Lujan Grisham, NM Dems stump for Harris by touting abortion up-to-birth

To campaign for Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris, New Mexico Democrats joined at a so-called “Reproductive Health” bus tour to tout how Harris would push radical abortion up-to-birth policies nationwide, like those in New Mexico, where killing a child in the womb is legal up to the date of its birth.

The event was joined by far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, New Mexico’s far-left congressional delegation members, members of the New Mexico Legislature, including Speaker Javier Martinez, among others.

The Democrat Party of New Mexico (DPNM) on social media wrote, “NM Democrats at every level have proven to be reliable allies for abortion rights,” saying Harris is as radical pro-abortion as they are.

They also continued to peddle lies that the so-called “Project 2025” is affiliated with 45th President Donald Trump although even the group’s founders have debunked this fake claim.

Trump & Republicans are responsible for taking away fundamental reproductive rights & lifesaving care from millions, & NM Republicans  would follow Trump’s Project 2025 agenda that would further eliminate our bodily autonomy & freedoms,” erroneously claimed DPNM.

Lujan Grisham showed up at the bus tour in a Pepto Bismol-colored pant suit, a shirt that read “Hotties for Harris,” and Converse sneakers, writing on social media, “I’ve got my pink chucks on for the Fight for Reproductive Freedoms bus tour. We’re fired up to elect [Kamala Harris] and defend our rights. Now here’s what I need you to do. From now till November, roll those sleeves up, get to work, and let’s win in November.”

A similar message was posted by Rep. Melanie Stansbury, claiming “rights” will be taken away if Republicans take charge.

Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez posted that if babies aren’t to be killed up to the day of their birth, it would be “going back.” 

Despite the states having control over abortion laws, Democrats continue to push the abortion message, in the attempt to win the election. Trump is currently leading in all but a couple of the most hotly contested battleground states, according to recent polls. Early voting began on Tuesday in New Mexico.


31 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham, NM Dems stump for Harris by touting abortion up-to-birth”

  1. “Reproductive Health” is a lie that many of these people push
    and worship, Take the scales off your eyes and see that it
    is murdering your own children…am i wrong?

  2. MLG, Stansbury and everyone else in these photos are pure evil. The murder and destruction of our future is vile and shocking. New Mexico will suffer the consequences for the murder of innocent life. I pray that God has mercy on those of us who fight against such evil.

    No believer in Jesus Christ should support abortion. None!

    Rev. Rico

    1. There is no such thing as a ‘Christian demoncrotch’, all they have to run on is abortion and alphabet agenda. They worship every abomination that God named in the Bible. Just once, I would like to see New Mexico somewhere besides the very bottom on every quality of life metric used to rank the states. But that will never happen, these ID10T’s “Vote Bolshevik Blue, no matter who”.

  3. MLG and her ilk have made NM the “Abortion Capital” of the nation. She touts that she is trying to “recruit” more doctors and nurses for the state but the push is for the Infanticide “doctors” and “nurses”

    1. NM just got slapped down by the 10th Circuit Court for not providing adequate services to disabled children and suggested recruiting providers from out of state. maybe MLG could turn her attention to those poor children instead of trying to kill the others.

  4. These morons are pathetic! Rome is burning as Biden is a shelll of a man and Kamala is playing that fiddle! What about the economy and closing the border? No, they’d rather sacrifice the unborn to Moloch! Evil people! I can’t believe Stansbury graduated from Cibola! My Sonndid too and he didn’t come out as a card carrying communist! Leger-Hernandez is dumb as a box of rocks, that Wascally Wabbit.sounds like Elmer Fudd. And the lawn Gnome could be one of Satan’s demons. They are looking at abortion as a cash cow by building their abortion palace down south. Their message: Don’t have babies, Americans! We have to make room for all the freakin’ illegals we are letting in!

    1. I’m a transplant from Montana and I am really embarrassed that I live in New Mexico and we have such an evil ungodly governor and her comrades who do her bidding. She’s disgusting. Killing innocent babies in the womb they need to read their Bible for the end is coming and they will be judged harshly and most likely thrown into the lake of fire unless they repent.(Change their way) Ask God for forgiveness seek Jesus as their Lord and savior then maybe they’ll be saved otherwise they will be tossed into the lake of fire

  5. I believe that ALL democRATS should have abortions and ones like the midget nazi governor and her cohort so-called death for Profit state leaders should get after-birth abortions. The state of New Mexico would be much better off! Sad day for the state of New Mexico to be lead by such evilness.

  6. This message is for my fellow Catholics, especially those who are undecided who to vote for, Trump (the Deporter) or Harris (the Aborter). I am voting for the lesser of two evils because Pope Francis about two weeks ago said both were evil and for us to vote our conscience.

    Well it is easy for me. I am going to vote for the Deporter, at least the deported are alive, whereas the aborted are not. To me, an innocent life ripped from the womb is much more evil, especially when it is encouraged and facilitated by those in power.

    By the way, I don’t think it’s evil to deport those who break our laws, especially those who prey on our citizens.

    God Bless

  7. I still wonder of any of these Democrat parents had any kids that lived ? They are killings God’s children Thae are doing Satan’s bidding they all hate America and God

  8. Reproductive rights, mutilation of children REAL reproductive rights and the lies that permeate their diabolical agenda.

    MLG suit is a perfect Pepto Bismo color, it reminds us to take a swig after seeing her.

    I have Harris/Waltz signs all over my liberal neighborhood, and the only thing that comes to mind is they are voting for Knucklehead and QueMala to win the election and have 4 more years of dereliction duty. God please help us.

  9. I’m not embarrassed to be a New Mexican, because I’m a true New Mexican. I believe in God and and God’s rights and I believe that babies should live because God created them and they have the right to live, but God’s rights and laws prevail and are the ones that are being violated. As they say, “God is not mocked” and that is why we are being punished with these evil communist leaders in our beautiful state. I’m embarrassed because we let them get into office and now they are having their way with us. They have probably been cheating on elections for years but we were too blind and “educated” to spot them and throw them out of New Mexico.

  10. my sister in houston says that there are billboards everywhere, imploring doctors to move to NM to work in MLG’s abortion clinics–bet that cost a dollartwoninty-eight of your tax dollars–goggle says between oct1, 1922, and oct 1 2023, planned parenthood aborted 393,000 babies–if so, another fine example of your tax dollars at work–

  11. Moochie Loserjan Gruesome earned her name! An evil, disgusting, hateful troll!! There will be dancing in the streets when she is arrested and ragged out of the roundhouse wearing handcuffs!!

  12. The Dems once were regular people with different opinions. When they won an election you were not happy, but you did not fear for the destruction of the country and freedom.
    Now they are represented by crazy people who lie about protecting you while keeping the border open and endlessly.chanting about the joy of murdering children.

  13. Lujan didn’t care in the least about bodily autonomy or health freedom when she forced New Mexicans to suffocate in face muzzles for a year and eight months, indoors and outdoors, via color of law mandates. Health freedom only applies to her big money abortion agenda. If another scamdemic is launched, she will again make herself a health dictator and stomp on our rights with impunity.

  14. Every single one of you who stands with this gross lying evilness has innocents blood on your hands and God will judge you severely for every drop! Make NO mistake! Glory to God! Your parents chose life for you so who do you think you are !?!

  15. If a parent chooses to kill their child when it’s born, then why are they charged with murder when they kill their 15 year old?
    Abortion up to 19 years old, anyone???

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