NM Dem Party official, MLG ally, says ‘too bad’ failed Trump assassin missed

Diane Cox, A Democrat Party of New Mexico official from Albuquerque who sits on the Party’s State Central Committee, posted an article from The Atlantic titled “Trump is planning for a landslide win” on her Facebook post after 45th President Donald Trump narrowly missed a fatal head wound at a rally in Pennsylvania, where an assassin attempted to murder him. The assassin ended up killing at least one rally attendee and leaving others injured, including Trump, who was pierced in his right ear by a bullet. 

One of Cox’s connections, Angela Agosta, wrote, “And now he will be America’s hero who survived an assassination attempt. The way the crowd was chanting usa USA (sic) as he was leaving the stage was so scary.” 

Cox then replied, “[R]ight? Even if he had been killed (too bad they missed) he’d become a Martyr to their fascist cause.” 

Another leftist commenter, Jessica Corley, agreed with Cox’s wish for the 45th President to have died, writing, “I could have lived with that.” 

Hours later, she then shared a post from her friend, Garry Breeswine, who wrote, “I know it’s asking too much, but I’m actually begging yall (sic) to care this much next time it’s a 3rd grade classroom instead of an A—HOLE’s f—ing ear.” 

Cox quipped, “Garry Breeswine said what most of us who aren’t hypocritical  MAGA nutjobs feel.” 

According to Cox’s information on Facebook, she lists herself as working as a “Gun Reform Activist” at Everytown Survivor Network, a rabid anti-gun group, as well as the “campaign consultant” for Steve Brockett, a far-left Alamogordo Democrat who was previously running for New Mexico House District 51 before dropping out and endorsing another far-leftist. 

According to MoneyTrail NM, a project of “New Mexico In Depth,” Cox has been a major donor to the Democrat Party, giving $1,050 to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham in 2022 and hundreds of dollars to candidates, including Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, far-left state Sens. Harold Pope and Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, both of Albuquerque, New Mexico Senate candidates Heather Berghmans and Cindy Nava (an illegal immigrant), New Mexico House candidate Ashlie Myers, who Brokett endorsed when dropping out, among scores of donations to the Democrat Party’s ActBlue apparatus. 

Despite calls for the Democrat Party of New Mexico to condemn Cox wishing death upon Trump, the party has yet to denounce her or call for her removal from its State Central Committee.


43 thoughts on “NM Dem Party official, MLG ally, says ‘too bad’ failed Trump assassin missed”

    1. That’s their culture – take note of the “fascist” commentary she makes — communist/socialist/fascists always project their behavior onto others. She continues to propagandize about patriotism being “scary” — these people hate America.
      The communists that took over the democrat party have really done an amazing job manipulating their base!!!

      1. Amen. I fully agree with you. She should be relieved of her position. Problem is, the rest of the Democrats agree with her. We have to stand up for what is right. Vote these democratic communists out of office folks.

    2. Typical hypocrite, she wants to ban guns but they are ok if they are used to kill people that she does not like.

      1. In 4 years of Trump no wars, hus only mistake was trusting his commie daughter who is married to a deep state Jew and a vice president fake Christian named Pense.. Yahweh protected him yesterday and when re-elected he will fire the heads of the FBI and the CIA, make peace with NOW CHRISTIAN RUSSIA and stop NAZI Yelensky and demand NATO stand down. Bill

    3. This disgusting woman and the others need to be placed on an international watch list and their home addresses should be made public.

  1. This is what hapopens when you let far left nutters run the state. Is it any wonder New Mexico is last in everything.

    1. You ae so right, Carlie. We need to get rid NM of these people who keep drinking the purple cool-aide and put people in office that love our country and want to keep our
      “Republic” the wonderful USA!

  2. They get their marching orders from Biden himself – “So, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
    If that isn’t a remark from an insurrectionist, what is?
    Of course, no apology from the “Big Guy”

    1. This is more than Biden. We are fighting a world wide, globalist agenda to destroy our Republic. Soros, the UN, WHO and the WEF are mainly behind it. Donald is only the start. We will need our 2nd Amendment Rights to fix the situation. Just be prepared folks. It will make the last civil war look like a picnic.

  3. It is shocking how far the left has gone. They (along with some people on the right) need to remember that, although they don’t like Trump, he is someones dad, granddad, brother, husband etc. To wish death on anyone is sick and hateful.

    I wonder how these people would feel if someone decided to put a hit on them. How would they feel if Republicans wished for their death.

    Grow up. Trump is not a demon. He is a man. Not perfect, but much better than what we have now and better than what we have had in recent history.

    1. Just remember Matt. Eventually they will come after you if we do not stop them. I have been warning people for 25 years that they will destroy our Republic if we do not personally stop them. It is hard to believe but they do want us to be slaves or dead. We will eventually, have to reply in the same manner. They do not care.

      1. Yes. If they’ll shoot a President, they will kill you and me and all of we. And that’s precisely what they plan to do. As Liz Cheney said when Wyoming kicked her out, “We will stop at nothing.”

  4. A staffer for a Dem Congressman posted basically the same sentiment and was immediately fired. But the Dems in NM are so corrupt, nothing will come of it. MLG will probably applaud her for it.

    1. My family has been in America for 517 years. I live in New Mexico, and it’s amazing how the Hispanics – once blue blue blue dem dem dem – are going red red red. We are Christians with family values and honor hard work. We are “middle America”! NewMex voted purple in the last presidential election. I expect it to go red this time around.

  5. These people are communists. Killing your opponents is, in they’re minds, ethical as long as the ‘means meet the ends’
    The sooner people realize this the sooner they all can be purged from gov’t and academia


    That’s a sick lady. I hope that none of her family members ever get shot at, because the feelings would be very different for her. I don’t wish bad for her but I do think she should be fired for spewing hate like that.

  7. Cox and the others who celebrate this assassination attempt are demonic and should be disowned by the party of “democracy.”

  8. When democrats make these terrible comments it just shows how they lie to all Americans and how they are the ones that spew hateful things, not conservatives. I remember how many nasty comments were made by the liberal democrats when Rush Limbaugh succumbed to the cancer that took him away all too soon. Sad to say that they blame conservatives/Republicans for being divisive, fascist and hatemongers. It is they who truly are all these things and more. You can all to easily find comments the left makes that prove the left is filled with sad, hateful people in leadership roles.

  9. It’s a very sad and diabolical world we live in. Trump truly dodged a bullet with the help of his guardian angel. My prayers go out to the families who lost a loved one and those who are in critical condition. God please help us get to the finish line in making America kind and great again.

  10. I challenge all to talk to try talk to democrats and ask them if they are on board with NM democrats. Hit them up with larger gov, cutting off sex organs off our kids with out parents permission, taking our gun rights away when it does not follow our NM or Fed constitution. Get them to say they are for the far right. I bet few if any are. then remind them they are destroying our state and they need to help fix it.

  11. Critical to Think

    In the 1988 B movie They Live, Roddy Piper puts on these special glasses and can see the creepy evil alien people running the world. We don’t need the glasses to see these evil, demoncratic followers in NM blabbing on social media, open your eyes NM they live here! Vote your values and protect children.

  12. Stewpid silly women everywhere. Want to get waped by darkies and beaten by them. That’s what will happen when you want white man gone.

  13. Clare A May, retired

    Are they still in the same job with the DNC of New Mexico? Are they still in New Mexico?

    If the answer is yes… my question is: Why?

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