In maniacal DNC speech, MLG auditions to be Harris’ abortion czar

On Tuesday night, far-left pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham gave her best shot at an attempt to headline “healthcare” issues in the potential Kamala Harris regime come 2025 with a Democrat National Convention (DNC) speech. 

She had a significant focus on abortion up-to-birth policies and wooing doctors from pro-life states to come to kill babies in the womb in pro-abortion states like New Mexico.

“Donald Trump and J.D. Vance want to dismantle our health care system, repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and eliminate protections for pre-existing conditions,” the far-left fringe governor declared, despite that not being the case other than the GOP ticket vowing to do away with the socialist, antiquated Obama-era law and stop it from repelling doctors and media professionals from states like New Mexico.

She said, “Either these guys don’t get it, or they just don’t care,” referring to Trump and Vance, despite Trump lowering health care costs for Americans by lowering premiums and drug costs and giving veterans a choice in their health care decisions.

“You know who gets it? Kamala Harris gets it, and she cares,” the radical leftist declared. “Do you know what Donald Trump delivered? Junk plans, higher premiums, and abortion bans,” she claimed, despite Democrats clinging on to the failed Obamacare framework after the former Sen. John McCain joined Democrats in helping stop the repeal of the outdated and flawed law that resulted in premiums skyrocketing and people forced not to be insured due to said high prices.

She touted how Harris claims she will give abortions to “any woman who needs it,” adding that the pro-abortion Democrat “nominee” is the “president America needs.”

Lujan Grisham is known for ramming through a 2021 law that stripped any and all protections for babies, expectant mothers, and healthcare professionals to effectively legalize abortion up-to-birth and create the possibility for the continuance of infanticide in the Land of Enchantment.

The audition to be Harris’ abortion czar was met with applause by the rabidly anti-life audience, which frothed at the mouth at the idea of more kids being killed prematurely.

To prove the DNC’s pro-abortion bona fides, at least 25 babies were killed at a mobile unit set up in a truck by Planned Parenthood for DNC attendees to kill their babies while at the convention. 


33 thoughts on “In maniacal DNC speech, MLG auditions to be Harris’ abortion czar”

    1. She is so EVIL And it’s is brought to the public eye. The thing thatmakes me really pissed is she is proud of KILLING BABIES. God forgive her. Forgive Mt God but I hope she gets what she deserves for every baby she allowes to be killed


      IMPEACHED!! And does she have granddaughters or grandsons? Or are they “transitioning?” She has done so much damage to NM! She is defunct in her job to bring NM up, instead we are a third-world country. But the loyal leftists don’t want to admit that this is what we are dealing with.

      1. What we fail to attack is all the democrats in the round house that refuse to stand against her. Those bills would not have passed except they helped her. John Arthur Smith stood and she lied about him and the folks in his district were to stupid to care what was going on.

    2. that would be the best for America, and defintiely for New Mexico. This woman is evil and if we don’t vote her out of office in the next election that concerns her, we have only ourselves to blame for the baby murders to come. Shame on those who supprt her.

  1. Equating murder with health is a paradox that can only come from the evil demented minds of the neo Bolshevik’s in the hijacked democrat party. That so many people are fooled by them is a testament to mind boggling brainwashing and their propaganda machine, the mainstream media. Critical thought escapes most Americans. Our new overlords the secular elites running the country are passing off our demise by cloaking issues as revoking our 2 nd amendment rights as “public safety “ and child murder as “ womens health” . Don’t be fooled, every communist regime has promised paradise but delivered hell!

  2. Last comment has the best definition of communism I have seen /heard.
    ” Communism, promising heaven but delivering hell “. Great thought on retroactive abortion for MLG from previous commenter, too.

  3. Did the Catholic bishop who gave the invocation at the DNC on Tuesday speak about the killing of babies at this event? If not, he missed a golden opportunity to proclaim God’s plan for those babies in this world. It’s unfortunate that Catholics can’t rely on our own clergy to proclaim God’s Word when what is going on in our country is in conflict with it. Jesus didn’t tell the apostles to shy away from His Word when it was an unpopular thought at the time. In fact, most of His apostles endured death and martyrdom for it. As a side note, I’m surprised MLG didn’t bring along her buddy, Bishop Wester, so he could stand beside her and support her positions.

  4. MLG is perfect fit for her BFF Kamala’s admin. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was the VP pick but since she’s had so much ‘on the job’ experience with making NM the abortion sanctuary state of the US she is very well suited for this job as well. NM is well rid of her as governor (hope they don’t end up with worse) after her term is up, time to share her with the rest of the country….UGH, I just threw up a little!

