Pure as Snow: Inspired by God’s many circumstances

Snow falls and covers the ground in whiteness.

Clean and pure, snow comes from the clouds of the heavens.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is pure as snow.

He descended from the heavens to the earth, To live among sinners stained with sin.

As He walked the earth, His love was shown, was given, To sinners such as you and I.

He did what He did even though He didn’t sin at all.

Pure and Holy was how He is to be.

But one day, He gave His life to death,

Becoming stained with sin as the veil was torn.

Dirty with the wickedness of all mankind.

He stood in the gap between our death to eternal life.

The Father, the Creator, the Judge, pardons us because of His Son.

With His Son Who Rose from the dead, we too can become pure as snow,

In God’s sight, under the blood of Christ, That washes our sins away to His delight.

A Christian poem by Chere Hardy of Alamogordo, New Mexico.


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