Poll that sampled only 532 people says Trump down by 10 points in NM

A recent poll in New Mexico suggests that Kamala Harris holds a notable lead over 45th President Donald Donald Trump. The vice president polled 49% compared to Trump’s 39%. 

However, it’s important to note that this data is drawn from a relatively small sample size of just 532 likely voters, which is a fraction of the state’s overall electorate. 

While this small group may reflect some current voter sentiments, it’s crucial to acknowledge that such a limited sample may not capture the full diversity of opinions in New Mexico.

The poll also revealed some key demographic splits: male voters were almost evenly divided between Harris and Trump, while women leaned more heavily toward Harris. 

Additionally, education level played a significant role, with college-educated voters favoring Harris by a 2-to-1 margin, while those without a degree were more inclined to support Trump.

Hispanic voters tended to favor Harris, but Trump’s support among this group was stronger than in previous elections, with 36% backing the 45th president. 

The poll highlights a trend of Democrat dominance in more urban and northern areas, while Trump retains strong support in the more conservative eastern parts of the state.

This Albuquerque Journal poll, conducted by Research & Polling Inc., carries a margin of error of ±4.2%, meaning shifts in public opinion could occur as early voting and Election Day approaches.

Given the relatively small sample size, the results should be interpreted cautiously and may not fully represent the broader electorate.


15 thoughts on “Poll that sampled only 532 people says Trump down by 10 points in NM”

  1. Again, if they can’t manipulate the outcome then they have a 100% chance of loosing.
    They are the Democratic Marxists of New Mexico.

  2. Obviously, alot of our fellow citizens cannot see beyond the trees or are stuck on ideology. A new face, younger, a woman, socialist, etc and they believe she is going to make a difference in their lives. Perhaps for those who are looking for more government handouts and abortions up to the ninth month, well, she’ll be right up their alley.

    If she gets elected, nothing will improve, instead get worse, unless she were to deport all the illegals and shut down the border. And that she won’t do, or she would have already done it .

    Otherwise, inflation, crime, terrorism, etc, will continue, which will become a bigger burden to the working taxpayers to pay for the increases in services (medical, education, housing, etc) for the illegals and lazy citizens.

    “Let us not be a Nation of Sloth…..instead Patriots…..who will honor God, Family, and Neighbors”- Anonymous

    1. She’s way passed Socialism. She’s straight up preaching communism. Strength through Joy is right out of the Nazi handbook. Im trying to get a link but the internet is being slow as usual. Look up “Strength through Joy”

      1. The Nazi movement was “Kraft durch Freude” and was an integrated propaganda machine…. It did produce a couple of tangible benefits, unlike Kamerad Kamala’s”, those namely being the Autobahn (precursor of our Interstate system) and the Volkswagen.

  3. Who are they polling? I don’t know a single person that has been polled in over 20 years. I will say this though. My great grandmother who passed away at the age of 96 in 2003 was mailed a jury summons in the summer of 2021. The only way to get a jury summons is if you are on the states voter rolls. And they say there’s no voter fraud….SMH

  4. I must have donated to some dem somewhere along the line. I continuously get polls from them. Then I get thank yous for supporting Que mala. As if… People in Santa Fe will vote for her for sure. The propaganda rag, the Santa Fe New Mexican, is doing all it can for the dems. I had originally intended not to vote for prez this year at all. But now I will, not for que mala though.

    1. When you check voter records and make sure 400 of 532 voted for clinton ,obama, biden,grishom,heinrich,udall, richardson, you will get these resulrs.

  5. “… education level played a significant role, with college-educated voters favoring Harris by a 2-to-1 margin, while those without a degree were more inclined to support Trump.”

    Nothing but over educated idiots!

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