Martin Heinrich’s fentanyl fake: The border crisis he can’t hide

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich launched a new ad today in an apparent attempt to defend his poor record on Fentanyl and border security. His new attempt to muddy his record comes after his opponent, Nella Domenici, launched ads weeks ago pointing out his horrible record and failures as New Mexico’s senior senator. 

Instead of taking a strong stand to seal the border, where fentanyl flows like water through river rapids, he has voted dozens of times against funding for the Border Patrol, for border security, or for completion of the barrier on the border. He has also been a strong supporter of the Biden-Harris administration’s border policies that led to the flow of the lethal synthetic drug into the country. Despite the failures, he has emphatically endorsed border czar Kamala Harris for the presidency.

When the federal government offered to send additional law enforcement to Albuquerque to help with our skyrocketing crime problem, Heinrich called them “stormtroopers” and told them to stay out of New Mexico. When he spoke on the house floor about loosening immigration laws, he called barriers (like a border wall) “offensive” and “wasteful.” 

Heinrich has been in public office for 20 years, and under his watch, crime in New Mexico has only gotten worse. Fentanyl has taken over our streets and kills nearly 600 New Mexicans each year. Fentanyl pills are so easy to come by that a tablet costs just $.30. That’s what our open borders have done to New Mexico. 

Several rural sheriffs have recently branded Heinrich as “M.I.A.” and “hypocritical” on efforts to seal the border to stop fentanyl from entering New Mexico. One Sheriff called the Heinrich-created fentanyl crisis “a runaway horse.” 

“Martin Heinrich is being hypocritical. For years and years, he’s absolutely failed to secure our border. And New Mexico feels the impacts of Martin Heinrich’s failures,” said San Juan County Sheriff Shane Ferrari. 

“For years, politicians like the Senator have said there is NO problem at the border. But now, just before an election, suddenly, they think it’s an issue. After years of failure, it’s like chasing a runaway horse. Fentanyl, crime, human trafficking, these are all things we face in every single corner of New Mexico.”

Sheriff David Black in Otero County says Heinrich’s lack of action has created a crisis, saying, “Martin Heinrich hasn’t done a single thing to secure our border.”

“Because of Martin Heinrich’s refusal to do anything, the border has become a tremendous crisis, not only to New Mexico but to the entire county. It’s time we get somebody in the Senate who’s serious about securing our border, and that’s Nella Domenici.”

The Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association, representing all of Albuquerque’s cops, snubbed the weak-on-crime and ineffective Heinrich, opting to endorse Domenici instead.

Domenici shining light on the crisis and on Heinrich’s failures to fix it must be impacting Heinrich’s polling. Why else would the incumbent senator go on air with an ad like this 30 days before the election?

Unfortunately for him, voters see through Martin Heinrich’s fentanyl fake. He’s on the defensive, trying to defend the indefensible.


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