In yet another display of performative outrage, Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.) made a spectacle of herself before former President Donald Trump even began his address to Congress.
Instead of conducting herself with dignity, Stansbury chose to hold up a hastily scrawled sign reading, “This is not normal,” as Trump entered the chamber, ensuring she would be seen on camera.
The stunt didn’t last long. Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), standing on the opposite side of the aisle, swiftly reached over and grabbed the paper from Stansbury’s hands, tossing it aside. It was a moment that underscored the growing frustration with Democrats’ endless theatrics.
Following the stunt, President Trump’s team trolled Stansbury’s little protest, altering the photo of her holding the sign to read “I am dumb.”
Rather than engaging in serious debate or offering solutions, Stansbury and her colleagues opted for more disruptions. Later in Trump’s speech, Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) took the grandstanding to another level by loudly interrupting, prompting Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to have him removed by the sergeant-at-arms.
Greene faces likely censure for the violent cane-weilding outburst, while expulsion could also be on the table for the radical leftist congressman.
Following parts of the speech, Stansbury and many of her far-left colleagues left the speech, another weak attempt at a protest to the president.
Many believe New Mexicans deserve representation that isn’t defined by embarrassing antics on national television. Instead of focusing on real issues affecting her constituents, Stansbury continues to indulge in petty protests that do nothing but draw attention to herself.
Meanwhile, the rest of the country is left wondering why some Democrats seem more interested in stunts than in governing or helping President Trump fix the nation’s problems.
Pathetic little girl…
Rep. Stansbury was the most disgraceful, yet accurate representation of New Mexico! Her act demonstrates her lack of decorum and intelligence level. Absolutely none of the New Mexican delegation represent my beliefs. Not attending, and being about as rude as possible to a sitting president is abhorrent.
I have stood 20 feet from Pres. Clinton and had my chance to tell him everything I felt about him and so much more. I held my tongue as there is a time and a place for everything. That was not the time or the place.
The behavior in our State Roundhouse is just the same. Seems like those who make it tend to dress and behave like Daisy Duke, but actually they all act like Cooter! The lack of good education in New Mexico for the last 3 decades is showing now.
Do Better New Mexico! Good Grief!
Well said!
I’m in total agreement. What’s also disgusting is that as he was honoring Americans in the balcony non of the idiot demoncrats stood and showed respect for them.
So very true. I moved here 10yrs ago from a Republican run state and have been appalled at what poor education and the lack of effort to improve education has taken. It is a monumental disservice to the young people of this state and to their ability to compete in the marketplace.
I’m grateful I don’t have children nor grandchildren here.
As I’ve said here regularly: New Mexico – always last in the best & 1st in the worst & naturally that includes our so-called “representation”.
I’m fixing to retire soon! I’ll run against her! She’s a radical leftist idiot! I can’t even believe she graduated from the same school my Son did. I know I can do a better job representing our state than that moron trying to become relevant.
Good and I hope you succeed even though I do not know you. Anyone who against the radical leftist idiots in the roundhouse, aka comrades of MLG can do better.
Good luck.. keep us posted on you campaign and we will support you.
S.O.P from the Grifter party….
The Grifter is the one with 34 felonies, countless bankruptcies, and yet still sells worthless trinkets to his cult at every opportunity like fire sale items on the home shopping network. I mean let’s be real.
The negativity and shriveled attitudes of the Democrats shows on their sour and withered faces. Five year old children have more emotional composure than the flagrant immaturity displayed by Dems last night.
she’s a total idiot, there is no democratic party they have become nothing but socialists and communists today. Disgusting little DemonRats.
What are the NM Dems even FOR? It’s not NM. It’s not USA. It’s not even themselves; they are so incompetent.
Oh Stansburry is a leftwing loon. She promised to co-sponsor a Veteran’s bill, she flat out lied. All she cares about is un-American liberal crap.
New Mexico— Land of Embarrassment
Stansbury is carrying on as if she is pouting* in grade school.
*Pouting is when we are having an internal pity party because we haven’t gotten what we wanted, things haven’t gone the way we’d hoped they might, we heard something we didn’t want to hear or disagree with, or we have to work on something when we would rather be doing something else.
Demos are the most childish spoiled brats. Their self love over this great nation was broadcast last night for all the world to see. They are pitiful but not to be pitied, their behavior was unconscionable. Stansbury is a standard.
They are truly an embarrassment to NM and to USA, let alone the whole world saw how stupid and disrespectable these ungodly people are. I’m not surprised and guessing the whole world is not either.
You just can’t fix stupid!
Stansbury, you aren’t normal.
Haha! Yes, thank you Paul!
Never heard anything about her in her first term. Now she is constantly in the news. Is she garnering publicity for something bigger?
That’s the kind of juvenile behavior that we’re used to in NM from our (s)elected officials who don’t want prosperity and order for America. Our entire senate and congressional delegation are a total woke / Marxist disgrace. I guess the emerge academy doesn’t include decorum in their classes. The level of Trump derangement syndrome displayed by these democommies and passed down to a lot of NM voters is what keeps NM last in everything good and first in every bad category. If these marxists are not removed New Mexicans are just re-arranging deck chairs on the titanic !
No, what the Democrats have to offer isn’t normal.
Another appointed idiot courtesy of the Loserjan clan! Wake up New Mexico and quit voting these idiots in!
Miss Abi-Normal, part of the Epstein/Maxwell group.
Truly sad the idiots that make up our congressional delegation. She is an ignorant woke liberal with zero common sense. I believe Representative Gooden did an excellent job of pointing out the current liberal agenda as being “not normal”. Wake up NM and quit putting morons in office.
Dem’s hero, Nancy Pelosi, set the stage when she ripped up Trump’s state of the union speech. Following a bad leader who knows nothing about diplomacy, but a lot about insider trading.
Resistance is futile.
I called Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) and thanked hm.
(202) 225-3484
Nice Rita!
I found the entire democratic party presented themselves in the most disgusting, disrespectful manner in the presence of the entire nation/world.
Heinrich did not attend the ceremony because Trump does not respect the rule of law. What a lying piece of 💩.
The democrats couldn’t honor the accolades given to the boy who had brain cancer. The victims murdered by the gang cartel members. What does that say to their constituents back home. Vote them out.
You are so right, I could not have said it any better.
Stansbury is an embarrassment to New Mexico, and it seems she is the Dems red headed stepchild!!
We have to get rid of the Dominion voting machine and go back to voter ID and just paper ballots. The cheating has been horrible. Otherwise the Dems will cheat their way into office again. Only citizens voting also. We will most likely lose federal funding due to the dem behavior. Our schools are already at the bottom with crime at the top. I hope NM can be turned around!
I completely agree about cleaning up the voting process. We most likely flipped in many of the state elections but with Dominion and Maggie at the helm, we’ll never know. In my opinion, states should not be relying on Federal money and the school system is completely broken. Home schooling and charter schools will benefit children more than the liberal WOKE propaganda that has been infused in our public schools.
Made an ass of herself again. Needs to be recalled and put in a home for the insane