Vasquez joins Heinrich in throwing Biden ‘to the wolves’

On Friday, Sen. Martin Heinrich, after weeks of criticism for a limp statement on Biden’s cognitive decline, finally threw the octogenarian Democrat to the wolves and called for him to drop out of the presidential race after being a fervent supporter.

He wrote, “While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is in the best interests of our country for him to step aside.”

Following Heinrich’s statement, his close far-left ally, Rep. Gabe Vasquez, who faces likely defeat in November at the hands of Republican former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, jumped ship as well.

Vasquez wrote, “…I believe too many of our fundamental freedoms and the wellbeing of our nation are at risk under a Trump presidency and President Biden should step aside to give Democrats the best opportunity to win this November. With abortion rights under attack and our Democracy at stake, we must unite to defeat Donald Trump and MAGA extremists.”

He added, as cover, “But make no mistake, regardless of who our nominee is, my number one job will be to take care of the people of my district and continue bringing results home to New Mexico.” 

Herrell wrote on X after the announcement, “After weeks of silence, Gabe finally throws Joe Biden under the bus because he knows his own re-election is in serious jeopardy. #NM02 will see this exactly for what it is: a desperate political stunt that continues to ignore the most important question – if Joe Biden is unfit to continue running, how is he fit to continue serving as President?”

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) wrote, “Gabe Vasquez is trying to pull the wool over voters’ eyes once again, this time with *another* election year stunt.”

“For weeks Vasquez said it was Biden’s decision to make and has avoided commenting on Biden’s mental ability despite being repeatedly asked by reporters, but now he’s changed his mind to save his own political career. Today, Vasquez pretended to throw Biden to the wolves, but nowhere in his statement did he answer the question on everyone’s minds: Is Joe Biden fit to serve as President?” 

A statement from NRCC spokeswoman Delanie Bomar read, “Everyone can see Gabe Vasquez’s statement for what it truly is, a transparent election-year ploy to try to cling to his seat. President Biden is sitting in the Oval Office because Gabe Vasquez and Democrats hid the truth from voters and lied about the president’s condition. Gabe Vasquez must answer the question: Is Joe Biden fit to serve as President?”


13 thoughts on “Vasquez joins Heinrich in throwing Biden ‘to the wolves’”

  1. I’m actually enjoying watching the Dimocrats self-destruct and eat their own – it is long overdue. If enough “intelligent” voters show up in November, we can get rid of the majority of our congressional delegation. They are typical of the Biden administration – unqualified for the positions they hold.

    1. I find it interesting (amusing) to watch the Titanic (Dem party) sink after fatally crashing into the ice berg (Biden/Trump debate) and then watching them try to change captains (Kamala or ???) as the ship is about to go under (campaign). It would be better for everyone to get into the lifeboats (Trump campaign) and help with the rescue project (MAGA). But that would be toooo logical for many!!!

  2. There is a very good reason that Biden is hanging on. I’m betting on the fact that he knows Trump will win in November. He wants revenge on his own party and supporters who threw him under the bus when he needed them most. That is just a gut feeling. I am not a Biden supporter, but I don’t want QueMala Harris to be the nominee. I read somewhere where Kamala’s name was coined QueMala. I loved it so I’m using it.

  3. I read that the dems are floating Hillary as the logical(!) candidate in Nov. Argghh! I want to vote that lying crumb bag, Heinrich, out. If only. Usually in NM once you’re elected Senator, it becomes a life-time appointment no matter how bad you are.

    Here’s my scenario for getting Biden out. About 2 or 3 weeks before Nov. 5, they slip him something in his night time drug mix. He passes peacefully in his sleep. QueMala (I like it) is the puppet for only a couple weeks. The whole country goes into mourning. Jill gets to march alongside the horse-drawn wagon. Biden lies in the Capitol Rotunda. Whoever the puppet du jour is runs and gets enough of the sorrow and sympathy vote from the dems to either win or throw the election. You heard it here first!

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