NM Dems select far-leftist as nominee for state legislative seat

Sarah Silva, a socialist “community organizer” from Las Cruces, New Mexico, has been unanimously selected as the Democratic nominee for New Mexico House District 53, located in Doña Ana and Otero Counties, after a closed-door meeting of Democrats who did not include any from Otero County to vote in Silva’s selection. 

Following the selection, Silva wrote via Facebook, “I’m honored to have the trust of our party, and ready to shift my focus to making sure this seat stays in Democratic hands. I want to thank the SCC members for the trust they placed in me and for honoring the late Dr. Jon Hill’s wishes and legacy.”

The installation of Silva came after the death of Jon Hill, who was the Democrat nominee for the seat after beating incumbent Willie Madrid in the primary. He endorsed Silva before his death.

Silva is known for her fringe, far-left activism and her leadership of NM Comunidades en Acción y de Fé (CAFe), an organization she founded in 2009.

NM CAFe claims to be a faith-based advocacy group that purports to mobilize communities to address issues of social justice, economic inequality, and “immigrant rights,” which is just a front to harbor criminal aliens who broke laws to flood into the state illegally through the southern border with Mexico.

Her work also involved collaboration with larger national networks, such as “Faith in Action” (formerly PICO), where she continued to champion far-left “progressive” causes.

Under Silva’s leadership, NM CAFe took on issues ranging from pushing abortion to supporting illegal immigration. 

Silva’s approach to activism and community building is deeply aligned with radical left-wing ideologies, emphasizing her intent to “dismantle” systems that she claims are racist and unequitable. One of these extremist policies she champions is universal health care. 

The socialist will face off in November against Elizabeth Winterrowd, who previously lost the seat to Madrid by the narrowest of margins in 2022. 


18 thoughts on “NM Dems select far-leftist as nominee for state legislative seat”

    1. This is seriously the level you and your friend who agrees with you is on? I guess I shouldn’t expect to find any grown ups here with the amateur level of petty reporting.

  1. Another comrade added to the politburo along with fake conservatives and compliant rino’s. MLG must be happy . New Mexicans must vet ALL their government officials and remove all anti constitution politicians regardless of “party” affiliation.

  2. It’s democracy working, the Democrats version of democracy. What else do you expect from Democrats…. Truth, accountability, integrity??? Only in my dreams.

  3. The biblical saying highlights that actions, not words, reveal one’s true identity. It is vital to focus on the policy’s actual content rather than its promotional claims, as this will reveal its genuine intentions. Many people are deceived by eloquent speeches and fail to examine the policy’s outcomes. Consequently, they face the repercussions of neglecting to separate fact from propaganda.

    Conservatism is based on reality, whereas progressivism often disguises itself as truth while promoting authoritarianism with appealing language. Be cautious of the effects of progressive propaganda, as its consequences will likely be undesirable. This person is a zealot wedded to Marxism and will seek fascist avenues to impose Progressivism (a synonym for Communism) upon New Mexico. Voting in mass is all that will defeat the corrupt and immoral.

  4. NM is taking over from the feds. This woman wasn’t elected by the people just like Harris was not elected by the people. Wake up. This is the future of “elections.”

  5. Did you ever notice how unattractive most democRATS are, and how attractive most Republicans are? Perhaps there is a connection between attractiveness and common sense – clearly missing from the dem party.

  6. I do not care what she looks like, I care what she can do for our community. I do know the Dems put one of the poorest communities in the state in the same section with left wing professors at NMSU. We have nothing in common. Our votes mean nothing in 53. My only hope is people realize Winterroad is the person to vote for to make 53 a better place.

  7. In 2021 Las Cruces parents discovered that White-talk was allowed in the classroom, a societal civil rights violation. And who was the Equity Council Coordinator at LCPS from 2019 to 2021: Sarah Silva. She was supposed to ensure Equity, but instead purposefully allowed blatant anti-white material to be disseminated in the classroom. But we parents found out in 2021, all the while under attack from NMSU professors called in by LCPS. That’s the short version of why NMSU refuses to apologize to LC parents. It’s ongoing, by the way.

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