MLG squanders more taxpayer cash trying to lure pro-abortion docs. to NM

Advertisements in Sunday’s Austin American-Statesman, Dallas Morning News, and Fort Worth Star-Telegram invite pro-abortion Texas medical professionals to consider relocating to New Mexico due to Texas’ life-affirming laws that protect women, babies in the womb, and medical professionals.

These taxpayer-funded ads feature an open letter from far-left, pro-abortion Democrat New Mexico Gov. Lujan Grisham, urging pro-abortion Texas doctors to move to New Mexico if they are unable to practice under Texas’ life-affirming laws. Similar advertisements have appeared in the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News.

“I know that legal restrictions on healthcare in Texas have created a heavy burden for medical practitioners—especially those of you now barred by law from providing the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare,” the letter states. “It must be distressing that a draconian abortion ban has restricted your right to practice and turned it into a political weapon.”

Additionally, six billboards with the message “free to provide” have been placed around the Houston Medical Center, encouraging medical professionals to relocate to New Mexico.

In her letter, Grisham emphasizes that New Mexico lawmakers are “fiercely committed to protecting medical freedoms here and we’re taking steps to ensure that what happened in Texas never happens in New Mexico.”

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Texas passed a law protecting life in the womb, with exceptions. This law has led to a 99.89% decrease in abortions in the state. Multiple legal challenges have been filed, but the Texas Supreme Court rejected one such lawsuit in May.

Abortion remains legal up to the date of birth in New Mexico. Recently, Gov. Grisham has taken steps to push for Texans to abort their young in New Mexico, including legislation firming up the state’s pro-abortion up-to-birth laws. 

Gov. Grisham has also allocated $10 million to establish a new abortion facility near the Texas border, which Democrats rammed through in 2023’s capital outlay bill, despite Republican and Democrat opposition.

“You have my word: I will never interfere with the fundamental right of health workers to care for their patients in New Mexico,” Grisham wrote, despite during COVID-19 forcibly jabbing nurses, doctors, residents, and all other medical professionals, or they would lose their jobs.

She also interfered with bodily autonomy in a myriad of ways, including lockdowns and mask mandates that carried heavy fines for noncompliance, among other draconian measures that heavily restricted New Mexicans’ bodily autonomy.

“Whether you are a nurse, a resident, a physician assistant, or a doctor, we cordially and enthusiastically invite you to the Land of Enchantment, where you are free to care for your patients.”

On the New Mexico Department of Health website, pregnant children are encouraged to abort their babies in the womb, with it reading, “Abortion is legal in New Mexico. People over the age of 13 can get an abortion without permission from their parents.”


21 thoughts on “MLG squanders more taxpayer cash trying to lure pro-abortion docs. to NM”

    1. I agree with you Erik. MLG is using our tax dollars to advertise that murdering unborn babies is legal in NM! It is outrageous!

  1. Unless she repents, she will have no escape for her evil actions when she stands before a living God. She is evil to her core!

  2. Clare A May, retired

    Its not just her. MLG is not the only medical sociopath deviant elected in our State Gooberment. She is just literally the head of a snake. She is a biblically modern day Medusa.

    Her followers are everyday people who were elected or voted for…insanitary. The moderate button was surgically removed from her moral and ethical brain stem cells and placed directly into her ass glands.

    It just so happens she’s a political monster in the Democratic Political Party of New Mexico.

    Remember Vote Democrat or Dead in November… Voting anything else is …well… Ethical with Good Morals and Justice and sense of Decency for the unborn.

    From the Sea to the…River… Pacific to the Mississippi… removing all D on the ballot is the best solution to an uncomplicated problem.

    When you can solve the play on words…”Reproductive Care”…is actually “Infacidal Execution by Gooberment” congratulations, you found your ethical, moral & moderate button.

  3. I am pro-life. I will do my best to dissuade a mother to be from aborting her baby. But… and it’s a big BUT..I am not willing to pay for or fund an abortion. It’s for profit making business at the expense of the taxpayer.
    Abortion has become the new birth control pill. “My Body my Choice “ I would advise that your Choice be a contraceptive that’s less invasive and a baby is not the collateral damage of an abortion. My wallet my choice.
    MLG the Draconian with babies blood on her hands.

  4. There several instances of Moochie Loserjan abusing tax dollars and this just another one so Dembocraps just turn your head let her get away with it.. NOT!!! Arrest,handcuff, and escorted her out of the roundhouse!!! AND since this story came out Loserjan is on some boondoggle over seas. AGAIN FRAUD , WASTE, AND ABUSE OF TAX DOLLARS!!!


    1. Clare A May, retired

      I believe at this late point in history, shaming evil people has no merit in conversation. Why?
      They have no shame.They do not comprehend or understand it, and have achieved a utopia in thier sick mental illness.

      I am 100% for, renaming “Reproductive Care Centers” or any business that deals in execution of the unborn be mandated by law to change thier hideous insanity to conform with truth in advertising regulations…
      They be named:
      “Late Term Abortion Services” or…
      “Lawful Execution Centers”… or…
      “Infant Murder Facility”…
      And…the term “Reproductive Care Provider” be mandated to saving and actually careing for mothers and children.
      It is time to stop the word play game the DNC of NM has long held onto.

  6. Demonic Witch of the Land of Enchantment! This state is blood
    thirsty for innocent children, and it will never be enough. If you don’t
    breakaway from the Democrat party, you are an accessory to the evil.

  7. The root of this issues is that there are not enough New Mexicans left who value life and who despise the fact that our tax dollars are funding the murder of innocent life.

    I understand both the physical and spiritual side of the consequences of abortion.

    Bottom line is that NM will reap the consequences and will remain last in everything that matters for sustainable life in this state. God cannot and will not bless a people who sacrifice children for their own good. EVER!

    Best thing to do is pray and prepare yourself for the return of the Lord!

    Peace, Rev. Rico

  8. MLG is a spawn of Satan. And until the people of NM wake up and vote in God fearing people into the legislature her evil ways will continue. Praying the Lord takes off the blinders on the people of NM and they seek the truth and can actually see the harm she has done since being in office. And why people voted for her is beyond my comprehension. Guess it’s the oppressed voting in the oppressor. And what ever she is selling on the murder of babies (abortion) it is not health care, it is MURDER.
    Sad but true.

  9. Clare A May, retired

    I believe at this late point in history, shaming evil people has no merit in conversation. Why?
    They have no shame.They do not comprehend or understand it, and have achieved a utopia in thier sick mental illness…. prove me wrong.

    I am 100% for, renaming “Reproductive Care Centers” or any business that deals in execution of the unborn be mandated by law to change thier hideous insanity to conform with truth in advertising regulations…
    They be named:
    “Late Term Abortion Services” or…
    “Lawful Execution Centers”… or…
    “Infant Murder Facility”…
    And…the term “Reproductive Care Provider” be mandated to saving and actually careing for mothers and children.
    It is time to stop the word play game the DNC of NM has long held onto.

  10. The Kamalacrats or Obidencrats are proud of their ability to perform child sacrifice in New Mexico it is a part of their satanic ritual .
    Just like the Aztecs, our civilization is doomed .

  11. Will these medical professionals be told they must be fully vaccinated with all boosters before they can work here?

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