NM Republicans choose new state chair

On Saturday, New Mexico Republican State Central Committee members met in Truth or Consequences to choose new party officers, including a new state chair. 

Current Chairman Steve Pearce, a former congressman, chose not to run for another term in the position, leaving the spot open to a new face following his exit.

Otero County Commissioner Amy Barela, a former chairwoman of the Otero County Republican Party and the current NM GOP first vice-chairwoman, won the vote to become the next Republican Party of New Mexico chief.

The new first vice-chair is Hessel Yntema, the second vice-chair is Mike Nelson, and the current secretary, Kathleen Apodaca, ran unopposed, as did Kim Skaggs for party treasurer.

In the state’s First Congressional District, former New Mexico House of Representatives candidate Joshua Neal ran unopposed for the position of CD-1 chair; in the Second District, Julianne Stroup won for CD-2 chair, and in the Third District, Public Education Commissioner Sharon Clahchischilliage, a former state representative, won that seat.

In the November 2024 presidential election, Republicans made up ground for President-elect Donald Trump, whose vote margin against Kamala Harris rose five points from 2020 when he ran against Joe Biden. 

With the shift in momentum toward the Republican Party in the state, Barela and the new party officials will have the job of recruiting volunteers, registering voters, and helping the GOP finally win back key seats in Congress, on the state-wide level and majorities in the state Legislature, where Democrats dominate 44-26 in the House and 26-16 in the Senate following the November elections.


18 thoughts on “NM Republicans choose new state chair”

  1. We did not choose anyone. Until all in the Republican Party can vote for who we choose, no one was chosen by the PEOPLE

  2. Pearce is the Rona McDaniel of the NM Republican Party. I’m glad he’s gone & hope the new officers will shake things up. Actions will (as always) speak louder than words.

    1. Amy is a hard worker who listens. She is not going to show up 4 hours late for a party meeting because she needed to change the oil in her airplane.

  3. I do not care who it is, we just need someone to spread the word the the NM democratic party is a marxist party trying to destroy NM families, trying to change your children’s genders, trying to take you right to defend yourself, trying to tell you how to live what to drive and that everyone that is white is racist and every conservative is against gay people. All are lies, NMs as a majority are conservative, especially hispanic families. Wake up NM is what the republicans need to push and RINOs are not welcome. If they do not push 90% of New Mexicans are conservative/republican, the conservatives folks will separate from the republicans and make their own party. Trump is the only one trying to keep them one and the same.

      1. Did any you get out and find a strong Hispanic Latino and encourage them to run? I say give them a chance and if they don’t work out then step up and volunteer. All help is appreciated.

          1. Amy’s husband is hispanic. Amy isn’t. If she can make decisions based on her own and not follow in Pearce’s footsteps, maybe the state party stands a chance to reach Hispanic families.

  4. Disappointing, I will be surprised if they mention election integrity or make headway against the Marxist progressives. The people gained 5 points in the margins for/against Trump, not the party.

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