The deadly cost of open borders: Illegal alien deaths spike in MLG’s NM

The number of illegal immigrant deaths near the U.S.-Mexico border in New Mexico has dramatically risen over the last two years, with fatalities now ten times higher than they were just five years ago, per a report from the Associated Press. Smugglers are increasingly steering illegal immigrants—many of whom are exhausted, dehydrated, and malnourished—into more perilous paths, including the hot desert, canyons, and mountains west of El Paso, Texas. This shift has led to tragic consequences, as extreme heat and treacherous terrain take a devastating toll.

In the first eight months of 2024 alone, 108 presumed illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico and Central America, were found dead near the border in New Mexico. This marks a stark increase compared to just nine deaths in 2020 and ten in 2019. In 2023, the number of fatalities reached 113. Experts point to the smugglers’ more dangerous routes and harsher treatment of illegal immigrants, particularly in extreme summer temperatures. The dramatic increase in New Mexico comes as the state is the only one whose governor is not acting to curb the flow of illegal aliens.

The influx of deaths has placed a significant burden on the University of New Mexico’s Office of the Medical Investigator, which has seen an increase in heat-related fatalities. Heather Edgar, a forensic anthropologist with the office, expressed shock over the surge in deaths, saying, “Our reaction was sadness, horror, and surprise because it had been very consistently low for as long as anyone can remember.”

To cope with the rise in deaths, the office has added more deputy medical investigators, increasing their team from three to nine or ten in the affected region. Edgar attributed this to the eastern migration corridor in New Mexico, where many bodies are being recovered.

Humanitarian advocates are alarmed by this trend, as many illegal immigrants are dying within just a few miles of urban areas or even close to roads. Adam Isacson, an analyst with the Washington Office on Latin America, emphasized that “people are dying close to urban areas, in some cases just 1,000 feet from roads,” and suggested that more water stations, improved telecommunications, and rescue efforts could help mitigate the crisis.

The U.S. government has taken steps to address the situation. Border Patrol has expanded its search and rescue efforts, adding medical specialists and surveillance technology to patrols. Additionally, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has installed more emergency beacons, push-button devices that can summon medical help along remote areas of the border.

Despite these efforts, the death toll continues to rise. Many of the illegal immigrants are forced to endure treacherous journeys, often walking for days or weeks without adequate food or water before crossing the border. Deputy Chief Border Patrol Agent Juan Bernal of the El Paso Sector explained that smugglers often leave these individuals to fend for themselves in dangerous conditions. “They’re expected to walk, sometimes for hours or days, to get to their destination where they’re going to be picked up,” he said.

Serious stories from families who have lost loved ones add a personal dimension to this tragedy. In one case, a family in Chiapas, Mexico, pleaded for the return of a 25-year-old relative in a missing person post, only to learn days later that she had been found dead. Another story involved a 24-year-old Guatemalan woman whose remains were discovered in June, her death marked by a photograph of her smiling in a blue dress, holding a bouquet of flowers.

The crisis continues as Joe Biden’s border czar, Kamala Harris, is seeking the presidency after Biden was forced off the ballot following pressure from his party. New Mexico’s Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has perpetuated open borders,  is a campaign surrogate for Harris.


8 thoughts on “The deadly cost of open borders: Illegal alien deaths spike in MLG’s NM”

  1. Since MLG cheers louder each week for the murder and death of the unborn, why would anyone think for even a moment that MLG would care if an illegal immigrant dies in the desert?

    Seriously folks, this is not news…

    Isn’t just a warm and fuzzy feeling to know our hard earned tax dollars are paying down trillions of dollars in debt, while the US Government is borrowing money to fund foreign countries and funneling cash to illegal immigrants for food and housing?

    Add to that, the $750 loans Americans might get when tragedy strikes… Does anyone know who collects that $750 and where does that $750 go when returned? Anyone??

    And be happy when you have to pay reparations for folks. But only some folks of course.

  2. This is an “DUH” moment–open border, the useless piglet in the roundhouse, 2 city mayors praising the “sanctuary city” crap. The other border states are actually doing the job that the idiots in Washington should be doing… My fellow New Mexicans until we rid our state Government of these types we are in trouble –LOCK AND LOAD!!

    1. This entire State Administration each should be charged with manslaughter for every one of those deaths that occurred in our Nuevo Venezuela…you pay to play just like us.

  3. Blood 🩸 on her hands MLG is a soulless, con narcissistic humanoid. This is no surprise but the Dem voted her in and they have blood on their hands.
    Show me a Dems who voted for her and I will show you a Dem does not respect life. Dems in New Mexico need to change their mindset if they value family, life and freedom from those who promise the moon but deliver nada.

  4. A) Don’t worry, they’ll still be voting in the upcoming election.

    B) if you support open borders, you support child sex slave trafficking. When a child is kidnapped in Mexico and brought across the border illegally, what is the chance they will ever be recovered? None. No one can possibly be aware to look for a child in any city, USA when they were kidnapped from across the border.

  5. Ultra MAGA from NM

    Her open border stance in lockstep with Dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala is the main reason for this. the raised death count started as Biden eliminated the closed border policies of Pres. trump

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