MLG’s war on oil: Court upholds far-left emissions rules to harm industry

The New Mexico Court of Appeals, which is comprised entirely of Democrat judges, has upheld a contentious set of emissions regulations targeting the oil and gas industry in one of the nation’s most productive energy states. This decision reflects a broader push by far-left environmentalists to undermine the industry, even as experts point out the lack of tangible or scientific evidence that such measures provide meaningful public benefits, whether measurable or otherwise.

The case focused on a 2022 regulation requiring operators to monitor and reduce emissions of pollutants like nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These chemicals can contribute to ground-level ozone, or smog, under certain conditions, claim eco-leftists.

Proponents argue that high ozone levels can exacerbate respiratory problems, including asthma and chronic bronchitis. New Mexico’s oil-producing regions are well within federal standards, casting doubt on the necessity of these regulations, not to mention the science used to attempt to correlate them.

Far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s administration has ferociously pushed these rules as part of its agenda to combat “climate change.” This agenda is driven by political ideology rather than practical necessity, say many. Also interesting is that half of the judges on the Court of Appeals were appointed by the governor.

Lujan Grisham’s Environment Secretary, James Kenney, celebrated the court’s ruling, declaring that the regulations were developed with “substantial evidence” and urging the industry to cease legal challenges and focus on compliance. “These rules aren’t going anywhere,” Kenney stated, signaling the administration’s unyielding stance against the industry.

The Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico challenged the rule, contending that it disproportionately affects small, family-owned operators in New Mexico while allowing larger corporations to shoulder the costs more easily. The group highlighted how these burdens are part of an ongoing “death by a thousand cuts” approach that threatens the survival of independent businesses in the state. Its executive director, Jim Winchester, expressed frustration with the administration’s hostility toward local operators and indicated that the group is exploring further legal options.

The court dismissed arguments that counties such as Chaves and Rio Arriba should be excluded from the rule. Judges concluded that these counties were part of larger regions that reached the ozone threshold, though critics argue that including these areas stretches the scientific justification for the rule’s geographic application. This reasoning, some say, underscores a broader lack of concrete evidence supporting the regulation’s purported environmental and health benefits.

This decision adds to growing concerns about the ideological slant of New Mexico’s judiciary. With the entire Court of Appeals comprised of Democrats, many see this ruling as a reflection of partisan alignment with the Governor’s eco-left agenda rather than a balanced consideration of the rule’s economic and scientific merits. The lack of diverse perspectives on the court raises questions about the fairness of rulings that have far-reaching consequences for the state’s economy and residents.

The regulations require operators to invest significant resources in monitoring emissions and repairing leaks, with substantial costs that critics contend will yield negligible improvements in air quality. The burden falls hardest on smaller operators, potentially driving them out of business and consolidating power within larger corporations—an outcome that contradicts claims of supporting local communities and economies.

While supporters frame these regulations as essential for addressing climate change and protecting public health, detractors argue they are more about political posturing than achieving real-world results. The oil and gas industry remains a vital part of New Mexico’s economy, providing jobs and revenues that sustain the state. Policies that weaken this sector without clear, evidence-based benefits risk harming New Mexico more than helping it.

The court’s decision, celebrated by environmental advocates, is a stark reminder of how far ideological motivations can drive regulatory efforts. For an industry that plays such a critical role in New Mexico’s economic health, this ruling represents yet another hurdle—one that seems more aligned with far-left political priorities than with any demonstrable benefit to public health, the environment, or the state’s residents.


26 thoughts on “MLG’s war on oil: Court upholds far-left emissions rules to harm industry”

  1. Seems communism has taken over the hearts and souls of the majority of NM politicians and courts. Follow the party line, be damned the people.


  2. Do you think there was climate change when the dinosaurs were around? Of course there was. If our climate doesn’t change, it means the planet is dead. Meanwhile, can we slow down climate change that is bad for humanity? Well, we aren’t doing well at that. But the greatest things that change the climate? We like to think that the changes are predominantly due to human actions. We also thought that the universe circled around the earth. The climate will change no matter what we do. We can probably affect that in lots of positive ways, but we need to look at the big picture instead of parceling out portions for money and power (political) gains. lowering CO2 doesn’t hurt, but we wont be able to do that on a worldwide basis in a manner that makes quick changes. Some of the volcanic activity in the ocean as well as on the surface can make more changes in a much shorter time frame than our current attempts at lowering fossil fuel levels. Many of our attempts actually create more CO2 issues than they stop – such as EV’s with their lithium requirements, wind power with polluting caused by the disposal of blades etc. We need to actually look at the big pictures instead of what politically sells. PNM tells us they are not pulling out of the nuclear power plant. I believe that is a much more intelligent thing than where we were going.

