In response to a federal decision that rescinded protections for sensitive areas—like churches and schools—from immigration enforcement, New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez issued guidance ostensibly aimed at protecting such spaces from immigration actions. Torrez’s actions reflect a woke agenda prioritizing ideological goals over public safety and lawful immigration enforcement.
The guidance from Torrez’s office warns against disruptions in “spaces like schools and hospitals,” claiming such actions “jeopardize access to education, healthcare, and essential services.” This language suggests that the AG’s focus is less on enforcing immigration laws and more on shielding illegal immigrants under the guise of protecting public services.
Torrez’s statement that federal actions “stain the reputation of a once-proud institution” further indicates a broader effort to undermine immigration enforcement in favor of leniency for those in the country unlawfully.
Torrez’s guidance also emphasizes the so-called anti-commandeering principle, stating that the Tenth Amendment prohibits federal authorities from compelling local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws. The guidance creates unnecessary barriers to cooperation between federal and local authorities in upholding the rule of law.
The Attorney General provided specific guidance for various sectors, including law enforcement, healthcare facilities, schools, and places of worship, advising them on how to resist cooperating with federal immigration authorities.
These recommendations, while framed as “support” for communities, effectively promote an open-borders agenda by discouraging collaboration with federal agencies tasked with enforcing immigration laws.
Critics accuse Torrez of prioritizing progressive talking points over the interests of law-abiding citizens. By emphasizing the potential “chilling effects” of immigration enforcement on undocumented individuals, the guidance disregards the safety and security concerns of communities affected by illegal immigration.
Instead of ensuring that local law enforcement can partner with federal agencies to address crime—including those stemming from illegal immigration—Torrez’s guidance instructs local agencies to steer clear of federal cooperation, effectively tying their hands.
For instance, Torrez’s statement that federal detainers are merely “requests,” not legal mandates, encourages local agencies to ignore these requests despite the potential public safety risks posed by releasing dangerous individuals back into communities. This approach has drawn criticism from those who believe it undermines the integrity of law enforcement and places ideology above the welfare of New Mexico residents.
New Mexico, a border state, faces unique challenges tied to illegal immigration, including strain on public resources and risks to public safety. Yet Torrez’s guidance seems to dismiss these realities, focusing instead on limiting enforcement. By framing federal actions as harmful disruptions to sensitive areas, the Attorney General’s approach effectively creates sanctuaries for illegal immigrants, emboldening those who seek to evade accountability.
The guidance also raises questions about accountability and fairness. For example, while Torrez criticizes federal threats against local non-cooperation, he offers no alternative solutions for addressing the challenges posed by illegal immigration. His rhetoric of “protecting families” and “stability” for undocumented individuals appears to sideline the concerns of legal residents and taxpayers who expect their government to uphold immigration laws.
By painting immigration enforcement as an attack on vulnerable populations, Torrez seems more concerned with advancing a progressive narrative than addressing the practical challenges of immigration policy. His invocation of the Tenth Amendment, while legally grounded, is presented in a way that fuels mistrust of federal immigration authorities rather than fostering constructive solutions.
Furthermore, the guidance’s emphasis on “safe zones” for illegal immigrants, including schools and hospitals, risks undermining these institutions’ primary missions. Schools and healthcare facilities should focus on education and patient care, not be entangled in political debates over immigration enforcement. Yet Torrez’s guidance effectively transforms them into shields for those seeking to avoid lawful accountability.
Attorney General Raúl Torrez’s guidance reflects a troubling trend of prioritizing progressive ideology over public safety and the rule of law. By promoting policies that discourage cooperation with federal immigration authorities, Torrez not only undermines the enforcement of immigration laws but also places undue strain on local communities tasked with addressing the consequences of illegal immigration. New Mexicans deserve leaders who will uphold the law, protect public safety, and prioritize the interests of legal residents over the demands of a political agenda.
Torrez, I got news for you: Federal law Trumps state law. (Pun intended.)
paul federal law does not trump state law. and nothing trumps the supreme law of the land; our original founding documents. the people are the supreme authority. for a law to be valid, it must be constitutional , or it is null void and without effect.
the oath this criminal acting as ag should have taken can not be perjured. He is violating his oath to uphold our founding documents. the feds have very limited authority and jurisdiction, one is to secure our borders. all states must follow the supreme law of the land, as must federal jurisdictions. stop embarrassing yourself. educate yourself and read our founding documents. we all must demand all of our public servants uphold their oaths to protect and serve THE PEOPLE, not act to receive their bribes and kickbacks and serve themselves.
