NM Dems react to Biden dropping out with clear message—and one big holdout

On Sunday, Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race despite for weeks insisting he would remain the Democrats’ nominee. He quickly endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris. 

New Mexico Democrats responded with a pretty similar message: They want Kamala Harris, Biden’s choice.

New Mexico House Speaker Javier Martinez wrote on his X account, “I’m ready to help @KamalaHarris win New Mexico in the fall. Our Democracy, our freedoms, our way of life is at stake. Vamos con todo, @VP!!” 

The New Mexico Democrat Party touted Biden’s so-called accomplishments on its X page, writing, “We could not be more grateful for everything @JoeBiden has done for our country & Party.” 

Later in the day, it announced that its executive officers would be endorsing Harris, saying they wanted the “first Asian-American President of the United States,” referring to her Indian heritage.

Sen. Martin Heinrich endorsed Harris, calling her “an extraordinary leader with a proven track record of getting things done. As her colleague, I saw her commitment to fighting for working families up close.”

Rep. Melanie Stansbury of the First District wrote that she was “100%” behind Harris, adding, “As our Nation’s Vice President, Kamala Harris has led the way in passing generational legislation to transform our nations (sic) infrastructure, rebuild our economy, bring jobs back to the U.S, and tackle climate change.”

Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez followed suit, endorsing Harris to “take the baton” from Biden.

Kamala Harris “is the leader who can bridge the divide in our country & move our nation forward,” added Rep. Gabe Vasquez of the Second District.

Sen. Ben Ray Luján chimed in, “I believe in [Kamala] Harris to continue making a positive impact in our country. She has my support to be our nominee.”

With the entire New Mexico congressional delegation behind Harris, it is unclear how successful she will be in New Mexico, as her popularity nationwide, in many cases, is worse than Biden’s. 

It is noteworthy, however, that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, an ally of Harris (who officiated the governor’s wedding in Washington, D.C.) did not endorse her in a statement wishing Biden well.

According to Emerson College polling, Trump leads Harris nationwide by six points. 


17 thoughts on “NM Dems react to Biden dropping out with clear message—and one big holdout”

  1. Must have missed something. (Heinrich -“Vice President Kamala Harris is an extraordinary leader with a proven track record of getting things done.) She has been a paperweight for the last three years.

  2. All these endorsements make it sound like we are living in prosperous times thanks to Biden. Have fuel prices dropped? Groceries? Prices for durable goods? How much is the average household losing in income per year due to inflation? Let’s not forget the influx of people at the border. What strain has this put on the economy? Oh and why are we spending billions in the Ukraine when we have segments of society suffering in our own country? If his support of child care and education was so significant, why is NM still rated so low? I am not seeing the same successes as NM democrats are seeing.

    1. Valid questions/statements. What MLG is not saying is that Biden has done the most to destroy New Mexico’s future. MLG has been riding along in that pumpkin coach cheering on the demise of our wonderful state.

      MLG and Kamala are besties so this is far from over…

  3. “Cackles” for POTUS? Are we living in clown world all of a sudden? Sure, throw out all logic and reason, dems! It makes it easier to conquer you!

  4. All the marxist/socialist/communists that keep saying things like Javier — “Our Democracy, our freedoms, our way of life is at stake,” never finish their thought “and we can’t wait to finish tearing it all down!”
    Trump was nearly assassinated– is this what they think a democracy is? Murder your opposition????

    1. They talk about “democracy” and yet they did a coup to get rid of Biden due to his numbers being so low. The democrats aka rats… have know of his failing health. But they do not care about democracy. totally blatant by removing Biden. They must have some good dirt on him to make him back out… I do not like Biden but what happened shows just how low the Democratic Party will go to stay in control. They will loose. And Harris as nominee what a joke that is…..

  5. Those standing behind Harris have proven over and over they are an embarrassment to New Mexico!! And snakes surround themselves with like kind..

  6. All “Step & Fetch” people. Know Nothings. Full scale lemmings.
    Democrat Group think here on display. I hope this wakes up some New Mexicans and their generations of this party support!

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