MLG admin. cooks up scheme to lure pro-abortion, ‘gender-affirming’ docs.

The New Mexico Department of Health has launched a multi-state campaign aimed at attracting pro-abortion and “gender-affirming” healthcare professionals to New Mexico, per a report from the Santa Fe New Mexican.

“Every day we’re looking for ways to try to attract more people to New Mexico to meet the health care needs of our state,” Health Sec. Patrick Allen said. He emphasized that states like Texas and Arizona create a political and legal environment where healthcare providers are restricted from mutilating children and aborting babies up to birth.

The “Free to Provide” campaign, lasting one month, features online advertisements on social media in metropolitan areas of Texas and Arizona, as well as six billboards in the Medical Center Area of Houston, according to department spokesman Robert Nott, who formerly was a reporter at the New Mexican

The campaign cost approximately $350,000 and includes a dedicated website,, where healthcare workers can find information about New Mexico job opportunities, including links to the state’s Health Professional Loan Repayment Program and the Rural Health Care Practitioner Tax Credit Program.

In total, the state partnered with around three dozen New Mexico hospitals and clinics, consolidating and linking their job postings on the campaign’s website, organized into five regions for easy navigation. 

Allen highlighted the collaborative effort, saying, “They were enthusiastic. They’re like us — they’re interested in trying to hire good people, and anything that we can do to make their job openings more visible is a benefit to them.”

New Mexico has faced a shortage of healthcare workers for years, requiring thousands more hires to reach a standard provider-to-population ratio, according to a 2023 report from the New Mexico Health Care Workforce Committee.

At the end of the four-week campaign, the department will assess its impact and consider extending or expanding the campaign to other southwestern states if necessary. 

Allen reiterated the campaign’s goal, stating, “We need more of everything everywhere, whether it’s primary care providers or OBGYNs in Albuquerque or practitioners in rural parts of the state. We’re really trying to aim at that notion of, ‘This is a good place to practice, it’s a good place to live, and you can come here and practice without some of the risks and concerns that you face in other states.’”

What was not mentioned in the ad is the cost of malpractice insurance in the state, which previously was astronomical, has been reduced to a more manageable — yet expensive — level.


4 thoughts on “MLG admin. cooks up scheme to lure pro-abortion, ‘gender-affirming’ docs.”

  1. Every person reading this was not aborted and every person reading this was born from a woman. This is the number one issue that destroys humanity. It doesn’t matter if you go Red or Blue, if you do nothing to protect children, you will answer to God.

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