  3. For as long as I’ve lived in NM (approaching 50 years), the court system has been a de facto arm of the Democratic Party.

  4. This is part of the communofascist attack on America –
    What’s the difference between destroying energy production with military force vs. destroying energy production via “eco legislation”?
    All said, NOTHING! The result is the same.
    I agree with protecting the environment, I DO NOT agree that it should come at the expense of our nation’s ability to maintain energy independence.
    These people are trying to bring this country to its knees.

  5. Sadly, the vast Majority (ABQ & Santa Fe) of New Mexicans vote for these Democrats blindly and will not recognize that these are the folks who have been keeping our state at the top of every bad list there is. I don’t have an answer on how we can get through to this majority that they have to vote differently if they want our state to serve them, not the Democrat party that keeps us poor.

    1. That is the problem, people do not do research before voting and vote in the same corrupt judges that are at the Democratic beck and call. They have sold their souls to the democrat/communism socialist party and until people wake up and understand the destruction of the currant administration and its corruption as well as the corrupt judges, nothing will change.
      I keep praying for Gods mercy.

  6. Until NMs vote right, NM will suck at everything it does from teaching our schools, spending our taxed dollars, allowing small businesses to grow, cutting off the sexual organs of our children without our permission, it just goes on and on. New Mexicans must wake up like the rest of America did when it voted Trump in. There are many of us that really want to fight the marxists in our state gov, but sometimes it seams like a waste of time and it may be time to move to a right freedom loving state like TX, SD, ND, MO,…….

    1. sadly many cannot afford to move and some just are so indifferent and do not do research when these corrupt people are up for re-election. So sad. Don’t give up yet, changes are a happening and when President Trump is in office, NM will have a new awaking when Federal funding is removed to all the so called sanctuary cities in NM. And issues with our borders that the evil and ungodly MLG refuses to protect.
      We also need to vote out the comrades of MLG who are mayors around the state.

  7. No surprise here when judges rule based on ideology instead of the law. They noodle around with the law until they find a way to justify the conclusion they want to reach.

    NM has a long history of democrat control but what many native New Mexicans fail to realize it the Democrat party they keep voting for is not the party their parents and grandparents supported. As someone said, they blindly continue to vote Democrat and never question the party’s true intentions.

    1. Our court system is so corrupt that it is in need to a total redo. Not one judge will cross the governor because they are beholden to her. Just look at the charge of gerrymandering, which we all knew was true. The judges just do what ever they are told. And a good many of them are Emerge graduates. Meaning they really are Marxists.

  8. So elementary… The one element NO ONE is talking about is Earth’s 26,000 year cycle. Our Earth rotates, wobbles and moves away from the sun for 13,000 years, and then spends 13,000 years moving back toward the sun. We’re on the way moving back toward the sun… admit I’m not sure where in the 13,000 year movement we are, but regardless, no earthling can stop this cycle. The closer we move toward the sun, of course, the hotter we’re going to get. It will be up to humans to adapt to the heat. Learned about this in 8th grade science class. We are always being told to follow the science, so what did the “greenies” miss here?

  9. With the Trump energy policy coming on board NM will see the Industry coming back whether these idiots like it or not…. and with that comeback we will see a return of conservative voters coming back into NM. If we get enough of those energy families here we may be able to shift the vote.

  10. Honestly, I think Republicans need to search from within too! How many Republican candidates did the state Republican Party put forward? Nearly zilch! Then you wonder why the courts are dominated by libtards. Get a clue and get candidates and get ready for 2026 and beyond! Is it that you have no qualified candidates or you are not trying hard enough? Not just the courts, but there should be a Republican running against every communist on the ballot! We need new and passionate leadership in the state RNC.

    1. Show me how its done

      The CD2 Gabe/ Yvette race was over 10 million dollars. When you say that Republicans need to get better candidates or we need to have more on ballots all I can ask, what are you doing? There is no magic formula to raise money, support RPNM, get Republican candidates, join Republican county group and meetings, go to your ward chair meetings, volunteer for events, register voters, poll challenge and watchers, etc. etc. It is a lot of time and work with very few people involved, but many complainers are always available.

  11. why don’t the commies move the hell out of here to california because that’s where they think we are. They sure act like it.

  12. Our schools are funded profusely by the Oil & Gas industry, many state agencies depend on oil and gas but MLG really could care less

  13. For those of you that do not know, Grant County elected Republican leaders in the county elections. We worked hard and we got qualified candidates and we won. We gave Heinrich and Vasquez a run for their money too!

  14. The article states – “Also interesting is that half of the judges on the Court of Appeals were appointed by the governor.”

    Could a Conservative Governor remove judges from the Court of Appeals bench?

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