Far-left Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is taking aim at lawmakers in her own party as her agenda on crime and education struggles to gain traction in the first quarter of the legislative session. Expressing frustration, she criticized legislators for failing to take decisive action on key issues and accused them of being too risk-averse to address the state’s problems.
Lujan Grisham singled out public safety as an area where she believes lawmakers have fallen short. She argued that violent crime is a statewide issue, not just an Albuquerque problem, pointing to rising crime rates in cities like Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Alamogordo, and Raton. The governor pushed for mandatory sentencing for certain crimes and blamed some judges for failing to keep criminals off the streets under discretionary sentencing. Despite calling a special session on crime last year, most of her proposals went nowhere, leaving her frustrated with the Legislature’s inaction. She insisted that lawmakers need to be more aggressive in tackling crime rather than remaining politically cautious.
Some legislators have pushed back against the idea that increasing penalties will reduce crime. Senator Joseph Cervantes, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, recently stated that enforcement and accountability, rather than new laws, are what’s missing. Pretrial detention has remained a controversial issue since New Mexico moved away from a money-based bail system in 2016. While the governor has pointed to repeat offenders being released and committing new crimes, studies from the University of New Mexico indicate that most individuals released pretrial do not reoffend. Still, Lujan Grisham defended her push for stricter measures, arguing that longer jail sentences prevent criminals from engaging in more wrongdoing.
In addition to crime policy, Lujan Grisham expressed frustration with how public education funding is handled. She claimed there is a lack of transparency in how more than $4 billion in state funds are spent and that her administration has little power over school districts.
She also took a direct swipe at the House and Senate education committees, which are both led by current or retired teachers, saying they have stalled meaningful reform efforts. “You’ve got a lot of former educators and superintendents who aren’t interested in changing anything,” she said.
She described it as “unethical and a huge conflict of interest” for educators to be making decisions on education policy and funding while serving in the Legislature.
Representative G. Andrés Romero, chairman of the House Education Committee, rejected the governor’s criticism, arguing that having teachers in the Legislature provides valuable firsthand experience. He defended his role, saying his time in the classroom informs his legislative decisions, and expressed disappointment that the governor views it as a conflict.
As the legislative session continues, tensions between Lujan Grisham and lawmakers appear to be escalating. She blamed progressive members for being too entrenched in their positions, arguing that New Mexico needs more moderate leadership.
“Maybe we need more pragmatic, moderate people (in elected office), because you can’t govern on the fringes or the extremes, which is how New Mexico got into a lot of these problems,” said Lujan Grisham.
Ironically, the governor worked overtime to primary challenge more moderate members of her party because they did not fall in lockstep with her radical agenda on banning guns, having abortions up to the date of birth, and reckless spending. She helped take out the moderate former Senate President Pro-Tem, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the chairman of the Legislative Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, and rank-and-file representatives and senators from across the state. In another turn of irony, these same moderate legislators would have helped pass her crime agenda, but now they are replaced by radical progressives.
Smoke and mirror club 101… The entire DNC of NM is the problem. Start by disbanding it and your problems will self resolve.
Well said!
100% correct!
Hey Pinon! Do you want an exclusive on some good stuff!?
Rev. Rico
Let it come!
Waiting for Pinon to call…
Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Albuquerque.,Sanctuary Cities
Any thing to improve the NM government is fine with me even if it means to totally destroy any faith NM have in our Government. NM voted for the leftest they should be forced to live with there crazy laws. I can’t wait for the NM doctors to start heading to prison for sexual mutilation of minors.
They quoted a study done by UNM, are you kidding not one of our schools of higher learning are worth a crap, they are run by leftists and everyone knows you work a study backward to ensure the results show what you want. Look at global warming! If you want to lower crime you must make people uncomfortable and folks are uncomfortable while in jail. If they are not they are the problem. MLG keep up the good work to destroy our state, your plans are working.
I agree!
I believe there’s no need to yell; (all caps). Please do continue in school.
“She blamed progressive members for being too entrenched in their positions, arguing that New Mexico needs more moderate leadership. ” MLG is the one who has been pushing progressive policies her whole tenure and Deb Haaland would do no better. It’s time for New Mexicans to wake up and vote for the common-sense party that really cares about everyday Americans and New Mexicans … Republicans.
Natural and logical consequences for criminals work well, such as prison or the death penalty for serious crimes.
Check to see how Japan is so crime free? People there can walk on the street at night without any concern for crime.
The other factor is prevention.
Children become adult criminals because of bad parenting and educational brainwashing.
Bad parenting is when you don’t love your child and when you spoil or neglect the child. Giving healthy consequences in childhood, teaching values, and deeply care about your child is the way to prevent crime.
The third way to prevent repeat crimes: re- educate the behavior of criminals. Use therapy and teach them values, find their talents and help them achieve their goals.
So, 3 ways to turn back crime:
1. Consequences, such as prison
2. Prevention.
3. Behavior re- education of criminals.
I am a teacher and have seen it all. If MLG wants to talk to me, I am available. Teachers know this stuff…:)
Governor, are you beginning to see the “Light”. I hope you will join the winning team of redemption and salvation…..led by our King…..Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Food for thought…..Psalm 37 and 73…..Remember “God Always Wins”
CENSURE Loserjan NOW!! The best thing that can happen is she is arrested for fraud and abuse of tax dollars and dragged out of the roundhouse wearing handcuffs! Her boondoggling around the nation and globe for green new deals and her own agenda is abuse of tax dollars!
And praying the people will wake up and see all the corruption in the round house with all the MLG comrades and MLG who have been destroying NM for years.
Maybe ( hope) she will be arrested and tried for all the illegal things she has done to the taxpayers.
Governor! You are the fringe and the extreme of which you speak!
She now wants to blame the legislature ? She is the one who was pushing the globalist agenda, red letter law which is unconstitutional. We need to stop being a sanctuary for criminals. Police need to be able to do their job. No more catch and release. It’s really not that hard to get done…… make sure judges know the laws and abide by them..
How about we close the border?
Violent offenders, sex predators, and gang members come north to commit crime and then return south if the police become aware of their presence.
It’s really not a mystery.
That won’t happen MLG and her ilk needs those people for the votes
The border is now being closed by President Trump! If one would count on MLG to close it down, it would never be done.
Too little to late.
‘Maybe we need more pragmatic, moderate people (in elected office), because you can’t govern on the fringes or the extremes, which is how New Mexico got into a lot of these problems,” said Lujan Grisham.’
Was that a joke?
Bet she would like to take that comment back!
Who are we going to run for governor? That’s THE ONLY question.
Here in Eddy Co, we have this wonderful undersherriff, Mark Cage, but he doesn’t want to go to Santa Fe. We also have an excellent mayor, Rick Lopez; but he was just elected and has big plans for our town. There’s also our Representative, Catheryn Brown, who would be amazing.
C’mon conservatives, who have you got in your area? Let’s start working on this, because sadly Ronchetti was a disaster.