Border Patrol arrests terrorist bomb maker in NM, second suspect on the run

New Mexico has become a focal point for security concerns, as it serves as a crossing point for criminal and terrorist aliens attempting to enter the United States. 

Recently, law enforcement in New Mexico arrested a Palestinian man at the border who was previously convicted in Israel for making bombs. 

The man, who had served 20 months in an Israeli prison for his involvement in terrorism, was apprehended as he tried to cross into the U.S. through the southern border.

The arrest is raising alarms among law enforcement agencies, as it highlights the potential for terrorists to exploit vulnerabilities in the U.S. border security system. According to sources, the search continues for another suspect believed to have terrorist ties, sparking concerns about whether more such individuals could successfully enter the U.S. unnoticed.

One key issue raised by local law enforcement is the lack of communication between federal agencies and regional police forces. News reports have indicated that while Border Patrol agents were alerted to the potential threat posed by bomb makers attempting to cross the border, local authorities were not informed in advance. 

This has led to frustration among local officials who feel they are not receiving the critical intelligence needed to protect their communities effectively.

New Mexico, with its vast, difficult-to-monitor terrain, is increasingly being seen as a hub for illegal crossings by criminal elements, including those with terrorist connections. 

The arrest of the Palestinian bomb maker is a stark reminder of the ongoing security challenges at the southern border and the need for better coordination among federal, state, and local law enforcement to prevent further incidents. New Mexico’s Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has refused calls to send resources down to the border to apprehend criminal aliens, terrorist aliens, and the flow of deadly fentanyl.

The hunt for the second suspect continues as security concerns mount.


15 thoughts on “Border Patrol arrests terrorist bomb maker in NM, second suspect on the run”

  1. Anyone surprised?
    I had a friend lived in Deming. He used to do a lot of coyote hunting(the dog coyote) near the border.
    Deep in the desert he found a Koran.
    Thank you MLG, Bill Richardson, Gabe Vasquez.

    1. Interesting story P. Garcia. Thanks for sharing it.

      NM must open their eyes and come to the reality of that Democratic leadership has allowed to infiltrate this state and country.

      It will be too late when things go boom and the politicos will not be around. They will be behind their high walls and peeking out behind their private and tax funded security teams while the “people” are left to suffer the violence.

      Que Lastima!

      Do Better NM!
      Rev. Rico

  2. This is no surprise, I’ve heard the the grapevine that much worse has come through already over the past years, don’t forget the terrorist training camp that was discovered, and bulldozed before a lot of information could be obtained. The feckless NM government with MLG at the helm is destroying our state and could easily have larger impacts on US security because of her incompetence.

  3. This is why we need to get rid of the radical communists in the round house and in the White House…. Biden/Harris and now Harris/Walz are criminals. The Harris/Walz ticket is pure communism. I call it as I see it and investigate the truth. MLG and her comrades do not care about NM and neither does the Harris/Walz combo care either. They all want America to be a communist state. Wake up people.
    May God have mercy on us all.

  4. Another reason to arm up and be ready! The piglet in the roundhouse has once again failed New Mexicans!!! As far as I am concerned the 2 mentioned in this broadcast need red and white circles painted on the back of their heads!

    1. Clare A May, retired

      June 6 2000… 7 Russians entered around the US Port of Entry in Columbus. I know, they turned themselves into me when they got separated.

      In 2005, a 20 something military aged Iranian “Student”… was turned into me who was knocking on doors with crisp brand new 21 US Treasury note’s- $100 super notes (aka fake) in his pocket…(probably printed in North Korea). They were not siezed and given to him upon his release…(post 9-11 even).

      This isn’t new yall. It’s been gradually getting even worse because they are not being deported… and are … I regress…they have… formed thier own groups on American soil. Look no further to every college campus supporting current events especially the non-student protester attendees…

      Mexican smugglers don’t give a sh*t who they smuggle across the border…or have you not figured that out yet? As long as they pay up $5 to $3,000.00…who gives a sh*t.

      Mexico…invited Russian military for their last independence celebration…and not the US.

      China is building a military base in…Cuba.

      Venezuela imported thousands of ak47’s from a Russian purchase.

      MLG and the ruling NM DNC is actively supporting gun control, even the 7 day “cooling off period” is skewed with communism.

      …and you haven’t figured it out yet?

    2. Exactly correct Tom. During WWII the Japanese said they would never invade the US because “behind every blade of grass would be a man with a rifle”. There is a possibility we will not get rid of the “Commies” that are the Democrats. However, if they leave the cities and try to impose their agenda on the rest of us they should take what the Japs in WWII said as fact. I do not consider them Americans anymore. They are the enemy. Law enforcement should wake up to that fact also. I do not think they want to be the KGB or Gestapo. Wake up America. The “unthinkable” is here.

  5. Delusional New Mexicans keep voting democrat because their ancestors did! Wake up and vote the policies we need to save our country!

  6. There are effective remedies for all of this, but they won’t be applied. The reason; all of this is working quite well, as viewed from the Maoist left. Why would they fix something they’re happy with? Since the 1920’s, our culture has been a specifically targeted by the left. As they said at Frankfurt Institute, after concluding that Marx had failed to argue the economic aspects of his theory, ‘destroying Western culture would eventually cause economic collapse’, the absolute dream of the left. Where Marx had failed to execute, Frankfurt brought remedy. We’re seeing a rush to the goal line.

    1. Perry, you have an unusually good grasp of why we’re in this terrible place.
      No one knows how it’s going to end up but it won’t be an easy landing at all.
      Hopefully, in our lifetimes, we will see good win over the evil we’re facing.
      Good will always win.

      1. Thank you Tom V. Yes, good will win ..and until good wins, faith must be front and center. Our calling is a heavenly one.. but we also know heaven does not appreciate an earthly coward. So we must be as David; act with humility but never avoiding reality and continually praying for a fearless courage. It’s my plan anyway. ☺

  7. Thank you Tom V. Yes, good will win ..and until good wins, faith must be front and center. Our calling is a heavenly one.. but we also know heaven does not appreciate an earthly coward. So we must be as David; act with humility but never avoiding reality and continually praying for a fearless courage. It’s my plan anyway. ☺

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