Lujan Grisham flips out after TX Gov. Abbott’s razor wire on NM border

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has expressed frustration in response to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s ongoing efforts to fortify the Texas border with New Mexico, but Abbott’s actions reflect his firm commitment to securing his state from illegal immigration—something that Lujan Grisham has failed to address in the Land of Enchantment.

Gov. Abbott’s latest move involved deploying the Texas National Guard to install additional razor wire and fencing along the Rio Grande, particularly in the El Paso area. This action comes as part of his broader initiative to curb illegal crossings into Texas, a significant issue. 

Abbott has emphasized that Texas cannot sit idly by while the federal government struggles to address the ongoing border crisis. “Texas is fighting back. We are tripling our razor wire border barriers to deny illegal entry into our state and our country,” Abbott tweeted, underscoring his proactive stance on border security.

While Governor Lujan Grisham criticized the move, suggesting Abbott is treating Texas as if it were its own country (which it actually used to be) and ignoring the interconnectedness between states, particularly in regions like the oil-rich Permian Basin, her stance contrasts starkly with Abbott’s. 

“Gov. Abbott seems to be pushing to make Texas its own country without regard for his neighbors or the fact that Texas is already part of a great nation—the United States,” she claimed.

She has remained the only border-state governor to reject federal assistance aimed at alleviating the migrant influx, positioning her as an outlier among her peers when it comes to border management. This has left New Mexico more exposed to the fallout from border security lapses, particularly in areas like Sunland Park, where smuggling activities have been rampant.

Abbott and his supporters see these actions as essential in the absence of meaningful federal reform. Texas has seen firsthand the consequences of a porous border, and Abbott’s efforts reflect a commitment to filling the security gaps that, in his view, the Biden administration has neglected.

Lujan Grisham’s refusal to take similar actions or cooperate with Texas on border security continues to raise questions, especially as Texas remains vigilant in protecting its residents. While Abbott is taking tangible steps to safeguard his state, Lujan Grisham’s criticism highlights the stark difference in leadership approaches between the two border governors.


20 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham flips out after TX Gov. Abbott’s razor wire on NM border”

  1. This POS MLG, is the fault of all those individuals that Blindly vote for Party. Never bothering to research & then vote for their beliefs.

  2. The Lawn Gnome, like Harris, seems dumb as a rock, but she knows what she’s doing. Her allegiance is to the cartels. Evil and abuse of power personified!

  3. I support Abbot and his love for his State. Abbot has taken the initiative to do what MLG has failed to do, protect the residents of the state of Texas regardless of their party affiliation.
    MLG is not fit for office.. Did Richardson fire her for misappropriation of funds or did he ask her to resign? I really would like it clarified.
    Thank you Governor Abbot. God bless you.

  4. Clare A May, retired

    Thus the fiasco from the queen of the tolite seat in Santa Fe continues…

    Deport every person who failed to declare entry…OTHER THAN THOSE WHO CROSSED THROUGH A UNITED STATES PORT OF ENTRY.

    The DNC, as I started saying years ago, began intentionally misrepresenting legal immigration and illicit immigration.


    Bleeding hearts tugging at your shoestrings to instill a FALSE sense of desperation and urgency by ILLICIT immigration and the DNC condoning ILLICIT immigration and INTENTIONALLY obstruse of lawful immigration has brought this issue to the forefront of the United States of America.


    The DNC should be disbanded as a political party and prohibited from voting and all constitutional guarantees granted by our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

  5. Good for Abbott. I agree with all he comments. I agree completely that so many democRATS vote their party instead of looking at the situations and who can resolve the problems. If you can get the people in the Northern part of the state to get their head out of their a?? we could have got rid of her the last election.

  6. I don’t think MLG cares about the people of New Mexico. Burque looks like trash very sad. All she thinks about is abortion and murdering babies. Instead of taking care of the homeless. GOD bless our Country,State. Remember MLG u will have to face GOD.

  7. Illegals are pouring in from the ‘port of entry” and not being vetted. They are told to come on the date of their hearing. Big chance in hell that will happen, NOT. The border should be closed completely until we can get the evil queen out of office and no more illegals pouring into NM.
    God only know how many have come across and got away.
    If we get enough Republicans in the round house in November, there will be a chance to impeach her or if nothing else, make her a lame duck and not pass any of her comrades bills to be signed. Remember the evil queen of darkness has two more years to destroy NM.

    1. Karen I agree we need to take the house over. I just don’t understand some of these people here in New Mexico. The democratic party has changed so much. It is not like it was thirty yrs ago. At one time the Democrat party helped people and loved thy neighbor. Today they are causing division and the word hate for each other is here. GOD bless our people 🙏

  8. You GO! Governor Abbot! We’re behind you on this. MLG couldn’t care less about New Mexican’s safety. People all over are being attacked by illegals, just as Trump describes. We are no longer safe in our own streets and homes thanks to all these communists running our country. Lord help us!

  9. God bless Gov Abbot our Gov is a wanna be Hitler she is a BABY KILLER I pray every night That God inflicts Illness on her and all Democrats

  10. Just yesterday an illegal bit the face of a BO agent in Santa Teresa, adjacent to El Paso. What does Gabe Vasquez, who represents that area, have to say?

  11. Any more such incidents like a BP agent getting bit in the face, and the Border Patrol will leave to Texas, where it’s safer.

  12. Thank you Governor Abbott!!! Loserjan step up and protect New Mexico or get the f**K out of the way so someone who respects the people and the land can do the job you should be doing!!!( and take those 2 idiots, Benny-boy Loserjan and Munchin Hiney-lick, with you!) The sooner Loserjan is arrested, handcuffed and dragged out of the roundhouse the better of New Mexico,(and The USA), will be!

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