MLG compares getting abortions to slavery-era practice in Virginia speech

While campaigning for the Harris-Walz ticket in Virginia, far-left New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham drew attention to her state’s unique role in providing abortion services since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. 

During her speech at the Northern Virginia Democratic headquarters, Lujan Grisham emphasized how New Mexico has effectively become a “de facto Underground Railroad” for women seeking abortions, with 75% of these procedures being performed on out-of-state patients.

“We literally now have an underground operation, not unlike something we’re all familiar with, the Underground Railroad, to try to make sure that we get to women and their families early,” Lujan Grisham stated, highlighting the growing demand for abortion services from neighboring states, especially Texas. She described the difficult situations many women face, adding, “Sometimes if we save their lives, we’ve also ruined any opportunity for them to have a child of their own when they’re ready.”

New Mexico has become a tourist destination for women seeking abortions. Lujan Grisham’s remarks underscored how her state has positioned itself as a “bastion for safe, fair reproductive access around the country,” or as many would call it, a back alley abortion facility for other states.

Lujan Grisham’s efforts to bolster the state’s capacity to serve out-of-state patients include placing billboards in Texas encouraging pro-abortion healthcare providers from the state to consider practicing in New Mexico. 

“If you’re a healthcare practitioner, why would you practice here if you’re sworn to protect the lives of your patients? If you want no interference, come to New Mexico,” Lujan Grisham said, referring to the growing restrictions on abortion in Texas, where 71% of New Mexico’s out-of-state patients come from, per the New York Post


20 thoughts on “MLG compares getting abortions to slavery-era practice in Virginia speech”

  1. Clare A May, retired

    Pretty sick sh*t there to be boasting about.

    Historically…01355% of 681,525 New Mexicans infected with COVID died. 9,236… and very few were children, most with pre existing health conditions, and I’d say 75% of those deaths were vaccinated.

    For this, This NM gooberment shut down the chain supply, shut down private business and called them non essential, shut down even the casinos, emptied the non banned chain stores shelves of things like tolite paper in a mad dash which created inflation that’s averaging 25% across the board for EVERYTHING NEEDED TO LIVE… and yet here we are PERMITTING THIS POLITICAL DEMOCRAT WHO*E to brag about “Tourism Dollars for Abortion for NM” to offset the general taxation & revenue funds to continue operating our State schools, roads, parks, public safety, ambulances, and the entire infrastructure.

    Every time you give this Queen a better seat on the tolite in Santa Fe, she continues to be a mockery of ethics and morals of humanity….IMHO of course.

    1. Thank you, the Little Tyrunt is bat sh*t crazy with power. As a side note politicians in NM like to claim how poor the State is. The Permanent Fund has 42 billion dollars in it for reference that is 42,000 million dollars. Yet the State is perpetually broke, something doesn’t add up.

    2. I hope that more people wake up and see her as she is, a very evil women a span of satan. I guess she has no problem sleeping at night since she brags about how many babies she has helped murder in the womb, up to birth I might add. She is disgusting and needs to go, impeach her out of office and put someone in who can bring NM out of the dark hole she has lead many people into!
      Clare, you said it so well. Thanks for standing up against the evil queen of darkness.

  2. Is she bucking for a Job in the Harris Administration if they win. How sad that they would let a woman have an abortion at 8/9 months and say it’s OK. Isn’t that Murder. God Help us all if Harris wins

  3. If you listen to the interview that Tucker Carlson gave Dr. Ben Carson, Dr Carson states that he has done several live saving surgeries on babies in the womb. He says that at three months or more the babies have to be given anesthesia separate from the mothers because they can feel everything just like everyone else. Just remember Grisham has to answer for her sins just like the rest of us!

