MLG to promote abortion up-to-birth during Tuesday DNC speech

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is set to deliver a prime-time speech at the Democrat National Convention (DNC) on Tuesday evening in Chicago. The speech will focus on healthcare issues, a controversial topic for the far-left governor. 

While Lujan Grisham enjoys her position in the national spotlight as she auditions for a potential posting in the nonexistent Harris regime, it’s essential to reflect on her contentious record, particularly her harsh pandemic lockdowns and extreme abortion stance.

Lujan Grisham is no stranger to the DNC stage, having spoken remotely at the 2020 convention from a solar array in New Mexico as she had New Mexico under cruel lockdowns during COVID-19. 

Her lockdown measures were some of the most severe in the nation, shuttering businesses and keeping families separated for months on end. While the governor claimed these measures were necessary, many New Mexicans suffered immensely, with businesses permanently closing and countless livelihoods disrupted. She also repeatedly flouted these lockdown orders, in one case, to buy jewelry at a shuttered business she had reopened just for her.

Despite the harsh pandemic measures, Lujan Grisham seems more focused on her radical agenda, particularly her obsession with abortion. She has staunchly advocated for abortion up to birth, the most radical stance possible. 

In 2021, she signed a bill overturning New Mexico’s long-dormant state abortion protections, effectively making the state a hub for late-term abortions. Lujan Grisham’s priorities have consistently aligned with radical pro-abortion policies, ignoring the values of many in her state.

On Tuesday, Lujan Grisham will share the stage with high-profile Democrats like Barack and Michelle Obama at the United Center, once again positioning herself as a national figure. 

While her speech is expected to focus on health care, her record in New Mexico tells a different story—one of failed leadership during the pandemic and a fixation on abortion at the expense of other critical issues, such as crime, which she has only recently begun to focus on as Albuquerque ranks 20th most deadly city in the world.

In addition to her speech, Lujan Grisham will participate in a panel discussion with actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus and other female Democrat governors on Wednesday. While the governor enjoys the attention of the national stage, her record in New Mexico is a stark reminder of the damage caused by her lockdown policies and her extreme stance on abortion.

New Mexico continues to struggle with a shortage of healthcare providers, and Lujan Grisham’s administration has attempted to address this by recruiting abortion doctors and pro-abortion nurses from Texas. However, her policies—particularly during the pandemic—have done little to resolve the state’s chronic healthcare challenges. Under her leadership, malpractice insurance skyrocketed for doctors, forcing countless providers to flee to other states where they would not be sued into bankruptcy due to New Mexico’s sue-happy laws that favor trial attorneys — not patients or providers. 

Lujan Grisham’s political ambitions have always been clear, and her national presence at the DNC further cements her continued attempt for the spotlight. However, New Mexicans must not forget the consequences of her policies: brutal lockdowns that harmed businesses and communities and her unwavering commitment to an abortion-up-to-birth agenda that remains out of step with many in her state.


22 thoughts on “MLG to promote abortion up-to-birth during Tuesday DNC speech”

  1. She doesnt remember that the wizard did not allow abortion in munchkin land.or else we may not be blessed by her knowledge of public good and progress as the great ruler and socialist matriarch of the ignorant subjects of the land of entrapment.

    1. Couldn’t agree more and hence they do not know she is right up there as one of the most radical governors in the country.

  2. She is with her evil people at the DNC. The democrats of NM should be proud of all she has done for them and their state. I pray one day they wake up to see the truth.

  3. The DNC is a communist love fest for demented narcissistic tyrants like her. NM continues dead last in every good marker and first for all the bad to include poverty, violence , education etc . Still she has the gall to appear nationally and pitch her only “accomplishment “ the murder of unborn children. Where are the churches? Oh too worried about losing their 501 (3) (c) tax exemption instead of preaching the gospel and criticizing this ungodly creature. Shame on NM.

    1. About our churches, not only afraid to lose their status but afraid they might offend someone. And churches are dying because they won’t stand!

  4. She is trying hard for a spot on the Harris administration. The best thing that can happen is Harris loses and MLG stews for 2 long years in the roundhouse. Election night her screeching might be heard state wide.

  5. MLG is evil, gross and disgusting for her support of abortions in New Mexico. So is every Democrat who votes for her!

  6. “… Lujan Grisham seems more focused on her radical agenda, particularly her obsession with abortion. She has staunchly advocated for abortion up to birth, the most radical stance possible.”

    How can both she and Biden call themselves Catholics and support abortion on demand and up to birth?

  7. WujanLujan is evil

    Absolutely shameful. She learned from the best; Richardson. Let’s hope she has the same fate as he did when he was vying for a cabinet position.

  8. Thank you for addressing MLG’s scamdemic tyranny in this article. NM indeed faced some of the harshest medical authoritarianism in the country thanks to Michelle and her co-conspirator, Dr. Disgrace. For her to talk about medical freedom or anything like bodily autonomy represents the height of hypocrisy, deception, and doublethink. Nobody’s bodies or personal health choices mattered to her in the least during her reign of psychopathic covid control. We must never forget what she did to our state for almost two years.

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