Ironically, AG Torrez could face charges of harboring criminals.
Take from him…everything.
Oh yeah…lol.. funny sh*t would be seeing him on the streets of Albuquerque in a pup tent on 2nd street.
If I had any say in this at all… Torrez would be the first State AG handcuffed, blindfolded, stuffed into the back seat of an unmarked black SUV, taken to the closest military air base, put in a parachute, and pushed out over North Korea. Optional action by the pushers would be pull the rip cord.
The Goobernor tolite queen sitter in Santa Fe would be the 2nd…
Just sayin’… Not that its gonna happen, but its a nice dream.
Look at the bright side: most sherrifs in NM are going to ignore idiot boys idea so perhaps the illegals will run to the liberal hell holes up north and stay out of the reasonable parts of the state. Hells bells, by and large illeagals avoid NM cause it is as crappy as their home countries.
Wtg luhan ( lower case intentional).
Still a Soros puppet !
Torrez is a typical marxist dem from NM. He tells law enforcement to break the law, I am sure when the feds arrest law enforcement Torrez will be the first to bail them out….NOT. The dems only want control of NM, they give a crap what squalor they live in they only want there vote and to brain wash their uneducated children to ensure they are so uneducated they still vote for the marxist dems that are destroying lives across the state.
Torrez, you’re under arrest.
Didn’t we already fight this war in the 1840s?
It’s another Alamo!
Can’t wait until all of them are marched to GITMO. We have a nest of them in New Mexico.
Never underestimate President Trump. He will surprise you when you least expect it. That’s his MO.
Turn off all federal dollars to NM until our officials start cooperating with ICE and border patrol personnel.
YES, YES, YES!!!!!
My message to AG Torrez: I’d love to see you try and stop Tom Homan from doing his job in NM, you ignorant putz.
Torrez is just following the orders of his “Queen” the Tiny TyRunt dictator of NM, can’t block those illegal aliens aka yet to be registered democrat voters.
I’m dyin’!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tiny Tyrunt!!!
Raul Toolez is a disgrace. I would love to see him do a Perp walk. Stand your ground tool bag! You and the tiny Tyrunt!!
I’m still dyin’!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Best nickname I’ve seen in a long time. My nickname for her can’t be put in print or said in polite company.
Treason – aiding enemies of USA – providing aid and comfort to enemies. What’s the penalty for treason? Hope this idot finds out.
Um… US citizen criminals (we have plenty of our own)… Do they fit in with the illegal criminal “mandate” that NM AG Raúl Torrez is thinking can usurp US Federal law? OH WHAT AM I THINKING? Criminals can’t have THEIR freedoms violated. CITIZENS… um… shut up and sit down?
The AG can not mandate anything to our Elected Sheriff’s who work for the PEOPLE, who by the way Overwhelmingly Elected TRUMP to clean up this cesspool. This will not end well for AG or Gov mlg…!!!!
It’s going to be so good to see Torres and Loserjan handcuffed and jailed!! can you say “Adios Pendejo”..
I agree with every single comment. I am looking forward to see all this happen and don’t forget baby Keller, he thinks ABQ is a sanctuary city. Well, this little comrade of the evil MLG will have a rude awakening when the Feds come marching in to find all the illegals. Guessing they ming start from the border and work their way up.
It will be a site to see for sure… I know it may take some time, but eventually all the illegals will be exposed.
God bless America and God bless our President Donald J. Trump!
correction: Guessing they might start from the border and working their way up…
I say to hell with the Govenor and the AG they are all stupid and all citizens should help get rid of the illegals
And so is the voters that elected them, all stupid.
Mess around and find out!
Maybe Torrez has not heard of the arrests in Boston which is a sanctuary city.
Good luck.
AG Torres needs to read the constitution and realize that he is committing treason and that the penalty for that is death!
Not surprising from a Soros/WEF installed stooge! Even old school Democrats must call BS on this insanity but they try to save face better than the Chinese. Haaland, And our current batch of Senators and and House members representing NM are all on that Soros train!
This one is the truth will set you free!!