirement.
The controversy began in May 2024, when a coalition of New Mexico school superintendents filed a lawsuit against NMPED, arguing that the mandate constituted “executive overreach.” The lawsuit, backed by over 50 school districts, claimed that enforcing a 180-day school calendar would eliminate four-day school weeks, which are widely used in rural communities.
Stan Rounds, executive director of the New Mexico School Superintendents Association, previously warned that under the new rule, “If you do a four-day week under the new rule, you essentially will have to go to school about 49 of those 52 weeks.”
Superintendent Johnna Bruhn of Mosquero Municipal Schools voiced concerns about the logistical and financial burdens the rule would impose. “The issue is, it’s going to be an increase in travel time and an increase in costs and an increase in the burden on the students and the staff,” Bruhn explained.
Parents and community members also objected to the change. Ronald Dixon, a grandparent of students in Grady, opposed the extended schedule, saying, “I just totally object to it because they don’t give the kids an opportunity to rest, as well as the teachers, and give everybody a break.”
Despite widespread opposition, NMPED defended the 180-day mandate, citing improved student performance in districts that voluntarily adopted extended calendars. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham also backed the policy, arguing that increasing instructional days would help boost academic outcomes across the state.
However, the court ultimately rejected the department’s arguments, ruling that the mandate conflicted with a state law passed in 2023, which sets instructional requirements at 1,140 hours per year but does not specify a required number of school days.
In his ruling, Judge Hunter emphasized that the Legislature, not the Public Education Department, holds the power to set educational policies. He also pointed to the repeal of a 2009 law that originally established a 180-day requirement, noting that lawmakers had intentionally chosen not to reinstate such a mandate.
Furthermore, the judge highlighted that PED delayed implementing the rule for over a decade, suggesting that even the department had doubts about its own authority. This delay was acknowledged in a December communication to the Legislative Finance Committee.
As a result, the court issued a preliminary injunction, preventing the enforcement of the 180-day requirement and directing NMPED to approve school budgets that comply with existing legal standards.
The court has given both parties ten days to submit additional findings supporting the decision. A scheduling discussion has also been set for Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. to address the case’s next steps.
With the ruling now in place, New Mexico school districts can continue operating under their current calendars without being forced to adopt a longer school year.
According to a report from the Santa Fe New Mexican, pro-illegal immigrant groups will hold events, including a march from the Santa Fe Railyard to the Capitol, where they will rally to stand with illegal aliens who have broken the nation’s laws to be in the United States.
The report notes that the annual event is called the “Immigrant and Workers’ Day of Action.”
“The event, organized by Somos Un Pueblo Unido, includes a march and a rally. The march is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. at Railyard Park, followed by the rally a half-hour later on the east side of the Roundhouse,” the outlet reported.
The group’s website claims to want “ICE outside of New Mexico prisons,” writing, “We are avoiding hundreds of deportations by approving cutting-edge prison policies in five counties that end collaboration with ICE and prohibit the use of ICE arrest warrants to violate the civil rights of immigrants.”
“We are co-directing local and state campaigns to secure more than $25 million in cash assistance for 25,000 families excluded from federal cash aid programs by COVID-19, so that undocumented (illegal alien) taxpayers are eligible for the Fiscal Credit for Working Families of New Mexico and to ensure tax refunds for families in difficulty.”
The group has chapters in eight New Mexico counties to promote harboring criminal aliens, per the group’s website. It also frequently shares information for illegal aliens on its social media platforms on ways that criminal aliens can evade ICE.
Far-left Democrat U.S. Rep. Gave Vasquez is a major supporter of the far-left group, entertaining the organization’s open-border ideology. Others who have cuddled up to the group include Reps. Teresa Leger Fernandez and Melanie Stansbury, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Lt. Gov. Howie Morales, and many state lawmakers, to name a few.
This week, I learned about how the Southeast New Mexico College provides job training opportunities to keep families in their communities.
