NM Dem delegates fall in line, pledge to back Harris for presidency

Joe Biden won New Mexico’s primary election earlier this year, securing a significant portion of the state’s delegates. With Biden announcing that he will not seek reelection, these delegates are now falling in line with party bosses and supporting Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee.

New Mexico’s delegates will attend the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago next month to elect the party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates and set the party’s platform. The state has 45 delegates and three alternates for this event.

Following Biden’s announcement, Democrat leaders in New Mexico expressed their support for Harris. Among the supporters are the state’s 11 automatic delegates, including Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who praised Harris for her experience as a former prosecutor and her advocacy for reproductive rights.

New Mexico’s congressional delegation also endorsed Harris, with Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez highlighting Harris’ ability to bring “renewed energy, unity, and vibrancy” to the race, despite Harris’ far-left record and divisive rhetoric toward Republicans, young people, and many other groups. The state’s Democrat Party Chair, Jessica Velasquez, and Vice Chair, Manny Crespin, claimed Harris had extensive qualifications and experience.

As Harris began her campaign, she emphasized issues such as economic justice, gun safety, and reproductive rights. She is focusing on attacking 45th President Donald J. Trump, making erroneous claims he is attacking women’s rights, despite her supporting men taking women’s places in sports.

Delegates from New Mexico, including those from various congressional districts, are aligning behind Harris. Some have discussed potential vice-presidential picks, considering candidates from states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky to balance the ticket. 

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, one of the pledged party leaders and elected official delegates, expressed his anticipation for participating in the convention, highlighting the importance of shaping the country’s direction at this critical moment. The nomination of Harris will happen in August during a “virtual” process, which many have noted is undemocratic and lacking transparency, especially since Harris has not won a single vote in the Democrat primary for president. 


24 thoughts on “NM Dem delegates fall in line, pledge to back Harris for presidency”

  1. Marcello T Hinojosa

    They have no choice. She was installed as Vice president and now installed as the nominee with no voting. 🤔

  2. We’ve officially hit rock bottom. Dumb as a stump, communist. If they are able to install her, our country is finished. Obama’s 4th term.

  3. Pathetic… they are supporting the most corrupt anti American candidate that was nominated under suspicious conditions. QueMala Harris knew who was making the decision in the Oval Office. The lies, deception and dishonesty will continue with QueMala. The Minions from New Mexico will follow suit.

    1. democracy just means mob rule. The repubs did the same with that idiot jd vance they are installing as vp. no debate no choice. Our country is a constitutional republic for a reason.

      1. Actually you are wrong. The VP is picked by the presidential candidate. If there is an actual “ticket” the convention would approve it and that is what they did at the RNC convention last week. You are correct however. “democracy” is mob rule and the Founders specifically did not want it.

  4. Please stop calling idiot humans sheep. Herd animals always follow the smartest leader. if they follow a fool, they would be in danger and starve… kind of like what is going on now in the human world.

    Kamala’s father has jut been installed at stanford as the best marxist economic professor and now heads the economic dept. Yes, you heard that right. They are actively seeking marxists to brain wash your children… and not just at stanford. Take your kids out of the public fool system and research self directed learning and attachment or natural parenting. natural child dot org is a great place to start and heal our own wounds while allowing our children to embody their birthright from God; to be free, prosperous and happy.

  5. No elections. No debates. No democracy. There is just the hope that the anointed one will not misstep before we notice that the Empress has no clothes.

  6. Remember Jesus Christ. John 1:8

    “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”


    I have heard Kama isn’t legal to run for President because she is not a U. S. born citizen. Aren’t her parents Indian and American?? Where can I find out? I don’t like what she (hasn’t ) done as the vise president.

  8. And New Mexican dembocraps wonder why the economy has gone to shit and why crime is skyrocketing…. Corruption and thievery are commonplace in the dembocrapic party.. WAKE UP!!!

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