Trump makes big endorsement in New Mexico ahead of Tuesday’s primary

45th President Trump has made a big endorsement in one of New Mexico’s most contested congressional races. 

On Monday, Trump endorsed Republican former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell for her bid to take back her former seat in the Second Congressional District.

The 45th President wrote on Truth Social, “A successful entrepreneur, Yvette knows how to Expand our Economy, Fight Inflation, and Create High-Paying Jobs. She will work hard to Lower Gas Prices, Support our Vets, Strengthen our Military, Secure our Border, and Defend the Second Amendment. Yvette Herrell has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

In response, Herrell wrote, “Thank you President Trump! It’s an honor to have your support – and I look forward to working together to restore our country after we both win this November!”

Herrell faces far-left Democrat Gabe Vasquez, who narrowly took the district in 2022. Vasquez is under fire over his past racist attacks against former colleagues, including referring to one as “Chris, the n***er.” He also has previous drug possession arrests. 

Earlier this year, Texas authorities executed an arrest warrant on the embattled Democrat over failure to appear in court for previous violations. 

Vasquez is a far-left “progressive” in the newly gerrymandered Second Congressional District, which remains still competitive despite the Democrats’ attempts at redrawing it for naked political gain. 

Along with Trump, Herrell has been endorsed by the entire Republican House leadership team, as well as many other high-profile names, such as Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY). 


14 thoughts on “Trump makes big endorsement in New Mexico ahead of Tuesday’s primary”

    1. So am I Diane. So am I. You know, here’s the thing about the Trump “guilty verdict”. You know that President Trump was “convicted” on “34 felonies” right? And the Left and today’s Democratic Party probably believes that they have finally won against him and have finally gotten rid of him now that he’s going to “prison”. And they also probably think that Trump will lose this election in November, right? Here’s the thing though……Trump has basically already won this election even though the election won’t be until November. Doesn’t matter. He has already won this election just by default. Let me explain why. Biden, Joe Biden that is, is losing, and I mean losing in the polls and studies, big time! I mean he is losing in the polls and studies and is losing supporters and voters in masses now. Why? Well I think it’s pretty simple. No one, no one supports the policies of Biden’s overall at all. No one wants to see dudes who cut off their private parts and has female breasts implanted onto them through gender reassignment surgery competing in women’s sports with actual women. No one wants Bidenflation to continue. No one wants the southern border to be open to the point where unprecedented influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the United States including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals. No one wants President Trump to be removed from the ballot at all and especially they don’t want him to be removed from the United States presidential election ballot illegally and unconstitutionally through individual state legislatures and state Supreme Courts. No one wants Israel to be wiped off the Earth by a terrorist organization Hamas who have been voted into office and into government by a race of people the Palestinians who the Left and today’s Democratic Party believe that the Palestinians are the victims. No one wants Biden and his administration to fund a corrupt country like Ukraine and to fund a corrupt head of state in Ukraine, Zelensky, who is essentially a modern version of Hitler. No one wants the police in the United States, all police, to be defunded. No one wants little kids to be taught that all white people are racist and that the United States is supposedly systemically racist. No one wants little kids to change genders to supposedly make their lives better. I could go on. No one wants any of those things. And the polls and studies show it big time. You know what they do want though? They want a President who supports the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights and law and order and the Pledge of Allegiance and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance, etc. That is what Americans want. And you know who represents the true American values of this country that I just named? Donald J Trump. That is what they want. They don’t want this open border policy that Biden supports, they don’t want any of Biden’s policies. They don’t want it! Even Democrats don’t want any of Biden’s policies, or should I say a growing number of them. So because of that, Trump has already won this election just by default. He has already won because nobody wants any part of Biden’s policies that are destroying this country as we speak. And because the Left and today’s Democratic Party have “convicted” Trump not because he has actually done anything wrong, but because they hate him and fear him because he actually represents the true American values of the United States of America like freedom of speech and parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, etc and they don’t, just proves more and more that he has already won the election just by default and they don’t even know it! Biden’s already lost this election and he doesn’t even know it himself! Plus, on the topic of Trump’s “trial”, we all know that the judge and the jury in that “trial” were clearly paid off in order to convict or “convict” Trump for things that he has never done. And plus, he was supposed to be convicted for something that was supposed to be a misdemeanor, not a felony. So like that wasn’t suspicious. And here’s the thing, if Trump unfortunately does end up going to prison, but then he wins the election, actually wins the actual election in November, then he will have to be released, which will unfortunately tick off the Left and today’s Democratic Party. The worst case scenario is if Trump does win the actual election in November and becomes President, then the Left and today’s Democratic Party will do something that nobody will want the Left and today’s Democratic Party to do. They will kill him. They will assassinate him. But here’s the problem with the Left and today’s Democratic Party assassinating him. Yeah, unfortunately and very sadly, if they succeed in killing him, he will be dead. But, he will be a martyr. He will be a martyr. And in the long run, he will still win because they will prove him right more and more that the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not care about the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and parental rights and freedom of religion and religious liberty and school choice and supporting Israel and border security and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and standing up for the Pledge of Allegiance and that they don’t care about the United States of America as a whole because the Left and today’s Democratic Party will have killed a guy, President Trump, simply because they hate America and it’s true values like parental rights and supporting Israel and school choice and border security, etc and they do not. And so, Trump will win either way, even though he might be assassinated unfortunately if he becomes President. Doesn’t matter, Trump wins in the long run and the true American values that he supports wins in the long run. But again, Trump has already won this election because nobody wants anything to do with Biden’s policies and so on. Trump has already won. And the Left and today’s Democratic Party don’t even know it. He has already won. “The election’s not until November”. True. But at this point it kind of doesn’t matter. Trump has already won this election just because the Left and today’s Democratic Party are losing big time on every issue period, big time! He has already won. So…….. you’re welcome!

  1. “..newly gerrymandered Second Congressional District, which remains still competitive despite the Democrats’ attempts at redrawing it for naked political gain”
    Unfortunately, not an “attempt” but a successful political restructure by the Dem NM Legislature and endorsed by the Dem NM Supreme Court in spite of the NM Legislature turning a blind eye on a restructure created by a bipartisan commission.
    Another sad overtly partisan and egregious action by NM’s too long entrenched Democrat government.

  2. John Torrey Baird

    When will Nella board the Trump train? I couldn’t vote for her because she doesn’t support Trump. I don’t give a damn who her daddy was, that’s ancient history. The last thing NM needs is a Senator that doesn’t support Trump. Congratulations Yvette, you have what it takes to Make America Great Again!

  3. Yvette will beat Vasquez…Yvette will beat Vasquez….Yvette will beat Vasquez… I haven’t heard or read that Nella doesn’t support Trump. But Heinrich needs to go.

  4. Not a fan of Evette, believe she is weak, I hope she proves me wrong. We need someone that will not go a long to get along. Someone that will support the conservative voice of NM. She has my vote as she is the only one stepping forward. I am still waiting for John Block to step up in the coming years.

  5. Yvette is a complete moron. Authored no legislation and was a cock holster for trump’s teeny weenie.
    Speaking of teenie weenies John, did you slip yours into your butt buddy after his miniscule victory? Asking for a friend

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