Semi-auto ban, red flag expansion, and more: See the status of these gun grabs

As the 2025 New Mexico Legislative Session reaches its halfway point, several pieces of anti-gun legislation are making their way through the state legislature, with some bills gaining traction while others remain stalled.

The most significant recent development was the passage of the “weapon conversion device” ban as part of the omnibus crime bill, HB8. This bill, which was altered and pushed through the House Judiciary Committee, was quickly advanced to the House floor, where it passed on a 48-20 vote. Notably, several Republicans joined Democrats in voting for the measure.

According to the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA), HB8 now contains the following provision:

“Unlawful possession of a weapon conversion device consists of a person knowingly having in that person’s possession an unlawfully obtained weapon conversion device or knowingly transporting an unlawfully obtained weapon conversion device… ‘weapon conversion device’ means a part or combination of parts designed and intended to convert a semiautomatic weapon into a fully automatic weapon.”

With the House’s approval, HB8 now heads to the Senate, although committee assignments for the bill have not yet been announced.

Meanwhile, HB12, which seeks to expand New Mexico’s red-flag gun confiscation law, was notably left out of HB8. According to NMSSA, efforts were made by the bill’s sponsors to include it in the omnibus legislation, but they were unsuccessful. HB12 has now been awaiting action on the House floor for over a week. NMSSA warns that it could be brought up for a vote at any time and is urging continued opposition to the measure.

Several anti-gun bills introduced in the Senate remain in committee and have yet to see movement. These include:

  • SB255, which would expand the criminalization of private firearms transfers, is currently sitting in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee.
  • SB279, a proposed ban on semiautomatic rifles and magazines, as well as SB244, which would make it a crime for a minor to possess a firearm, both waiting for hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • SB318, which could allow anti-gun activists to sue gun stores in New Mexico out of existence,was assigned to the Senate Tax, Business & Transportation Committee.

As for pro-gun legislation, HB202, which would establish a tax credit for the purchase of gun safes, is scheduled for a hearing in the House Taxation and Revenue Committee on Monday, February 17. The bill aims to encourage safe firearm storage by offering financial incentives to gun owners who invest in secure storage solutions.

With the pace of the legislative session picking up, NMSSA warns that more bills could advance quickly through committees in the coming days. The organization continues to urge Second Amendment supporters to stay vigilant, share information, and engage in the legislative process to oppose the proposed restrictions.

As the debate over gun legislation intensifies in Santa Fe, the fate of these bills will likely come down to key votes in the coming weeks, making citizen engagement and legislative scrutiny more critical than ever.


21 thoughts on “Semi-auto ban, red flag expansion, and more: See the status of these gun grabs”

    1. Changing these laws don’t mean sqwat to the cartels. I don’t see my neighbors changing over to auto from semi auto. This is all “feel good” legislation that means nothing.

  1. Interested in the Alb. D opinion about these measures “increasing incarceration”; or is it OK because these impact law abiding citizens of her political opposition?
    These are mostly insane, anti-constitutional measures – the left is FULLY aware that none of those will help solve the violence; don’t worry, they will add more laws to eliminate freedom and use the same justification.
    Close the border to ILLEGAL immigration and drop the hammer on violent offenders and repeat offenders.
    IT’S NOT THE GUN, ITS THE PEOPLE AND THE CULTURE. Hollywood/video game/media portrayal of firearms use is sickening- where do you think these children learn to solve problems by posturing and shooting at people!??!!
    Making it illegal for a minor to “possess” a firearm? That is horrifying. We need to teach children about the tool, not keep them ignorant. How about increasing penalties for minors using firearms in a crime?
    If you make guns illegal for minors, you should sure take cars awa, too.

  2. Taking one right at a time until we will be like the Aussies, unarmed and unprotected so the government can do anything it wants to. The government leadership in NM is communist at best but more Marxists and New Mexicans will continue to vote the marxist into office until we are all totally obedient to there marxist rule.

    1. Well written Mike. The majority of Americans have not studied the arguments during the ratification of our Founding Fathers. The main concern they had was the usurpation of our liberties. Ironically the agreement between the federalist and anti federalist was that all natural liberties are absolute. What did Grisham say, “In my opinion, not all rights are absolute.”

  3. Ban politicians from pushing special interests due to their LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!! Pass a law that citizens can sue idiots in the roundhouse for trying to take rights away from law abiding citizens!!
    My 2nd amendment RIGHTS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!