Glad to meet with New Mexico immigrant families who visited the Capitol to talk with legislators about the need for workplace protections, better wages, education, and civil & legal rights. Thank you to @Somosunpueblo, @somosaccionnm & allies for their important advocacy.
"Gracias a la lucha comunitaria y la voluntad política el estado brindó alivio económico a familias que habían sido olvidadas. Apliqué y recibí todas las veces brindaron ayuda, esto ayudó a abonar mis deudas y sentir un poco de tranquilidad" Lucila Lozoya miembro de El CENTRO
“We will celebrate immigrants’ invaluable contributions to New Mexico and demand stronger protections for immigrant workers and their families and deeper investments in workforce development opportunities for low-wage workers,” a news release purports to state, according to the New Mexican.
Conversely, the Monday rally would be an ideal opportunity for a raid by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), as the event is sure to include multiple participants who are illegally in the state.
Under the administration of President Donald J. Trump, tens of thousands of criminal aliens have already been apprehended, with them making their way back to their countries of origin after illegally entering the country and violating the United States’ sovereignty.
New Mexico has once again landed near the bottom of a national ranking for retirement-friendliness, according to a new report from WalletHub. The state ranked 46th overall, making it one of the worst places for retirees to settle down, largely due to concerns about affordability, quality of life, and healthcare. The ranking places New Mexico ahead of only Washington, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Kentucky, which was ranked the worst state for retirees in 2024.
The report compared all 50 states across 46 key metrics to assess their suitability for retirees, focusing on factors such as cost of living, healthcare access, and overall well-being.
WalletHub analyst Chip Lupo stated, “Retirement is supposed to be relaxing, but it can also be incredibly stressful given that it typically puts people on a fixed income, which may not be enough for them to live comfortably.” The study aimed to help retirees identify where they could maximize their retirement savings while enjoying a high quality of life.
Why New Mexico Scores Poorly
Despite its sunny climate and relatively low property taxes, New Mexico struggles in several key areas that are essential for retirees. One of the biggest concerns is healthcare access. The state ranked 33rd in healthcare, with relatively few high-quality medical facilities and a shortage of geriatric specialists. The cost of in-home care and assisted living services are also higher than in many other states, making long-term healthcare more expensive for aging residents. The high cost of medical malpractice insurance due to the Democrat-dominated legislature’s action has also astronomically skyrocketed the cost of health care and reduced the number of practitioners in the state.
Another factor working against New Mexico is its high crime rate. While many retirees prioritize safety when choosing where to settle down, the state has one of the highest violent crime and property crime rates in the country. This factor significantly impacts its quality-of-life ranking, which came in at 45th place nationally.
Affordability is another pressing issue. While New Mexico does not tax Social Security benefits for higher-income individuals, it still ranks poorly in retirement affordability (38th place overall). The cost of groceries, utilities, and transportation has risen in recent years, stretching fixed-income retirees thin. With inflation driving up everyday expenses, seniors in New Mexico may find their savings do not go as far as in other states like Florida or Wyoming, which both scored high on the list.
Comparing New Mexico to Other States
Florida was ranked as the best state for retirees, thanks to its low taxes, high number of recreational opportunities, and quality healthcare services. Florida’s lack of estate, inheritance, and income taxes makes it an attractive option for retirees looking to preserve their wealth. In contrast, New Mexico does not offer the same level of financial incentives, making it less competitive for those looking to stretch their retirement savings.
Other states that performed well include Minnesota, Colorado, and South Dakota, which all offer a combination of good healthcare, safety, and strong financial incentives for retirees. Meanwhile, nearby states like Texas and Arizona ranked higher than New Mexico due to stronger economies, better healthcare access, and lower costs of living.
Future Implications for Retirees in New Mexico
With the state continuing to struggle in areas critical for retirees, policymakers may need to address these issues to make New Mexico a more attractive destination for aging residents. This could include improving healthcare access, increasing safety measures, and providing better financial incentives for retirees to remain in the state.
