NM Dems play with fire, ramp up DEI push amid Trump admin crackdown

Despite President Donald Trump’s decisive actions to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs—deemed by many as discriminatory and wasteful—a New Mexico state Senate committee has advanced Senate Bill 356 (SB 356), known as the “Diversity Act.” This bill proposes the creation of DEI-focused positions within the State Personnel Office and other agencies.​

On January 20, 2025, President Trump signed Executive Order 14151, titled “Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing,” directing federal departments to abolish DEI initiatives and prioritize merit-based employment decisions. This move aligns with the administration’s commitment to ensuring that federal decisions are based on performance and merit, revoking DEI considerations. ​

In contrast, SB 356 seeks to introduce a “chief diversity officer” in New Mexico’s State Personnel Office to lead DEI initiatives, including training, outreach, and regular evaluations of state agencies. Each state agency would also appoint a “diversity and inclusion liaison” to collaborate on these efforts. The bill allocates $250,000 to implement these changes.​

Supporters, like co-sponsor Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D-Albuquerque), argue that the bill promotes representation within state government, reflecting the state’s diverse taxpayer base. 

However, opponents, such as Sen. Larry Scott (R-Hobbs), highlight the federal shift away from DEI programs, suggesting that the bill is untimely and that the focus should return to merit-based employment decisions.​

President Trump’s administration maintains that DEI programs lead to unlawful discrimination by prioritizing inherent characteristics over individual capabilities. The President’s executive orders aim to eliminate such practices, reinforcing a commitment to equal opportunity based on merit. ​

As SB 356 progresses to the Senate Finance Committee, it faces scrutiny from those advocating for merit-based policies and concerns about potential conflicts with federal directives. The debate continues over the balance between promoting “diversity” and ensuring equal opportunity without resorting to discriminatory practices.


15 thoughts on “NM Dems play with fire, ramp up DEI push amid Trump admin crackdown”

  1. Sedillo is part of the NM swamp in Santa Fe. It is either her way or no way. She is a big advocate for late term abortions. I was an independent contractor before I retired. It was essential to have a support system that had merit regardless of their race, age, faith etc.
    The Democratic Party is not listening to their constituents or maybe their constituents do care which is not a surprise.

  2. A particular contractor to the state is also continuing the hush hush push to keep and silently push to fill roles using DEI. Shame, shame, everyone knows your name!

  3. I am sure that all of us Republicans are numbed by the one sided and underhanded character of the legislative process at the Roundhouse that has been status quo for decades. We have got to be smarter and learn to fight fire with fire. The far left has a program known as EMERGE which recruits, indoctrinates and trains individuals in preparation for them achieving elected positions and this is why there are no more moderate Democrats in Santa Fe. I am urging our new party Chairwoman Amy Barela to do something that Pearce never did and that is to think outside of the box.

    I understand that at least one of our conservative legislators spent time to reverse engineer the EMERGE program and outlined an equivalent program for the conservative cause. We must do the same thing, and soon. Conservatism is on the rise with Gen Z among 18–29-year-olds having gone for President Trump in a huge way. We must reach out to recruit, train and elect from this group. We could call this outreach the New Mexico Conservative Agenda Network (NMCAN) or the Conservative Outreach for Legislative Action (COLA) or any other name that applies but we MUST do it.

    I call on Chairwoman Barela to look at this suggestion and get it up and running. We will never be able to obtain any balance unless we get out of our rut and try other pathways.

    1. Bravo Mike. The NM GOP needs to get off their couch and save NM from the radical left. I like your idea of forming a conservative leaning g group but not just Republicans. How about The People’s Party. Gen Z is a great place to start. Social media too ! NM is gone if Deb Haaland becomes governor. Stand up NM. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. Mike, I have reached out to RPNM leadership, and a few elected folks up in Santa Fe. Results: NADA!

      You are correct, Republicans need to fight fire with fire, but who will those persons be? Serious question…

      Do Better New Mexico!

  4. What do you expect from these demoncrats in NM? Just wait until the Federal funding for NM is cut off! Liberal tears will be flowing like a river.

  5. Typical den of snakes!! The sooner we arrest and escort Loserjan and her cohorts out of the roundhouse the better New Mexico will be!!

  6. The dems deserve to burn, baby burn. And Trump should withhold every federal dollar from NM if they don’t follow the new administration’s rulings.

  7. Clare Alexander May

    Is it about time to say? Or do we have to wait a few more months? July 1st sound alright? Maybe October 1st. People dont move around so good when its too hot or too cold. I’m thinking maybe just after the first frost, when the daytime temps still get to like 75. I’m sorta crippled up and I don’t move so well to defend my rights, so I’ll need someone to find a nice spot for me so I have a 360 degree view to watch the party as well as transportation to and from and I like company. Sitting alone is boring.
    Pure evil has swept into our everyday lives and there doesn’t appear to have much kickback. The media has all but stopped reporting the Democrat law where a monthly 2K for murder scheme committed by a child is passing through the law making process, and jailing a child say aged 8-17 for shooting and defending their parents and his or her castle from intruders is being printed. (Yes I said his or her-there are no other options in my mind, maybe not the Democrat’s minds, but it is in mine) of course unless their parents are home. Banning virtually all guns and forcing a registry list for those already in possession of those they desire to ban so they have a list of who’s who in the self defense world and know which doors to force someone else to knock on, as you know these elected Democrats are far too chickensh*t to even step foot on a known armed citizens door and ask to see, let alone steal, their means of self defense. Mass gooberment approved executions of otherwise viable aborted 8-9 month old’s in Las Cruces at the 10 million dollar taxpayer funded murder facility. You know the one where if its alive when birthed by (according to Democrats) a birthing person then let it die on the stainless steel unheated table. I understand the logic of the DNC of NM, most aborted children are tore apart and dismembered in the womb with cutting instruments so when it comes out in pieces, its harder to associate the body parts with a former living human being.

    NM State Democrats need to take a look at what they have projected. They obviously are not the Blue Dogs that I worked so well with a decade or two ago.

    So John, Who do we hold responsible for this? The one who signs it into law or the ones who brought them to the floor and voted yes on them? Or perhaps both? Do we also hold responsible the ones who were missing or absent?

    How about making a rule change to rid this a**backwards State of voting in person by the only the elected and add the ability to vote from your hospital bed or motel room or your motor vehicle because traffic was a biatch for all of our lawmakers? Maybe invent a dedicated secure internet connection for only them to do this, you know like they have already with all the State run Casinos and the slot machines. The one that cannot be hacked.
    We might get 100% of the vote 100% of the time and get what we are paying for. Of course everyone of the elected are working for free so we are literally getting what we are paying for and its certainly not free sh*t for the current workers, retirees, current citizens and residents born here or in the USA, except, well you know, the 15 year old punk who executes his family and gets $2,000 a month, a free collage tuition, without being behind bars or who is facing a short rope and a long drop from a good solid cottonwood tree in the courthouse park.

    Just sayin John”… When will it be time…to say When?

  8. The goal of this is to establish the direct equivalent of political commissars that are found in communist regimes- These officials ensure ideological loyalty, enforce party discipline, and oversee political education.- the communofascists in this state are doubling down for sure; if you don’t obey the party, you’ll be called racist/homophobic/xeno….etc. and fired – until they have enough control to start sending people to slave labor/death “re-education” camps.

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