Night Sky: Inspired by God’s many circumstances

The moon in the sky, The stars shine bright.

As the clouds drift by,

With the wind ever so light.

Thank You, Lord,

For it all.

In worship and praise,

To Your Name on High!

With Your love all-consuming,

Evermore with our devotion to Thee.

You deserve our love, our devotion, our all in all.

For Your beauty forever will be.

Love everlasting,

That’s what all souls seek.

And that is You, and Who You Are, Forevermore will be.

A Love that endures,

The many tests of times.

For it’s Your Love that gave us His all.

So that we can hear that sweet, gentle call.

Thank You, Lord, for the moon and the stars,

As the clouds drift on by.

A Christian poem by Chere Hardy of Alamogordo, New Mexico.


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