As rising costs and economic uncertainty continue to affect retirees nationwide, those considering New Mexico may want to carefully evaluate how well the state aligns with their long-term needs. With 46th place on the list, the Land of Enchantment may not be the best choice for those looking for a stress-free and financially secure retirement.
A legislative update from Piñon Post founder and editor and state Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo). John gives a weekly update during the legislative session. If you don’t already get the update, you can get it here or by subscribing on the website
This week has probably been one of the busiest I’ve ever had at the Legislature. The far-left Democrats are attempting to ram through as many bad bills as possible, and they have gone to the committees I sit on. Here’s what has been happening around the Roundhouse.
To watch my summary of what happened this week, please click here or on the thumbnail below, and you can follow along in the video with the below information:
Monday — On Monday, we had a floor session, read legislation into the record, and then followed up on constituent requests. I also got prepped for the bills we were to hear in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC).
Tuesday — In the morning, I presented my bill to the House Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee to have renewables (such as solar and wind) pay their fair share in excise taxes, where we had a very good debate on the merits of the legislation and disproved Big Rewewables’ talking points that these industries were “baby industries” and that taxation would crush them, despite them being well-established in the state for nearly 30 years. The bill, unfortunately, died on a 6-4 party-line vote.
On the House floor, we celebrated oil and gas with a memorial that affirmed the industry’s contribution to the state coffers and to the economy, especially in terms of over 31,000 direct jobs and a total of 100,000 direct and indirect jobs to the state’s economy.
That afternoon, in HCPAC, Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and I debated bills that would expand the anti-gun “red flag” laws (H.B. 12), a bill to criminalize the second-hand sale of tickets at non-profit events (even if the money was being given back to the nonprofit) as a felony (H.B. 26), a bill that would ban librarians from removing pornographic books targeting children or else face revocation of state funding (H.B. 27), and H.B. 4, which revamps the state’s criminal competency law to help hold defendants who are not fit to stand trial (to somewhat alleviate the catch and release issue that plagues our state). All bills passed on 4-2 votes, with Rep. Lord and I voting against all but H.B. 4, which passed unanimously. The committee lasted for seven hours.
Rep. @Lord4NM and I fought for seven hours today in NM House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee to protect your rights and fight the woke agenda, which passed anyway, but our job is to thoroughly vet legislation and make sure that nothing in these bills will harm YOU! We did…
Unconstitutional gun grab (red flag expansion) passes through the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on a party-line 4-2 vote with myself and @Lord4NM voting NO!!!
Wednesday — On Wednesday, we heard multiple bills in the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee (HGEIAC), where we heard a proposed constitutional amendment (H.J.R. 1) that would require the legislature to meet in two 45-day sessions each legislature instead of the current 60-day session on odd-numbered years and a 30-day session on even-numbered years, which would give the ability to resurrect legislation that was not acted upon in the previous statement at its current place — giving bad legislation even more time to ram through horrific leftist bills. I voted against it.
The second proposed constitutional amendment, H.J.R. 2, would make the governor give a reason for each veto (eliminating the pocket veto), but without clear guidelines as to why such a veto was made. The resolution passed the committee with me as the only objection due to the lack of clarity; thus, it is not ready for passage. I only vote for ready legislation that will make a difference. Another bill that we voted on was H.B. 47, the enabling legislation to constitutional amendments to increase veteran and disabled veteran property tax exemptions passed in the last election. I am working with other legislators on legislation to reimburse counties for the revenue shortfall.
Thursday — On Thursday, Rep. Lord and I again battled for your rights in HCPAC, where we debated a slew of terrible bills, including bans that did not meet federal regulations on conversion devices that allow you to shoot rounds in a semi-automatic firearm faster (H.B. 38), a bill to not allow adults who had juvenile records relating to firearms from accessing their Second Amendment rights despite rehabilitation (H.B. 39), and a convoluted, confusing, and anti-business bill that would effectively put “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) into all predictive artificial intelligence in the state, making the AI industry mandatorily woke (H.B. 60). All of these we voted against, but the Democrats passed them on party-line votes. The only good bill presented was H.B. 50, which penalizes carjackers, which is needed because the state is at the top of the rankings for carjackings. A similar bill from last year died on a party-line vote despite Democrats sponsoring the legislation.
