Domenici snags key endorsement ahead of pivotal November election

On Monday, the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association announced it had endorsed Republican U.S. Senate candidate Nella Domenici over incumbent far-left Sen. Martin Heinrich in a massive blow to the Democrat.

The union wrote that it had endorsed Domenici because her “ability to understand the needs of public safety at the local level makes us believe [she is] the best candidate.”

Following the news, Domenici wrote, “I’m honored by the APOA’s endorsement and I look forward to partnering with law enforcement to make New Mexico a place where people can raise a family and where criminals no longer feel welcome.”

Albuquerque — the state’s most populous city — has been ranked the 20th most dangerous city in the world, with the crime epidemic ravaging the metro area and crime flowing across the Land of Enchantment.

For years, Republican lawmakers have put forward commonsense proposals to tackle crime by strengthening statutes to repel criminals and bolster safer communities, all while allies of Heinrich in the Legislature have killed legislation to stop the wave of crime.

Heinrich is also a supporter of wide-open borders, vehemently opposing additional funding and resources to the border regions of the state to stop the deadly flow of fentanyl and end the Cartel’s human trafficking and smuggling pipeline.

In contrast, Domenici supports a strong border and proper funding for law enforcement on the border, which could be another reason the union has thrown its support behind her.

According to recent polling, Domenici is neck-and-neck with Heinrich, as Democrat enthusiasm has hit a wall with Kamala Harris being selected as the Democrats’ standard-bearer. 


9 thoughts on “Domenici snags key endorsement ahead of pivotal November election”

  1. Beware…until proven she is a nikki type rino with a femdem reality….a mix of hillary and warren with a little reno…and throw in any other female that hates the world.

    1. She’s still a better choice than the current senator who votes lock step with the party line . Who considers himself more important than his constituents who he considers only when it’s time to re-elect him.

  2. Domenici will be 1000% better than Heinrich. Even if she folds on some of her hard stances, it will be a step in the right direction.

  3. I have attended one of Nella’s town hall meetings. I find that Nella has her goals for our State in order of priorities. I find her to be sincere in her efforts to bring back integrity and open government.
    Her resume speaks volumes of her experience in the world of finance. She’s is a business woman not a politician.
    All you doubters and Monday morning quarterbacks need to do your homework and go to her website and find out when her next town hall meeting will be .
    This weekend Nella will be in Deming for the Great American Duck Race.
    NELLA has my vote.

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