Multi-million dollar NM ad buys blister Heinrich, ‘woke’ Harris over failures

New multi-million-dollar ad buys from the group Election Freedom, Inc. blister New Mexico Sen. Martin Heinrich and Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ nominee for president, over their actions that increased inflation for everyday New Mexicans and created a crisis at the southern border.

The two ads ad, featuring both of the far-left politicians, don’t pull any punches with the Democrats’ attack on the working New Mexican.

The first ad declares, “Vice President Kamala Harris and Senator Martin Heinrich made inflation worse.”

“Harris and Heinrich voted for the reckless spending that drove up prices. They spent more. Now, we’re paying more. Thanks to Harris and Heinrich, housing prices and mortgage rates are soaring. Energy and gas prices have jumped, and grocery prices continue to rise.” 

The other ad primarily digs into Kamala Harris, who declared that the wide-open border that covers at least 50.3 miles in New Mexico is “secure” despite the largest flow of illegal immigration in the nation’s history under the Biden-Harris administration.

The ad also hits Harris on her work to defund the police, asking New Mexicans to call her office and tell her that “woke doesn’t work for New Mexico. We need more police and lower prices.”

The ads are to air at saturation level in the New Mexico market, along with a digital spot to educate New Mexicans on the failed policies of the two Democrats’ reckless policies that have resulted in residents feeling unsafe and poorer under their watch. 

According to a senior advisor for the organization, the group’s total investment in the state is well over seven figures, demonstrating that New Mexico is beginning to receive target treatment.

Emily Moreno Miller of the Trump 2020 Victory political team said regarding the ad placement, “This is the largest investment in New Mexico that we’ve seen in recent years. The resources being pumped into the state right now will put it on the map and grant this state national attention, something the left cannot ignore. This will move the needle in New Mexico, and expand the map in 2024. A message to the liberal media – do not ignore New Mexico.”

Recent polls have shown 45th President Donald Trump and U.S. Senate challenger Nella Domenici within single digits of their opponents in the Land of Enchantment.


14 thoughts on “Multi-million dollar NM ad buys blister Heinrich, ‘woke’ Harris over failures”

  1. Everything these ads are saying is true. If you are a Democrat living in NM, you have to see that there is crime, youth crime, drugs, problems in education and not enough jail time, inflation etc. You just need to ask yourself, Do I love my country, more than I hate Trump?

    1. There ya go….the HATE and Vitriol for TRUMP these people you run into in New Mexico reveals how brainwashed they are. New Mexico will again vote TRUMP but this time the crooksters will be seen as they TRY to manipulate the vote again….Cynthia

      1. You’re are so right…. MLG and her comrades are bad for NM as well as their laws made in the round house.
        they need to be voted out of office and MLG should be impeached. The round house needs to be rid of her comrades and make her a lame duck!

    2. I am a Republican and vote my values. A lot of people on here don’t get it, you would be wanting democrats to change to republicans. Just like we want Navajo Nation to redpill. Trump has RFK and Tulsi Gabbard on his team, and he gets it. Stop being haters and get people to wake up in a better way, educate not retaliate.

      1. Hard to educate when people refuse to do any research or listen to any reason. The MSM has
        told so many stories with no proof. People hold on to their offendedness (new word) so tight to the vest, they
        can’t let their hatred for mean tweets go. So they would rather let their nation go down in flames. Sad!

  2. NM MAGA & Deplorable Lizard

    Won’t matter to the average NM socialist aka democrat, they vote straight ticket no matter what. Mussolini and Stalin could run and if they have a “D” after their name the NM DNC will indorse and vote for them. The NM DNC could care less that “Maryland Martian” hasn’t lived in the state physically since being elected

  3. I saw an ad last night where he’s accusing his opponent of supporting a national abortion ban. Really? You know they’re desperate when they fall back on the abortion issue (remember MLG vs Ronchetti?).

  4. I see a lot of people waking up and changing party. I do voter registration and I believe a lot of Dems are ready to go Red , and we welcome you.

  5. The ads speak the truth…why the democrats can’t see the obvious is beyond logic. I like what Bernie Sanders had to say about Harris when questioned her new tactics in her ad campaign…”Harris is trying to win the election “ meaning she will lie as she has always done.

    I agree with the comments on Heinrich ad…he has no other honorable platform to run on except scare tactic on abortion…Heinrich ad should read “ Come to the Land of Enchantment the Governor of New Mexico and I welcome you”. “We are the Capital mill for abortions. “

  6. The media/ads need to focus on the fact that Heiny so cares for NM that he moved his family to Maryland. Debunks his position on caring for NM and feeling their pain. Very easy to do when you live a 1000+ miles away. Ask WHY he doesn’t live here? ask why abortion up until birth isn’t considered manslaughter? Why are you aiding and abetting illegals while ignoring the needs of the legal?
    In response to NM Lizard above you are correct. Having worked as a system clerk during elections, the sheep come to vote, turn the ballot sideways and go through the ballot marking everything with a “D”.

  7. The Border Czar Kamala and Joe Biden should have been impeached for “Malfeasance” as result of the millions of illegal immigrants they allowed with their open border policy. As to the US citizens who have not had their head buried in the sand, have seen and recognize the grief and problems the policy has caused and/or contributed to. The three main concerns ……Economy, Inflation, Crime…..can be arguably link to that disastrous policy.

    And for all the elected politicians that have supported the policy are…..Aiders & Abettors…..who need to be booted out of office.

    Do the right thing America…..Vote for Law N Order and lets “Make America Great Again”

  8. Hiney-lick turned his back on NM the day he headed for the plane to Washington!! We NEED to remove him and little Benny-boy Loserjan then ban them from holding ANY federal or state position!! Same for the cackling flat-backer! She didn’t get to where she was by using her brains!

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