  4. Sad indeed. Now, I am against abortion, however I am also Pro-Choice. And why am I…..because it is my right as it is your right. Why is it our right….because the government or a judge says it, or because it’s in the constitution??? Perhaps to some, but for me it’s from my heavenly creator…..God gave me the right to chose…..just as he gave Adam & Eve that freedom. Sadly, they chose wrong and is the reason we have too many Adam & Eves in this world that contribute to this deadly issue. So, I’ll just continue do my best to emulate instead…..”Mary” and “Jesus”…..both whom consented to the will of our Heavenly Father.

    I have and will always vote “Pro-Life”…..and lets pray for those who have not.

    1. You can;t be one or the other. either you are with God or you are not. God does not forgive murder and abortion is just that. One of the 10 commandments is “thou shall not murder.” One cannot choose murder over life, it is a sin. Murdering babies in the womb, no matter what circumstance is a sin, pure and simple.

    2. EEC,
      You cannot be Pro-choice and against abortion. The word “Pro-choice”means abortion. It doesn’t mean the free will God gave us. God does not condone killing babies. Abortion is a mortal sin against the Fifth Commandment. You need to read and study the 10 commandments and the Bible. Check out Jeremiah 1:4-5.

      1. KTD,
        I agree with you that abortion is against God’s commandment. As to the term “Pro-Choice,” is my method to engage Pro-Choicers to listen to my perspective how they can either continue to emulate Adam & Eve (1st covenant), or instead, Jesus & Mary (2nd covenant). Their Choice! Or, become Pro-Life like me…..My Choice!

        God Bless

  5. Pure evil! Her parent should have aborted her because she’s pure evil! The Lawn Gnome is truly an embarrassment for New Mexico and if she ever calls herself a Catholic or a Christian, may God deliver justice! Enjoy hell when you die, Michelle Loser Grincham!

  6. MLG is directly admitting that “Sometimes if we save their lives, we’ve also ruined any opportunity for them to have a child of their own when they’re ready.” Add this to the history of the Underground Railroad, it appears the extermination of black folks is still thriving. And to make it even worse, many blacks vote for Democrats.
    A house divided will not stand. All will however stand before the Lord on judgement day.

    Those of us who continue to look the other way and accept abortion in New Mexico will also be judged duly for not doing anything to save the lives of the innocent. “Do Not Commit Murder” is not a choice, that is a command. The longer Christians blur the lines, the more murder the Evil One will commit.

    Do Much Better New Mexico, Much Better!
    Rev. Rico

  7. In a previous post, related to MLG and the abortion center, a gentleman named Bob identified a website link “” for signatures to prevent the construction. In the event you have not signed it, please do so. Besides, the link’s “Austin Story” is encouraging and filled with hope.

    I have already signed it and have texted the link to many friends and relatives. The unborn babies lives depend on our actions.
    God Bless

  8. I think she meant to say -deproductive-, not reproductive — these women aren’t reproducing. They are deproducing (you can also pronounce that “murder”.)

  9. How deranged is this woman… and why has she not been excommunicated from the Church and God and Jesus she claims to follow? “I knew you in the womb” should inform her she is collaborating in and enabling the murder of countless babies in our state, and including us Citizens as her accessories to murder.

    1. Good Question (why has she not been excommunicated from the Church). My humble opinion, because the Holy See won’t even support the US Cardinals from denying the Eucharist sacrament from Biden & Pelosi and all the other Pro-Choice Catholic elected figures that participate. Also, since too many Catholics parishioners are Pro-Choice, the Church does not want to alienate them in fear they won’t return.
      Sadly, the result is that the Church is conditioning these parishioners to continue as luke-warm Christians, which is not only a detriment to their Souls, but also to the Church’s leadership and obedience to the Gospel teachings. WOE! Jesus is clear what will happen when a Church veers from being true and genuine as declared in Revelation 3:14-16.
      As a Catholic, I’ll continue to pray for all our Church leaders (strong or weak) and all Christians that we (as sinners) all remain on fire (hot) for Jesus and his teachings. God Bless

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