Chere Hardy

Life Fought For: Inspired by God’s many circumstances

Fires burning,

Rains falling in rapidness

Men and women working in prayers, as well as in the physical, To help against many elements that causes destruction.

Yet there is One who has His reasons.

For this time in these few seasons.

Who holds it all and provides through many.

It’s not always understood why many things tend to be.

But knowing that God loves us despite;

With all Three, Three in One,

God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, All Three working as One.

To save lives through men and women with His love.

May love be the driving force that motivates all of us.

To fight against the destruction that is seen recently.

Even when we do not understand.

For Love is really the essence of life.

So fight in love and fight for life.

A Christian poem by Chere Hardy of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Night Sky: Inspired by God’s many circumstances

The moon in the sky, The stars shine bright.

As the clouds drift by,

With the wind ever so light.

Thank You, Lord,

For it all.

In worship and praise,

To Your Name on High!

With Your love all-consuming,

Evermore with our devotion to Thee.

You deserve our love, our devotion, our all in all.

For Your beauty forever will be.

Love everlasting,

That’s what all souls seek.

And that is You, and Who You Are, Forevermore will be.

A Love that endures,

The many tests of times.

For it’s Your Love that gave us His all.

So that we can hear that sweet, gentle call.

Thank You, Lord, for the moon and the stars,

As the clouds drift on by.

A Christian poem by Chere Hardy of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Pure as Snow: Inspired by God’s many circumstances

Snow falls and covers the ground in whiteness.

Clean and pure, snow comes from the clouds of the heavens.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is pure as snow.

He descended from the heavens to the earth, To live among sinners stained with sin.

As He walked the earth, His love was shown, was given, To sinners such as you and I.

He did what He did even though He didn’t sin at all.

Pure and Holy was how He is to be.

But one day, He gave His life to death,

Becoming stained with sin as the veil was torn.

Dirty with the wickedness of all mankind.

He stood in the gap between our death to eternal life.

The Father, the Creator, the Judge, pardons us because of His Son.

With His Son Who Rose from the dead, we too can become pure as snow,

In God’s sight, under the blood of Christ, That washes our sins away to His delight.

A Christian poem by Chere Hardy of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Why should I love? Inspired by God’s many circumstances

Why should I love?

Especially when people are so ugly within.

Why should I care?

Especially when no one seems to care.

Why should I bother with being kind,

Especially when someone doesn’t want to be one inch compassionate?

Because of God and only God!

That’s why!

God is pure and divine love!

And His Only Son was treated cruelly.

So if He can do it, it’s possible, right?

But it gets so hard at times, when people are just themselves at times.

But God wants people, His people, to keep doing our best for His glory.

A Christian poem by Chere Hardy of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

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