Pro-gun group takes on Lujan Grisham’s unconstitutional gun ban

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has filed a critical brief with the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in its ongoing lawsuit, Fort v. Grisham, challenging New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s prohibition on carrying firearms in public parks and playgrounds. The detailed brief is available for review here.

This legal action follows a July 24th Order from the Tenth Circuit, which required the parties involved to submit supplemental briefs addressing three specific questions regarding the appeal’s posture. 

In response, FPC’s brief argues, “[A]fter accounting for the issues the Court has raised, it remains the case that the Court should reverse the decision below and order entry of an injunction against the challenged provisions of the Governor’s order.”

The brief highlights the ongoing harm caused by the Governor’s ban, stating, “Plaintiffs have also declared that they will visit parks that are not covered by those ordinances, and regardless, the threat of prosecution under the Governor’s carry ban alone supports irreparable harm and standing.” It emphasizes that the ban causes significant harm to the plaintiffs, which can be remedied through a preliminary injunction.

Oral arguments for the case are set for September 25, 2024. This case is a component of FPC’s high-impact FPC Law strategic litigation program, which aims to challenge and overturn what it views as immoral laws to promote maximal individual liberty. 

The litigation is supported by an individual FPC member, the Second Amendment Foundation, and the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association.

Firearms Policy Coalition is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit membership organization dedicated to defending constitutional rights and advancing personal freedoms. Its FPC Law program is a leading legal initiative focused on restoring the right to keep and bear arms across the United States.


13 thoughts on “Pro-gun group takes on Lujan Grisham’s unconstitutional gun ban”

  1. Happy to see this! MLG is ripping our constitutional rights away, both New Mexico State constitutional rights and United States.

    1. Clare A May, retired

      Here’s the kicker…How long did it take to just get here? Over a year? …and you do know that this isn’t finished… even if “we the people succeed” in overturning this fiasco crap gun control…the NM AG will appeal… then its off to the Supremes…if it even gets accepted there…The Supremes can turn the case down, stay it or overturn it…

      How much time passes by then?

      Another 2-4 years?

      What about the cool down period of waiting 7 days to take possession of a firearm? I waited 7 days…. its been over 2-3 months now…I’m still pissed off at the NM goober and the NM gooberment passing that sh*t legislation… But none of my guns have assaulted anybody, they (my guns) haven’t shot anybody, and I cannot tell if my new guns are pissed off at having to wait in a box for 7 days to be tested on the range… Well you know… because they cannot get pissed off, because they are not human with thinking critical skills enabled in their MDNA…and well they do not have…er… MDNA to begin with.

      My guns dont know who their mommy was…nor their daddy. They really do not have a brother or sister so to speak… not in the MDNA world that is.

      I really hope and pray that my guns do not gain the function to independently process human actions… that would be a crazy few hours where like a “SKYNET type terminator world” would emerge.

      When the courts…punish those…who pass these draconian laws…and the punishment is bread and water for 30 days on 5 days off, and 23.75 hours is spent in a concrete cell…losing all worldly possessions?

      Yep Yep Yep…then justice may be empowered…of course…IMHO.

      1. Well that was alot… lol but Clare, I am pissed off too. Nobody cares about emotions, so just pet the the firearms you have while awaiting the arrival of the others to join the party.

  2. Hey MLG…

    Your ideological NONSENSE is beyond ridiculous…

    If you just took 10 seconds to do basic research… you’d know YOUR policy is HISTORICALLY PROVEN TO BE DANGEROUS!

    Since you won’t… maybe others will shove the DATA in your face… in court… good for you FPC !!

    RAND research has experts who can perform deep analysis on data, and they have the tools and process to thoroughly support their results.

    RAND’s example teaches us how to question and research things and not to rely exclusively on intuition.

    For this project, RAND assembled a large, multidisciplinary research team consisting of psychologists, economists, epidemiologists, criminologists, statisticians, legal experts, and mathematicians. In addition, the project team, led by Andrew Morral and Rosanna Smart, consulted with leading researchers, gun policy analysts, and government and law enforcement experts.

    What does their research PROVE BEYOND SHADOW OF DOUBT??

    On the topic: Effects of Gun-Free Zones

    And I quote:
    “One analysis of 133 mass shooting events between 2009 and 2016 found that 10 percent of incidents occurred in designated gun-free zones (Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, 2017b). However, another analysis focused on mass public shootings between 1998 and 2018 and reported that 97.8 percent of incidents took place in gun-free zones (Crime Prevention Research Center, 2018a). While the discrepancy in these estimates is partially due to differences in how mass shootings are defined—the latter study restricts analysis to mass public shootings—there also appears to be some disagreement about how gun-free zones are classified.”

    MLG, you are a DNC Cartel Gangsta….

    YOU are the danger to the SOCIETY of Law Abiding Citizens…

    Even 10% is bad enough — 97.8% is Criminally insane… and both percentages match your… “EXECUTIVE Criminally Insane BAN”

    May God have NO mercy on you… when, should an incident happen in one of your zones, those families and the entire population of New Mexico comes after YOU personally for CAUSING the Carnage…

    You did this… you can undo this…

    Need more to think about you DNC Gangsta?

    Chicago has the MOST EXTREME GUN BANS IN AMERICA… result?

    1. Robert thanks for the excellent post. However, you do realize Dimocrats only accept facts that support their idiocy, not contradict it.

  3. Anything and everything we can do to shut Loserjan down is a victory for New Mexico!! She is a corrupt scumbag from the depths of hell and needs sent back!!

  4. MLG and her comrades need to go, the sooner the better. And I hope people wake up before it’s too late. She is in line with Harris/Walz who are both communists.
    So let’s do and President Trump said after an assignation attempt, ‘”FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT.” Keep taking her to court and the more we can get the word out of her corruption and alignment with marxist ideals so that people will wake up and stop voting in these evil and ungodly people who want to destroy our wonderful nation America.

  5. Priztker got an assault weapon ban passed and Newsome finessed a gun registration. Your crowning achievement is no guns is the park and a 7-day waiting period?

    Back to the minors you go.

  6. Some very good posts.gun confiscation is not about public safety, it is one of the planks of the communist manifesto. If anyone notices historically tyrannical governments ALL first disarm their victims. Some cases are England, Australia, Venezuela, Cuba , Cambodia, with many more examples. Will Americans be next? The neo Bolshevik’s vying for control of the government like MLG and others nationwide must first deny the honest, hard working people the means of self defense so they can pass their draconian laws without being challenged. They are setting the stage for one world government. Satanism!

  7. Has anyone just thought about just ignoring these laws and using jury nullification if caught? Buy from private sellers. Most everyone will sell privately without a background check. Wait the 7 days (I think it is unconstitutional) and then put it in your pocket and go anywhere. If you are not going to do something wrong, who will know. It is not complicated folks. Better to be alive and maybe in court than dead.

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