Leger Fernandez posts, quickly deletes embarrassingly out-of-touch photo

On Thursday, far-left U.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of the Third Congressional District, a Democrat, posted an embarrassing photo where she said she was “[e]njoying some Navajo tacos!”

However, the photo she shared included no such food item. Instead, it appears she ordered grilled lamb ribs that came with a fry bread and blue corn mush on the side — not a Navajo taco.

The photo, which was quickly deleted by Leger Fernandez, appears to have been taken at Cheii’s restaurant located in Fire Rock Casino outside of Gallup.

The photo was not deleted before X user @AngryMomUSA grabbed a screenshot and posted it, writing, “Like @MartinHeinrich’s ‘elk’ post, this is @RepTeresaLF ‘s “Navajo Taco,’” referring to an embarrassing post Heinrich made at the beginning of the year showing him posing in front of a longhorn sheep, which he labeled an “elk.”

The X account continued, “Her post was deleted btw. Do any of these people even live here in NM?! It’s no wonder that they ate completely out of touch with a day in the life of the most violent, uneducated state in the US.”

Leger Fernandez’s post was chided by many commenters, including state Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo), who pointed out the location of the photo and even shared a screenshot of Cheii’s menu, which displayed what the restaurant’s Navajo taco actually looks like. 

“That don’t look like no Navajo Taco I’ve ever eaten. This does,” wrote another X user, sharing a photo of a genuine Navajo taco.

“Total fraud, who has no idea what a Navajo Taco looks like. Terrifying that Teresa Fernandez represents the Navajo residents of New Mexico. Even worse is that she CHAIRS the House’s subcommittee for Indigenous People!! Why is this fraud representing Natives?” one user questioned.

After Heinrich’s elk gaffe, he quickly swept it under the rug and blamed a staffer for the flub. It is unclear if Leger Fernandez, who represents all of the New Mexico side of the Navajo Nation in the U.S. House, will do the same. 


10 thoughts on “Leger Fernandez posts, quickly deletes embarrassingly out-of-touch photo”

  1. Their main abode (especially for Federal positions) is in DC or the DC metroplex. Typical that politicians only live a few days a year in a lesser than secondary house so they can claim they are residents of a particular state they are supposed to be representing. THAT’S why they haven’t a clue what is going on in the supposed state they represent. It doesn’t take them long to ‘figure out’ how stupid their underlings are (their constituents), compared to their acquired human superiority. This is why they RULE, not govern. I’m sure it would be too embarrassing for them to ‘rub elbows’ with their constituent great unwashed.

  2. Ok, so let us be clear about cuisine in NM. There are many chefs, who like artists, take liberties on their take on a food item. Tacos of all varieties do not necessarily resemble a “traditional” taco from grandmas kitchen, whether Navajo or not.

    It really isn’t surprising to see a politician calling a pile of do-do a priceless treasure, so to catch a Insta-glimpse of their fake life isn’t off at all.

    What Teresa, MLG and many others need to consider is the truth of their character will be revealed. The disaster is that most New Mexicans will look the other way as to not trip over the bump under their own rug.

    Do Better New Mexico!

  3. I am a conservative but I believe Legar (not part of my district) has answered my emails positively where none of the other elected officials that live in the DC (“from NM”) area gave me a 2nd thought. I would rather judge her by her voting record than her ability to know what type of taco she is eating. I do believe she votes with the dems as she does not look strong enough to go against the socialist agenda on her own. I personally did not know what a Navajo taco was but it looks tasty. (from Southern NM)

  4. Remember she’s supposed to be a Catholic. All the saints and candles behind her when she was running. She’s not whom she plays be. Northern NM. Think please.

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