Keller drops big hint about his political future

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, a far-left Democrat, has made it clear that he’s eyeing another term in office, stating his intention to remain in power to see through various projects. “It’s no secret I am planning on another term, but it’s to see this through,” Keller remarked on Thursday. 

He added, “I always say, like, 2027 is going to be a great year because all these projects I’ve been working on are going to be done, but I got to make sure I’m there to see it, so that’s what I’m thinking right now.”

Keller emphasized ongoing efforts to improve public safety and quality of life in Albuquerque, acknowledging that much remains to be done. However, critics might question whether these efforts have been as effective as Keller suggests, especially given the persistent issues the city faces.

The mayor also highlighted homelessness as a significant concern, pointing to initiatives like the Gateway Center, which currently shelters 900 people daily, as examples of supposed “progress. 

KOAT Political Expert Brian Sanderoff expressed little surprise at Keller’s announcement, noting that it’s common for politicians eyeing another term to stay fully engaged. “Oftentimes when a person decides he’s not going to run again, they start acting a little differently or be less engaged in the like or start thinking about other offices they might be considering,” Sanderoff observed.

Should Keller proceed with his plans, he would join a small group of Albuquerque mayors who have sought a third consecutive term. However, some residents may wonder if his prolonged far-left leadership is what the city truly needs or if fresh ideas and approaches are overdue.


15 thoughts on “Keller drops big hint about his political future”

  1. To see what through? The further destruction of our city? Keller is absolutely the worst Mayor in the 41+ years I have lived here.

  2. I don’t live in Albuquerque. So I don’t have a dog in fight. However since Keller became mayor and the decline of Albuquerque I do not drive into the city except for medical. That includes twice in his tenure. Sorry, Albuquerque voters, if you want a wealthier city and more shoppers, vote him out and clean up your mess

    1. When abq and bernco wanted to combine for fiscal and political efficientcey ,a decade ago , the rural parts of bernco were subject to urban rules…the sociaist forest service took advantage, zoning too,taxation and vehicle emissions as well…and other hidden loses to rural bernco…with that in mind, every voter in bernco should be able to vote for the abq mayor….Democracy, right ?!

  3. the guy is a total idiot. Albuquerque sucks plain and simple. Why would anybody want to do any business in Albuquerque? Clean up your mess and vote his worthless ass out.

  4. I don’t live in the northern part of the state, but I can relate to lot of the above comments of a typical Far-left Democrat too the one running for President.

    Did anyone learn where Kamala stands on the issues affecting US citizens during her CNN interview? Well, as a professional unscrupulous politician, she spilled from both sides of her mouth. But, for hardcore lefty democrats it won’t matter, they’ll follow the Democratic “Pipe Piper” Machine, regardless if they wind up with the same corrupt Biden-Harris policies…”AGAIN”.

    Now, she did make an astounding confession how she and Biden got it all wrong for 3 &1/2 years when she acknowledged changing her view on fracking and on other of Trump’s policies. OK…OK, she didn’t actually say that. However, she has plagiarized on Trump’s policies, by copying or mentioning changes to her views that aligned with his policies. Also, she did spill from one side of her mouth, when she said, “……let’s be clear, my values have not changed…..” Skillful spill for her “Joy” followers…….who will take that to the bank as her signal of continuing with the Biden-Harris socialist programs and diminishing fracking in short order.

    She is a FAKE……just like the mainstream media that did not promote her for president two months ago, until the “Pipe Piper” spoke, and then they all fell in line for the……”Special Kamala Flavored Kool-Aid”.

    The good thing though, the majority of American citizens are not stupid and will not fall for the same propaganda and lies as they reflect and remember “…………fool me twice, shame on me”.


  5. I moved away from Albuquerque about three years ago and I am really, really glad. Like most dems in New Mexico, he’ll win whether he actually wins or not. Talk about a useless waste of air!

  6. He’s not only far left but a beta male cuck! He’s responsible for over 100 small businesses and restaurants going out of business during the pandemic. I remember those days of standing in a lines going behind Costco and Walmart. Never again! This weak useful tool of Soros and the WEF needs to go away and never come back. What is it with these carpetbagging politicians like him and Heineylick who are from liberal states coming here and locals vote for them? We need people like Louie Sanchez who has skin in the game and is a local. Also we need to fire the state RNC leader, Steve Pearce! What has he done for conservative candidates in New Mexico. I will vote for Nella because she is the lesser of the two evils but the Domenici name and legacy does not carry over because she’s also a carpetbagger and runs shoulders with the Blackrocks of the world who are accumulating 40% of the real estate market and all of these major corporations should be investigated and anti-monopoly laws passed to break them up just like Ma Bell back in earlier days. Sorry to say, but unless we have fighters like Jon Block and Stephanie Lord, nothing will change and only get worse!

  7. I agree with George and ditto, I’ll add that if Keller gets another 4 years he will complete his tasks…of completely destroying what’s left of Albuquerque. I have lived here for 50 years, also retired from the city, and can honestly say i have never seen a worse mayor. Timmy only wants his glamor shots and face in the media, has no idea how to lead or manage. Albuquerque has turned into a complete democrat cesspool, and I can’t wait to get me and my family out of here.

  8. Tim seems like the same type as Denvers’s mayor Mike Johnson. Spineless ideologue who probably likes to cross dress when no one is looking.

    How long before gangs start capturing apartments if it already isn’t happening.

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