NM House Speaker implies MLG’s focus on public safety for the ‘TV cameras’

In a recent social media post, Democrat New Mexico House Speaker Javier Martinez took a critical stance against Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, suggesting that her emphasis on addressing crime was primarily for the sake of “tv cameras (sic).” Martinez’s comments come in the aftermath of a failed special legislative session aimed at tackling public safety issues, which concluded abruptly after just five hours without passing significant crime-related bills.

The special session, called by Lujan Grisham earlier this month, was intended to address pressing concerns regarding crime, including repeat offenders and public safety measures. 

However, the session ended without progress on the proposed agenda, leading to frustration among legislators and constituents alike, with Democrats unwilling to remain in Santa Fe to pass any meaningful legislation to assist with the crime epidemic.

“We can’t put the cart before the horse or criminalize people for being unhoused. We’ll continue rebuilding our systems & stay true to our NM values of compassion for ALL our neighbors. Public safety work must go on, even when the tv cameras (sic) stop – we’re back at it in CCJ on 8/12,” he wrote, referring to the Legislative Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee.

Lujan Grisham has been vocal in recent months about the need for tougher measures against crime, particularly targeting repeat violent offenders. However, critics argue that her approach lacks the necessary legislative support and consensus to implement effective policies. 

The brief duration of the special session, which adjourned without substantial progress, highlights the challenges in reaching consensus on contentious issues such as criminal justice reform.

The discord between legislative leaders and the governor’s office reflects broader disagreements over the best approaches to tackle crime in the state. 

The political dynamics surrounding crime policy in New Mexico are likely to remain contentious as stakeholders seek consensus, as Lujan Grisham travels around the state attempting to get community support for her initiatives.


9 thoughts on “NM House Speaker implies MLG’s focus on public safety for the ‘TV cameras’”

  1. Every Democrat will slowly cave in to her demands, spells and orders. MLG is bound and determined to steal, kill and destroy the future of New Mexico! Any one who is silent is complicit in her destruction of NM.

    MLG is the chief criminal in this state!

  2. NM voters must keep the one-day “special” session front and center in their memories when they go to the polls in November. Republican legislators have repeatedly introduced anti-crime legislation only to have the bills fail in committee and/or tabled without a vote. Republican legislators were ready to work for NM citizens during the special session, but were once again turned back by the Democrats who hold the majority. Voters can make a change in November and perhaps Republicans won’t be outnumbers and ignored.

    1. Wishful thinking Maybe Alec Baldwin could be the director and armorer of that movie? He killed one and got away with it….

      IMO MLG has gotten her political tail feathers burnt off on a few issues. She is a failure and knows it. Her own Democrat legislature is ignoring her. That should make the 2025 legislative session entertaining to watch. She is desperately trying to find a place to bail out of finishing her second term out. I hope she finds it….

  3. NM Deplorable Lizard

    She could care less about crime, this is just a “Me, Me, ME” stunt, she’s padding her resume for a DC job

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