MLG freaks out after reports of Trump plan for ‘buffer zone’ on NM border

President Donald Trump is reportedly advancing a proposal to establish a military-controlled buffer zone along the U.S.-Mexico border, with a specific focus on New Mexico.

The concept would effectively convert part of the border in New Mexico into a militarized zone, where soldiers could detain migrants who cross into the area, similar to how trespassers are handled on military bases.

The Washington Post reports that the plan has been under discussion for several weeks and would likely introduce additional legal challenges for individuals attempting to enter the U.S. unlawfully.

Under the proposal, the military zone would extend 60 feet deep along the border, placing it directly under military jurisdiction.

Far-left Democrat New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham responded Thursday, sharply criticizing the idea. “The president’s decision to create a deportation buffer zone along New Mexico’s border is a waste of resources and military personnel,” she stated.

Thus far, neither the Pentagon, the Department of Homeland Security, nor the White House has issued formal comments on the plan. However, an increased military presence has been observed at the border. The presence has resulted in the lowest number of illegal crossers, which is a stark contrast to the border under Joe Biden.

Video footage shows soldiers from the 4th Infantry Division out of Fort Carson, Colorado, arriving at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, for what has been described as a “border mission” in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security.

Elsewhere, former acting ICE director and current border czar Tom Homan joined Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other officials in Florida for an immigration-focused event on Thursday.

Homan reiterated his belief that birthright citizenship fuels illegal immigration, urging the Supreme Court to revisit the issue. “I’m not a lawyer, but I can read, and I don’t think it’s clear that a child born in this country is automatically a U.S. citizen,” Homan remarked.


49 thoughts on “MLG freaks out after reports of Trump plan for ‘buffer zone’ on NM border”

    1. I so agree! It’s time we stop people from just entering our country. I’m 5th generation here and my ancestors had to jump through hoops to get here. MLG was out buying jewelry while everyone in NM was on Lockdown for Covid. No mask either.

      1. Steven James Chavez

        IMMIGRANTS from all over the World leave their Country due to the crime, corruption, and the Lack of The Rule of Law, to come here, a Country envied for its Rule of Law. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS stand in lines to do it The Hard Way, The Long Way, and The Right Way, and they’re very bitter at the ILLEGAL WAY when there was no one there to help them do it THE HONORABLE WAY! (Right Hand raised, tears in their eyes, pledging Allegiance.) ILLEGALS, and their supporters, demand that we overlook our Rule of Law for them making us exactly like the lawless and corrupt Country they just left!

    2. Need To!!!! Mass shooting in Las Cruces last night, at least 17 people shot at a local park in the CENTER OF TOWN. NM has become a war zone of crime and illegal activity. So glad I got out, as it will just continue to get worse and worse. DemoNAZI George Soros led state is going to need Hard Core changes to root out the massive evil and decay that is now new mexico…

      1. How awful! My prayers go out to the victims and families.
        There’s no way anyone can convince me that this shooting wasn’t to push the
        Agenda of the evil doers to take away our second amendment rights.
        Lock them up already! One way ticket to Gitmo before one more innocent person and unborn baby is murdered. What the hell is it going to take to finally see justice!? Decades of their bullcrap, while we suffer and they continue to enrich themselves with money and empowerment (from getting away with their crimes) all at our expense. ENOUGH!

    1. Yah she has been a criminal governor the entire time she has been in office. Bad for New Mexico, bad for the entire country!

      1. Yes she is Mari! And I hope she makes such a huge ruckus out of this, that it shines a national spotlight on her and the commie mafia that runs our state.
        Enough is enough and we need investigations on everything from Zorro Ranch to her abuses of our resources, our Constitutional rights, voting system, Emerge, and on and on…
        Dark to light!

  1. The 13th Cavalry had Camp Furlong in Columbus that stopped Pancho Villa’s invasion at the border in 1916.

  2. Marcello T. Hinojosa

    Mr President, we need all the help you can send us. Plus our constitutional rights are being destroyed especially our 2nd ammendment rights. I truly hope you get this cry for help.🇺🇸

    1. Couldn’t agree more — please help us law abiding, tax-paying U.S. citizens resident in New Mexico. Plenty of grass roots common sense people here but we need your help.

  3. Gotta love seeing the Dims throwing tantrums (they are after all spoiled children). When that is happening, you know the right things are being done.

  4. Root out and expose all the politicians receiving cartel $$$…that will probably be most of our politicians in NM

  5. Build it!!! Help us not be the Land of the Lost anymore President Trump! Defund MLG and her little click! Lock them up!

  6. Grisham is an selfish evil person. She don’t care about anyone but herself
    She needs to go. She needs to protect the people of NM and make our state safe. She dont have a brain in her head. Kick some ass President Trump

  7. The Wicked Witch of Santa Fe can bluster all she wants. Everyone knows she hates New Mexico and as a lame duck governor, she’s on her way out; Thank God!!!

