Police report: Vasquez once threatened to ‘kill and bury’ fellow NMSU student

Far-left Democrat New Mexico U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez, currently running for re-election in one of the most closely contested House races in the nation, has faced scrutiny over past incidents that have resurfaced during his campaign. 

According to a police report from 2005, Vasquez, then a college student at New Mexico State University, threatened to “kill” and “bury” another student during an argument. Vasquez admitted to making a phone call that could be considered threatening but explained that he was distraught over the condition of a close friend who had succumbed to alcohol poisoning at a party. He later apologized, and the issue was resolved without further action from the authorities.

This isn’t the only time Vasquez has faced controversies related to his interactions with law enforcement. In 2005, a police report claimed he used a racial slur during a dispute with a former employer, though Vasquez denied these allegations, stating, “I have not and would never use language like this.”

Further complicating his political narrative, Vasquez has been linked to a 2005 arrest following a noise complaint, where he allegedly tried to dispose of marijuana before being detained by police. Additionally, in 2002, he was charged for driving without insurance in El Paso, Texas, leading to a warrant that remained active until 2008, when he finally addressed it by posting bond.

These incidents have added fuel to Herrell’s campaign, which argues that Vasquez’s actions and statements reveal a pattern of erratic behavior. “Threats to kill and bury someone should not be glossed over,” Herrell stated. “This is extremely dangerous and unhinged behavior from Gabe Vasquez.”

In the past, Vasquez has also been vocal on the issue of police reform. During the 2020 George Floyd protests, he appeared on a local news segment and expressed support for “defunding a system that privileges White people.” However, he later clarified that he did not support defunding the police directly, saying, “I oppose defunding the police… I repeatedly voted to increase funding for the police and partnered with them, while supporting common sense reforms.”

With the election approaching, the race between Vasquez and Herrell remains one to watch, with both sides using the candidate’s history to appeal to their base and sway undecided voters. Read the police report via Fox News here.


23 thoughts on “Police report: Vasquez once threatened to ‘kill and bury’ fellow NMSU student”

  1. Gabe Vasquez has proven he has no concerns for our freedoms and the Constitution. His score card is 0%. Yvette Herrell voted in line with the
    Constitution and our freedoms and her score card was 92%. It’s easy to see who deserves our vote and support. We love you Yvette!!

  2. I read this on my Fox News app earlier. The comments were not kind to Gabe… you reap what you sow…. And he is fighting for women’s reproductive rights…. That’s the only platform he has and it’s still wrong…

  3. The more we hear about this thug the better off New Mexico will be when he is sitting behind bars and banned from being in any public service position!! He’s a punk that needs shut down!

  4. I have seen Gabe in action, he comes across as smooth and confident. I do not like his politics. NM is a blue state with more conservatives than left wing marxists (democrats). I do not think he is US born nor has citizens interest in mind in any action he takes. I am not against immigration. I worked along many”non citizens” that had the same goals I did. (work and make enough to support my family). (yes I am a wedo.) But I do not believe in an open faucet that allows US citizens to loose wages because illegals will work for less. I also believe if yo are in the US yo need to speak English. My grandmother did it so everyone else can do it. I know I am rambling but BLUF, if you want to be an US citizen you need to be of good moral character (not a criminal) you need a sponsor (someone that will pay your bills until you can pay your own) and you and yours need to want US values. I you support t Gabe, you are a marxist is the type of person that will allow our government to control the country. In the USA, the people control (or at leas should) control the government. Or constitution is “We the People”

  5. It is hard to believe that the Las Cruces voters did not check his background when he was running for local office in Cruces. This is why we get criminal politicians in office who continue this behavior when they get elected to higher office. Gabe’s spots don’t change.

  6. Yvette stands for life, young and old and
    Gabe stands for killing life, threatening life and
    Ending life at birth. When they say who they are,
    Believe them. Choose Life.

  7. This post has as much validity as the post that was written about me. There is nothing independent or is there no accurate reporting on this site. Much is just made up.

    Fred Ponzlov

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