See how favorable Trump and Harris are in New Mexico, according to polls

The polling company Civiqs conducts periodical polls showing favorability for 45th President Donald Trump, the Republican 2024 presidential nominee, and Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee. 

According to the latest poll in New Mexico from August 1, 2024, Trump is rated 43 percent favorably among all likely voters and 53 percent unfavorably, with four percent of those polls undecided.

According to the latest numbers from July 28, 2024, Harris has a 36 percent favorability rating and a 56 percent unfavorability rating among New Mexico voters. This factored in her minor bump following Joe Biden’s ouster as the Democrats’ presidential candidate.

Thus, Trump has a seven percent edge over Harris in terms of favorability. Among independent voters, Harris has a 20 percent favorability rating and a 70 percent unfavorability rating, while Trump has a 50 percent favorability rating and a 43 percent unfavorability rating, meaning he has a +23 percent edge on Harris among independents. According to the latest registration statistics, independents or declined-to-state voters make up 23.4 percent of all those registered in New Mexico.

Among Hispanics, Harris is 39 percent favorable and 51 percent unfavorable. Trump is 44 percent favorable, while 53 percent see him unfavorably. Overall, Trump edges Harris by five points in this category.

With Harris being thrown on the ticket following Biden’s late exit from the race and Harris’ vast unfavorability with key demographics, Trump and other Republicans, such as U.S. Senate candidate Nella Domenici, have a shot at flipping the Land of Enchantment red in November if they can energize voters to come in droves to the polls and outperform any election-related chicanery that may come from the left. 

To see the survey on Trump, click here, and to see the survey on Harris, click here. Civiqs is rated 2.5 out of 3 stars on Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight pollster ratings.


16 thoughts on “See how favorable Trump and Harris are in New Mexico, according to polls”

  1. It is indeed good news, but this is not a time for complacency! What I’m happiest about is some of Dem faithful are starting to remove the blinders a little, and see the truth. But we have to keep the pressure up!!

  2. We have to keep fighting. We have to make sure we get out and vote and not be complacent. Vote early and often. And if you know any dead person get them to vote too. We conservatives have to do what the demoncrats do to win.

    1. He also a liberal. His true persona is also covered up by his campaign. If he merges then the communist news organizations will reveal his true identity.

  3. I suggest to save our country we all talk to people everywhere we go and convince people of the truth, if Trump does not win our country will soon turn to communism. Look at the facts, the lefties have sent the US into almost a resection, things are very expensive, our schools are failing our children. Biden and Harris have decided us by race and sex and sexual preference. They have defunded the police to drive crime up to the. Convince the people that we must give the gov more power to take our guns, this then allows the government to do what ever the hell they want!!!! Vote Trump or your children will not have a future.

  4. Without election integrity none of that matters. NM could have 100% of the vote go to Trump and the socialist/communist tyrants running the count will tell us that Harris takes the win.

    Anyone going to check your ID at the box this year?
    The idiot I showed mine to last go around looked at me like I was pure evil and rudely told me “we don’t need to see that.”

    1. I also have a voter registration card in LC when I go to vote I attempt to show them my card their response we don’t need that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Don’t count on brain-dead, brain-washed DemTards to do anything but vote for the Dem candidate, whoever it is. I have mentioned to 2 old friends – of 50 years – if they will vote for her. “Of course” said one, “she is our candidate, and she is a woman and Black. That’s historic”. The other just nodded. They watch local fake news every day, they never watch debates…they watch CNN and think they are ‘very informed’. This is your typical LibTard voter.

    1. I do not associate with people like that anymore. I do not even see or speak to most of my family anymore because they believe my niece is now a “boy”. I do not miss them at all. I do not need to associate with people that stupid and devious.

      1. NM has been a Democratic state for “EIGHTY YEARS” and have destroyed NM ,yet the voters today continue to vote Democratic ,”WHY” !!!!!!

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