    Mr. President, approximately 77 million Americans voted for you based the campaign promises you made. You’re doing a great job at keeping those promises, especially locking down the border. Keep it up and tell MLG to “pound sand”

  8. only 60 feet??? that’s 20 yards. easy pistol range. cartels are carrying rifles and some explosive ordnance. why not several hundred yards, or even half a mile?

  9. Lucille Maez Hagarty

    Yes, make it a mile. Keep out soldiers safe, not to mention the citizens of our state. Is MLG working with the cartels?? What is her problem? Never mind, sorry I asked.
    She is nothing but a baby killer and as Mother Teresa said, “If you can kill an innocent child, you can kill anyone”.
    Please Lord, get her out of Santa Fe and New Mexico speedily.

    1. MLG is a spawn of satan. And she will get what’s coming to her on Judgement day. In the meantime, what you said is so right. But we need a strong conservative that will be voted in for governor and not let any of MLG’s comrades become governor…. I will keep praying for NM and for the Lord the take off the blinders off the people of NM and they seek the truth…. Praying for Gods mercy.

  10. Clare Alexander May

    History IMHO, is a component to politics…
    The previous pattern of conduct of illicit immigration from Mexico, since March 9, 1916 to say January 1, 1947,was fairly under mildly controllable, but back then say between, 1916-1947, the USA had military assets and multiple resources on the US/Mexican border.
    Camp Furlong in Columbus, Camp Cody in Deming, even Hachita had one too. National Guard posts and armories’ were scattered across almost every community in the Southwest.
    Mexico was a defeated nation by the USA. Sub servant basically, they are there because our manifest destiny did not include them in our America boundaries. Back then (1820’s-1840’s) our culture differences actually determined what led up to the Gadsden purchase rather than all of Mexico becoming a territory of the USA.
    Today without the cash flow to Mexico by their citizens living here in the USA, legal and illicit, without the factories and automotive factories built with USA dollars in Mexico, Mexico would see their selves in another sub servant role to American dollars… Which is why Mexico is permitting China’s influence to prosper there. Mexico’s shift to Russia was also apparent in 2024 when Mexico invited Russian military dignitaries at their independence parades, and not invite the USA. America should NEVER FORGET that for future references.
    We are not enemies, yet, I’d say the friendship between Mexico and the USA is strained and questionable? Since 2004 I’d say with certainty that it is more than ever before. Our so called #1 trading partner now, yet, they continue to host our adversaries (China and Russia) rather than us?
    We cut them off, they go red, as in communist red. We slap them aside the head with a total 100% border closure to all in and outbound traffic would do what?
    Mexico has military assets on the USA border right now to stymie illicit immigration. If the 10,000 Mexican troops decided to hit the USA in retaliation for say the border fence due to a wildcat officer that holds sway and influence of those troops. How far would they get into US soil this time compared to 1916? How many US Residents that have connections to Mexico would aide them? “La Raza” is always the fall back, and where would it happen if it did happen? New Mexico. Why?
    Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Davis Monthan in Tucson and Luke in Phoenix are not SOFT targets and well defended. Holloman in Alamogordo is closer to Ft. Bliss, but right in the middle of New Mexico, and towards the Arizona State line, Columbus, Antelope Wells, Animas, Hatchita, Cloverdale, and up to Douglas Arizona… are all soft places to push to get whatever point Mexico wants to prove.
    If I can see it… some other strategist in warfare has already saw it.
    Just sayin’…Goobenor…aka the queen tolite seat sitter in Santa Fe…

  11. Please lock down the border! MLG is an enemy to the state. She leased BLM land to Epstein, forwarded human trafficking of natives and sold our electricity to China. She is a criminal. We have had our land ravaged by theives and our barn, fence, and dogs stolen right off our property. Several of my friends have had their businesses shuttered due to theft from illegal immigrants, criminal gang members. Bring the military zone at least a mile into NM from the border and put the entire Lujan crime family in Gitmo!!

  12. NM MAGA, Deplorable, Garbage Lizard

    Heaven forbid that Trump should block the influx of new democrat voters in southern NM

  13. Not sure why New Mexicans are agreeing to KEEP funding her evil. We the People have power. Stop paying for HER destruction of OUR state. BOYCOTT TAX DAY. What can they do if enough of us resist? I think it’s TN and maybe TX that don’t charge citizens income tax….and probably others. It is being used for EVIL. I do not consent.

  14. She will not do anything to help this state. She needs to pack it up and go home and hang out with her demented pink buddies.

  15. It is obvious to me that our governor is an ignorant b/witch that can not understand the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution.
    She is a communist dictator who wants to control New Mexico.
    She should be impeached, and thrown in jail.
    Everyone should vote Reublican.

  16. Thank you President Trump! We have a governor who has been in bed with the cartels, the PCP and was in bed with Epstein for decades! She has committed treason against the citizens of NM and the US while she was in Congress. She needs to be arrested by the military for her treason and taken to GITMO to face a tribunal. I do believe this day will come for her since there’s a new Sheriff in town!

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