Friday — On Friday, in HGEIAC, we heard H.B. 69, a bill to comply with federal law regarding teacher student loan forgiveness, which passed the committee without opposition. We also heard H.B. 75, a bill that purports to increase funding of county and tribal health councils, but the increase in funding is by over 1,500% and also integrates “the intersection between health and climate change,” which I did not support because I don’t believe politics should be tied with health care. The expert on the bill also bashed the Trump administration and claimed “everyone is a DEI hire,” which further cemented my opposition to the bill, which now appears to be a way to push climate change and DEI propaganda into our healthcare industry. Politics has no business interfering with New Mexicans’ health care, period.
Later in the day, I presented a bill (H.B. 44) to the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee to protect children from harmful material (pornography) by reasonable verification methods for sites that have this graphic content. The bill had much support and input from opponents, and so I am working with other legislators and stakeholders on tightening the language so it will get a do-pass vote from the committee later this session.
The Week Ahead — Watch out for the week ahead, as many bad bills are coming to the committees that will encroach on your rights, harm our state’s economy, and keep New Mexicans vulnerable. Those include the evil H.B. 35, dubbed the “children’s health protection zones” bill that will annihilate all oil and gas production in the state, being heard in the Energy committee on Tuesday, a horrible resolution to open the state up to lawsuits galore over “climate” with passage of the “Green Amendment,” being heard in HGEIAC on Monday, and the horrible red flag expansion to further erode your Second Amendment rights being heard in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, to name a few. Rep. Lord and I will also be presenting our Constitutional Carry bill (H.B. 83) in HCPAC on Tuesday. Please show up to testify in support. To access the latest calendar of House bills (which includes Zoom login information and committee times), please click here.
All schedules for the House and Senate can be accessed by clicking here.
To access all of my proposed legislation and the status of each bill, please click here.
It is an honor to represent Alamogordo in the Legislature and fight with every fiber of my being to protect our Constitutional rights. You can always count on me to stand with our shared conservative American values.
God bless you, John
Representative John Block NM House District 51 Republican, Otero County
As New Mexico lawmakers press forward in the 60-day legislative session, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is once again absent from the state, choosing instead to travel to Washington, D.C., for meetings with national Democratic groups.
The governor, who spent much of last year crisscrossing the country stumping for former Vice President Kamala Harris, left for the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) winter meeting on Thursday, her office confirmed. The DNC is set to elect a new chair on Saturday after a disappointing election cycle in which Democrats lost both the White House and control of Congress. Lujan Grisham is also scheduled to attend a Democratic Governors Association (DGA) meeting before returning to New Mexico on Sunday.
Lujan Grisham’s latest departure is just one of many. Throughout her tenure, she has frequently left New Mexico for national and international political events, personal vacations, and out-of-state fundraisers, raising concerns that she is more focused on national ambitions than the needs of New Mexicans.
Her out-of-state trips have included multiple visits to Washington, D.C., high-profile climate summits in Scotland, and extensive campaigning in other states, all while major crises—including rising crime, education struggles, and economic downturns—plague New Mexico.
This trip comes as some Democrat governors have been pressuring Senate Democrats to take a more aggressive stance on President Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees.
Despite regularly leaving the state, Lujan Grisham did not directly address the Trump administration during her State of the State Address, a stark contrast to her past criticisms of Trump’s policies, particularly regarding health care. This could be due to the state’s dire dependence on federal dollars, which is the most dependent state in the entire country.
Whether she is positioning herself for a future role in national politics or simply avoiding the mounting challenges back home, the governor’s repeated absences are becoming hard to ignore. Lt. Gov. Howie Morales once again assumes the role of acting governor in her absence, as required by the state Constitution—a role he has had to fill many times before due to her frequent out-of-state trips.