U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-CD-01)
Stansbury voted against the deal, writing in her own press release, “House Republicans put our nation in an unconscionable position: gut the programs our communities depend on—or face a catastrophic default. In the process, they took the American people hostage, threatening Social Security, Medicaid, disability and veterans benefits. While President Biden heroically steered our country away from the brink of disaster, the GOP secured a deal that will cut vital programs and hurt American families. Last night I voted against the GOP’s ransom note and a deal that would undermine food security for thousands of Americans and weaken our bedrock environmental laws.”
“New Mexicans depend on clean water, clean air, and vital nutrition programs. I voted to defend these programs and will continue to fight for our communities and to eliminate this archaic debt ceiling hurdle so that extremists can never use it to hold our country hostage again,” she added.

Well… at least she voted against it, even though she’s a rocket surgeon.
Too bad he didn’t read it with an open mind instead to see what a mess it is. Yes, part of the problem. I’m gonna resist saying anything else…
Stansbury doesn’t believe in a “debt ceiling” so she must be one of those socialists who also believe that as long as the treasury can print money it has the same value. Does she run her household budget the same way? Or she only spends crazy because it’s other people’s money?
Melanie Stansbury is a true “American Marxist”
Parts of this state must be overloaded with useful idiots and useless eaters that keep electing imbeciles.
Seems to me like New Mexico pretty much depends more on the oil industry than anything else, although far fanitical leftist Dems are in total denial.