NM poll: Trump gains ground on Harris just days before election

With less than a week until Election Day, 45th President Donald Trump is within striking distance of Kamala Harris in New Mexico, according to a new survey by Rasmussen Reports and American Thinker.

While Harris maintains a meager five-point lead in New Mexico with 49% of likely voters compared to Trump’s 44%, the gap is significantly smaller than her predecessor Joe Biden’s double-digit margin in 2020. Trump’s recent visit to New Mexico has reinvigorated his supporters, with many believing he could flip the state for the first time in 20 years.

During Trump’s Albuquerque rally, he addressed key issues resonating with New Mexico voters, including the economy and border security, both of which remain top priorities for New Mexicans. According to the survey, 27% of New Mexico voters identified the economy as their most pressing concern, followed by 18% who cited border security. These issues, where Trump has historically polled strongly, may help him make further inroads in the state.

The Rasmussen survey also highlighted significant demographic trends in New Mexico. Trump holds a 10-point lead among male voters in the state, with 51% backing Trump compared to 41% for Harris. 

New Mexico is just one of several states where the Rasmussen poll indicates a close race. Trump leads by two points in Arizona and five points in Georgia, showing strong support in critical battleground states. 

Although New Mexico is not traditionally viewed as a key swing state in recent history, Trump’s recent campaign efforts suggest he aims to rally support in less conventional territories to expand his appeal beyond his base.

Andrea Widburg, managing editor at American Thinker, commented on the poll’s findings, particularly around border security. “A majority of New Mexicans, about 52%, agree that the situation at the border could be described as an ‘invasion,’” Widburg said. The sentiment echoes Trump’s own campaign messages, underscoring his commitment to strengthening border enforcement.

Energized by his Albuquerque rally, Trump’s campaign hopes this late surge in support can turn what once seemed like a secure lead for Harris into a competitive contest.

The Rasmussen poll margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. 


11 thoughts on “NM poll: Trump gains ground on Harris just days before election”

  1. Many people in NM just vote Democrap and believe the “fake news” aka propaganda and do not know the ramifications of how America will be if Harris got elected. She is a liar, and has no business in the office of President. But we all know she will be told what to do by the corrupt and evil “deep” state. The Clintons, Obamas, Soros (if he dies, his son has been groomed to think like his evil father) Bezos, Gates. And who know what foreign country is in the mix as well.
    So WAKE UP NM & AMERICA… Before it’s too late and we are living in a socialist/communist no longer America the land of the “free”
    Praying for a fair election and that President Trump is elected. Remember, we were better off when he was president than the last 4 years.

  2. To Democratic leaders in NM and in Washington the taxpayers are nothing but indentured slaves. Hearing President Trump’s personal message and Tucker’s message at MSG were great reminders of the freedom and the future that have and always will be ours. MAGA!

  3. I am feeling more positive about Trump winning. However, if Harris wins I will be supporting the first State that secedes.

  4. Shamala Harris, the mother of Kamala, was deeply embedded as a worker in the MK Ultra mind control program – that could explain a few things.

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