  4. You hit the nail on the head Mike! Our (s)elected “leaders” come from a pool of liberal/Marxist training centers such as the emerge academies. The legislature consists mostly of angry feminists and women of both sexes who advocate for Soviet style statism where constitutional rights are dismissed or ignored. Unfortunately outside of a couple of sane legislators ( Lord and Block) the rest of the blue haired liberal crew are hell bent on destroying our state and country.

  5. these people need to be sued for trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights. And they need to be prosecuted for violating the US Constitution 2nd amendment. Prosecuted and sent to jail.
    NM is doomed if these bills get passed and NM citizens just let it happen without standing up agains the corruption. I am sure someone who has common sense can help to us to get rid of these communists, comrades of MLG (who so needs to be impeached).

  6. Criminals do not follow the law. That’s why we call them ‘criminals’.
    Restricting the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens will not affect criminals’ behavior.

    Guess our lawmakers have forgotten this universal truth.

  7. I think we all need to remember that the founders were very clear that WE decide what is lawful and constitutional. We do not need to wait for an election to exercise our liberties. Lysander Spooner was very clear what the people needed to do to oppose such a tyrannical government. James Otis jr. said, “do not comply.” We need to stick together and say no more.

  8. Every one of these Bills introduced are moot and cannot legally stand. They don’t hold water against the words and intentions of the Second Amendment. Every legal gun owner has jumped through everyone of the required Federal hoops to legally purchase and own all their guns. Psychotic politicians, whatever restrictive anti gun Bills they introduce are completely out of line with the Constitution of the United States. End of Story. The Supreme Court has already settled the matter and crackpot criminal politicians have no say in that ruling.
    New Mexico potential legislatures must be required to undergo deep psychological evaluation before being able to even be considered for possibly running for office and servitude of the citizens of New Mexico.

  9. STOPPING FEDERAL INFRINGEMENT ON CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to end the federal government’s violation of Americans’ fundamental Second Amendment right to protect themselves, their families, and their freedoms.
    This Executive Order will halt existing policies designed to curtail the clear right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.
    The order directs the incoming Attorney General to immediately complete a specific review of all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, and other actions by the Biden Administration regarding firearms—listing several specific documents to be reviewed—and deliver a plan of action to the President to eliminate all infringements on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
    ENDING THE ATTACKS ON LAW-ABIDING GUN OWNERS AND GUN BUSINESSES: The Biden Administration has flagrantly sought to eliminate Second Amendment rights. Among other infringements, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) was weaponized to end the livelihoods of law-abiding small business owners in an effort to limit Americans’ ability to acquire firearms:
    The so-called “zero tolerance” or “enhanced regulatory enforcement policy” put in place under the previous administration led to a nearly six-fold increase in enforcement actions against Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL’s), many of whom are mom-and-pop shop small businesses who made innocent paperwork errors.
    Firearms manufacturers have been de-banked or denied services simply because they make guns—which allow Americans to exercise a constitutional right.
    DEFENDING OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS: President Trump is standing up for our constitutional Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, building on progress made during his first term:
    President Trump removed the United States from the United Nations (UN) misguided Arms Trade Treaty to protect Americans from the threat of global regulations of conventional firearms.
    President Trump’s Department of Justice narrowed the definition of “fugitive from justice” to more specific guidelines when determining who is prohibited from buying a gun.
    During the pandemic, President Trump designated the firearms industry “essential” in order to protect gun stores, shooting ranges, and ammunition dealers from being shut down.

  10. I am disappointed to see the PP call the portion on tax credits for gun safes as “pro-gun.” That is simply sophomoric thinking. Does a tax credit come through the filling out of forms and “asking” the state to give some money back? This is simply a back-door mechanism to let the state know that you actually have guns! And the bigger the tax credit would imply a bigger safe meaning that you have more guns. Or maybe the state would force the gun safe dealers to do the reporting for the tax credit and this would be even more sinister and controlling. There are so many things wrong with just the idea of tax credits for safes that it’s inconceivable for it to become legislation. Simply owning a safe now means you have guns. What a crock of Marxist logic. Can we just stop ourselves from thinking the NM legislature has any real progun intent. If they did, all the prior comments about shall not infringe would prevail…sadly they don’t.

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