    1. I want to throw up every time she and her comrades are mentioned. Good thing is that Texas has told their doctors that if they come to NM and perform abortions (murder) they will loose their licenses to practice in Texas! All red states need to do this!
      I think that every doctor who performs these egregious acts would loose the licenses to practice medicine anywhere in America. I know that is a dream.

  5. I wish abortion could be viewed with reason. It is sometimes necessary but not because you were too lazy to take available precautions before having a little fun. Then having taxpayers ( the Gov.) pay someone to commit murder for you, and then call it women’s health, and getting votes for the democratic party.

  6. if you are a catholic and say yes to any type of abortion you are not catholic any priest that does not speak out is not a priest and if the pope does not speak out against abortion is not blessed by God and should be forcibly removed from his position. Last, what type of governor wants to be known as Americas baby killer? She should be forced to watch an abortion where they have to remove body parts to pull the baby out of the the vessel, the woman is not a women nor a mother, she is of the devil and so is our governor.

    1. Clare A May, retired

      Another truthful statement…

      Beyond worrying where we will end up in this world… what is so hurtful and disparaging is…Not a peep from the Catholic’s Churches…or the “peeping” is so quiet that it doesn’t shake the foundation of all the Church’s to their cores.
      You have people like me, while I am a Christian, I am not a devoted Catholic, and have been described as a Protestant at times, and according to the US Military a “NRP” No Religious Preference” because?… Because there I find some good in all religions… I said “SOME GOOD”… Some can be bad.

      But my voice is just one…in a sea of monsters and infacidal maniacs’ who refuse to condemn the Gobernor and the State Gooberment executing perfectly fine 9 month or late term children at the taxpaying publics expense…

      Taxation without Representation ring a bell to anyone?

  7. What I don’t understand is that pro-abortion women who’s mantra my body my choice will not tolerate anyone interfering in their right to kill a baby especially the pro-lifers but are willing for the taxpayers to fund these very expensive abortion. Is this a double standard?? Screw you taxpayers, if I want to kill my baby it’s my choice, but you taxpayer pro – lifers will pay for it… what is it about this picture I do get. We taxpayers didn’t have a choice. MLG you have blood on your hands and so does QueMala.

  8. Did you know that Google’s gpu, graphic processing unit, is named adreno? Did you know that Google’s search engine is chrome? Put the two words together. Use yandex as a search engine. You can type it in and search.

  9. The 25 abortions done in the INFANTICIDE TRUCK outside the DNC will hopefully backfire, similar to Edison’s 1903 gruesome film of the electrocution of an elephant using alternating current. He hoped that would prove his direct current should be chosen to power all of America, when Tesla’s alternating current was the far better choice.

  10. . “Do you know what Donald Trump delivered? Junk plans (you mean Obamacare?) , higher premiums (again, you mean Obamacare?) and abortion bans,” (there are NO abortion bans in NM).
    Pandering for a Kamala admin appointment…pathetic, no self respect…

  11. One of the reasons I left the Catholic faith long ago is the Catholic church’s silence on abortion. Sure, a bishop may speak up at their own peril once in a while like Cardinal Dolan, but until it comes from the Pope, it means nothing. The Pope is a communist for real. The Catholic faith and Democrats have been co-opted by radical communists. Personal responsibility is thrown out the window. I’m not against birth control for family planning but what kind of human being is so lacking as preparing to have protected sex? Hell the pill is free to them already. But, sloth and laziness are benchmarks of the Democrat Party. As a younger man, I got my girlfriend pregnant, but she didn’t tell me until later. She told me she was on the pill. Her parents made her get an abortion and did not give me a chance to marry her and I found out too late. We went our separate ways but I saw her years after I came back on leave from the military and she told me that I would have had twin sons. It haunts me every day that I would have two handsome and wonderful 43 year old sons who could have had their own families and dreams. It hurts more when it hits you personally. The lawn gnome is pure evil! I pray for New Mexico! We do not need to be the abortion capital of the US! It’s bad enough that our people are uninformed and ignorant to the Democrats slide into socialism. These WEF, Schwab, Soros, Gates, Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard demons are so convinced that the majority of us are too dumb to know that this new world order BS is poison and will take our autonomy and freedoms away. There will be many of us who live in NM because we love it, but if Kamala is hired and the lawn gnome gets a position in her cabinet, I’ll move to a red state with a quickness!

    1. God bless you George, the only way to heal is through Jesus Christ but, you never will forget the loss. Abortion is the Democrats number one issue and obsession, why?

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